Auto update:
Show download progress in task bar for windows
Display download progress in main window
Code editor:
Virtual area editor:
Undo/redo system
Allow exit walk - lets you disable/enable exit generation from the num pad
Allow resize walk - disable/enble resizing of map using num pad by walking off the edges of the map
Resize map, set new width, height, and depth then pick how you want to position the current rooms
When loading the same character over ensure auto connect is reran even if settings are the same and not reloaded
Code editor:
Tab navigation buttons and menu would not appear sometimes when using side by side views
Fix ctrl+w and ctrl+tab to use on current active tab group
Error updating scroll dropdown menu when not open
Room editor/Data grids:
Advanced text editing now break by word not by letter when wrapping text
Exit/state editing text box was hidden behind drop down button
Room preview now correctly handles mixed cased items in matching to items
Menu bars did not always re-enable correctly
You can’t perform that action at this time.