Add tool tips to weapon icons displaying weapon type being held
Basic jiMUD help viewer, lets you read the jiMUD help docs with out having to load a website, help > jiMUD
Added jiMUD website to help drop down as jiMUD now opens new jiMUD help viewer
Code editor:
Add basic rules to add * for block comments when adding new lines
Area designer:
Add visible doors to up/down exits on map
Mapper: Can scroll with mouse wheel when hovering a scroll icon.
Mapper: switch image-rendering to crisp-edges instead of pixelated
Auto updater was updated to latest in attempt to fix auto update bugs.
Fixed an issue when adding a new room and not checking if a room exist at the same locations for an area
Added more error catching to new mapper systems
Code editor:
If more then one area designer or virtual area editor open property grids got stuck when selecting room editor fields
Fixed placement of area designer and virtual area map container and being overlapped by the x/y coordinate rulers
Area designer:
Fixed drawing of doors
Fixed room editor type selection not having new base rooms added
Fixed base room/monster editing not filtering out self from type dropdown
Fixed base room/monster grids not correctly resizing when new data added when tabs hidden
Fixed room/monster wizard editing to update inherit types
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