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Releases: idnow/

20 Oct 08:38
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Bug fixes:

  • Seamless video call experience: We have taken additional steps to ensure our end-users have a seamless video call experience

  • Enhanced security via dTLS: Given our commitment to data privacy and security, we have taken additional measures to make our SDK even more secure to use. A new method (setDtlsCertificateProvider) has been added in the SDK interface in order to support Datagram Transport Layer Security (dTLS).

  • UI/UX enhancements: We have made many adjustments to our user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure you have a seamless experience throughout the flow.

  • Fixed crashes: We have identified and fixed some crashes to offer our end-users a seamless experience

  • Update eID intermediary certificate: For our eID solution we have updated the intermediary certificate to match the server certificate
    Please note that the previous certificate will stop working after 07.11.2023. Therefore, for our eID SDK customers it is crucial to
    upgrade to this version of our SDK in order to continue using our eID product

Migration Guide:

  • Update reference to IDnow SDK 7.3.0
  • Update reference eID SDK to 2.7.2

29 Sep 15:36
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Bug fixes:

Enhanced security via dTLS: Given our commitment to data privacy and security, we have taken additional measures to make our SDK even more secure to use. A new method (setDtlsCertificateProvider) has been added in the SDK interface in order to support Datagram Transport Layer Security (dTLS).

Fixed an App crash issue: We had observed a few instances where the last version of our Android SDK was crashing on Android devices below Android 10. This issue has been fixed as part of this release.

UI/UX enhancements: We have made some small adjustments to our user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure users have a seamless experience throughout the flow.

Migration Guide:

Update reference to IDnow SDK 7.2.0
Update reference eID SDK to 2.7.1

31 Aug 10:19
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Bug fixes:

  • Fixing UI behaviour on showing the phone number instead of the placeholder for a specific flow using the setting setFullSizeModalSmsWindow

Migration Guide:

  • Update reference to IDnow SDK 7.1.0
  • Update reference eID SDK to 2.7.1


  • We observed that this SDK version was crashing on certain Android devices. This issue was later fixed as part of v7.2.0 of our Android SDK.

30 Aug 09:42
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The WebRTC used by our SDK is using the BouncyCastle library as a third-party dependency. As a result, previously, if the same library was being used on the integrator’s part, the two versions would end up in a conflict. In the past, as a temporary solution to this problem, we had to generate a custom version of our SDK, in order to set BouncyCastle as an external dependency.
Starting with our upcoming version (v7.0.0), we will begin offering a more feasible solution to this problem:
We will be using the custom version of our WebRTC that allows us to set BouncyCastle as an external dependency, without having to provide custom SDKs to our clients that are also using this library. This implies that this dependency will have to be added directly in the app.gradle file of the integrator app’s project.

Migration Guide:

  • Update reference to IDnow SDK 7.0.0
  • Update reference eID SDK to 2.7.1
  • Add BouncyCastle libs


10 Aug 13:30
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  • Android 14 compatibility: In order to proactively ensure that our SDK is compatible with the upcoming Android release i.e. Android 14, we have made the following changes as per instructions specified by Android:

    • Increase compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 34 in the build configuration file.

    • The minSdkVersion has also been increased to 23 since Android has mentioned that a targetSdkVersion of lower than 23 will not be supported.

    • Declare new permission to use foreground service types.

  • Language selector feature: We have introduced a new feature that will allow end-users to choose their preferred language of identification at the beginning of the flow. The choice will be offered depending on the language(s) configured for each customer and the languages supported by the IDnow call center. For this feature, we have added a new library:
    implementation 'com.github.murgupluoglu:flagkit-android:1.0.2'

Bug fixes:

  • The permissions' popup in dark mode was not easily readable for the users. We have made a slight UI adjustment to make it easier for users to read the content.
  • Fix for scroll issue: On some devices we noticed that scrolling was not working as expected on the Terms and Conditions screen. This has been fixed to offer users a seamless experience

Migration Guide:

  • Update reference to IDnow SDK to 6.8.0
  • Update reference eID SDK to 2.7.1


  • We observed that this SDK version was crashing on certain Android devices. This issue was later fixed as part of v7.2.0 of our Android SDK.

14 Jul 13:46
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Android has announced the release of a new upcoming Android version i.e. Android 14. We have made changes to our Android SDK to make it compatible with the Android 14 beta version that is currently available for testing. Our goal is to proactively take all the necessary steps to ensure that our Android SDK is compatible with the upcoming version, Android 14. However, please note that the only time we can claim with certainty that our SDK is compatible with Android 14, is when it has been officially released. Therefore, for now we are uploading a beta SDK version that is compatible with the Android 14 beta version. Once Android officially releases the new version, we will test it against our SDK to check for compatibility and make any changes, if necessary.
The following changes have been made as part of this release:
Update compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 34 in the build configuration file
Declare new permission to use foreground service types

Important to note:
The targetSdkVersion up until our last release was 33. But, as per the requirement from Android, it has been increased to 34 as part of this beta SDK release. Additionally, Android has mentioned that a targetSdkVersion of lower than 23 will not be supported.
The minSdkVersion has still been kept at 21 (just as it was up until the last release) because Android has not explicitly mentioned any restrictions pertaining to this attribute.

Migration Guide:

Update reference to IDnow SDK to 6.8.0-beta1
Update reference eID SDK to 2.7.0-beta1

06 Jul 16:01
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  • Configurability for the use of Bluetooth devices: We have now made it possible to configure whether end-users are allowed to perform the VideoIdent and/or eSign process, while being connected to a Bluetooth device. This configurability exists on an OS-level.
  • Better control over WebSocket communication: We have enhanced the way we manage WebSocket communication to reduce connectivity issues once the call gets connected to the identification expert.
  • Some crashes have also been identified and fixed to offer end-users a seamless experience

Migration Guide:

Update reference to IDnow SDK to 6.7.0
Update reference eID SDK to 2.6.0

16 May 14:54
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  • Treating the user's PII data with more care: We have introduced a configurable option to hide the user's PII data so that if a user's Ident ID is somehow accessed by someone else, the user's PII data is not exposed
  • Fixed various various leading to NullPointerException: We had come across some instances where a NullPointerException was thrown and we have fixed those as part of this release.
  • Network logging issue: We have made sure that the logging functionality works as expected i.e. Data is logged based on whether logging is enabled/disabled

Migration Guide:

Update reference to IDnow SDK to 6.6.0
Update reference eID SDK to 2.6.0

20 Apr 11:26
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  • Changes have been made to the SDK in order to enhance the security of communication that takes place between the client and SDK.

Migration Guide:

  • Update reference to IDnow SDK to 6.5.0
  • Update reference eID SDK to 2.6.0

05 Apr 14:56
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  • Removed PhotoIdent: PhotoIdent was an identification method that was offered as part of our SDK. However, this identification method is obsolete now and no longer being used by our customers. Therefore, we have removed it to reduce the overall SDK size. This will make the integration process easier for our customers.

  • Enhanced security: We have taken some steps to enhance the level of security in our product. These concern the following activities:
    IDnowForegroundService & NetworkStatusReceiver

Migration Guide:

  • Update reference to IDnow SDK to 6.4.0
  • Update reference eID SDK to 2.6.0