Releases: idnow/
- OTP Step: We have made the required changes to the flow that allow us to control whether or not the OTP step is displayed to the user.
- Bug fixes: Fix an issue regarding the OTP screen.
- Picture-in-Picture (PiP): We have made some minor fixes to the PiP feature that allows users to put the app in the background and still continue to see the agent's video feed. We hope to improve agent-user communication and reduce the chances of WebSocket connection dropping.
- Enhanced security validation: We have taken additional steps to increase the overall security of our application.
- Fixed crashes: As part of this version we have also identified and fixed some crashes to ensure that users can go through the flow uninterrupted.
- UI/UX enhancements: We have made various adjustments to our user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure users have a consistent experience throughout the flow.
- Bug fixes: We regularly test our products to assess areas where there is any room for improvement. We identified some minor bugs and fixed those as part of this release as well.
- Minor enhancement for Language Selector feature: We have now made it possible for you to use the language selector feature regardless of whether the Terms and Conditions screen is enabled or not.
- We have mode some technical changes to address users' concerns that were reported while using eID.
- We had noticed that the version 3.0.1 of the eID SDK was crashing. As part of this version we have made the required changes to prevent that.
- We noticed a minor UI inconsistency while using the Picture-in-Picture (PiP) feature that was released in the last version i.e. v9.1.0. As part of this hotfix we have fixed that UI inconsistency.
Migration Guide:
Update reference to IDnow SDK 9.1.1
Update reference eID SDK to 3.0.1
Picture-in-Picture (PiP): We have release the PiP feature that will show the agent's video feed to the user when the user puts the app in the background. The user will continue to see it unless the flow has been explicitly aborted. We are expecting this to improve agent-user communication and reduce the chances of WebSocket connection dropping. Like most features in our SDK, this is a configurable feature and can be enabled/disabled depending on our customers' choosing.
Enhanced security validation: To reduce the chances of a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack over TLS, we have implemented an additional layer of validation. This increases the security of the communication channel between the backend and client side.
Fixed crashes: As part of this version we have also identified and fixed some crashes to ensure that users can go through the flow uninterrupted.
UI/UX enhancements: We have made various adjustments to our user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure users have a consistent experience throughout the flow.
Bug fixes: We regularly test our products to assess areas where there is any room for improvement. We identified some minor bugs and fixed those as part of this release as well.
Migration Guide:
Update reference to IDnow SDK 9.1.0
Update reference eID SDK to 3.0.1
- As part of this release, we have upgraded the version of Authada library. This is only relevant for customers that are using eID as an identification method.
Migration Guide:
Update reference to IDnow SDK 9.0.1
Update reference eID SDK to 3.0.1
Important: This version consists of changes made to our SDK to ensure that it is compatible with Android 15. In order for your (host) application to be displayed on PlayStore for Android 15 devices, it is mandatory for it to target API Level 35. As you make the required changes to your application to make it compatible with Android 15, you have to make sure to use v9.0.0 (or above) of our Android SDK.
In addition to using v9.0.0 of our Android SDK, you also need to add* the following line of code in your build.gradle files:
android {
packagingOptions {
jniLibs {
useLegacyPackaging true
*This is needed because even though this version of our Android SDK is compatible with Android 15, it does not yet support the 16KB page sizes. In the future we will release another version where 16KB page sizes will be supported.
What changes have we made as part of this release?
Kotlin version upgraded from v1.7.21 to v2.0.20
Kotlin JVM target updated from v1.8 to v17
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '17'
Java compileOptions updated from v1.8 to v17
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility 17
targetCompatibility 17
Gradle upgraded from v7.5 to v8.6
Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) upgraded from v7.1.3 to v8.4.2
Gradle-license-plugin upgraded from v0.8.91 to v0.9.3
OkHttp upgraded from v4.9.3 to v4.12.0
compileSdk, buildToolsVersion and targetSdk updated to API level 35
Removed AndroidPdfViewer: We have replaced the AndroidPdfViewer library with a native implementation. This helps us get rid of an external library and have more control over our product.
Name verification screen: We have introduced a new 'Name Verification' screen at the beginning of the flow. The purpose of this screen is to allow users to verify whether or not the name stored against their identification token matches the name on their identification document.
UI/UX enhancements: We have made various adjustments to our user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure users have a consistent experience throughout the flow.
Bug fixes: We regularly test our products to assess areas where there is any room for improvement. We identified some minor bugs and fixed those as part of this release.
Migration Guide:
Update reference to IDnow SDK 8.5.0
Update reference eID SDK to 2.12.0