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@icewolfz icewolfz released this 17 Feb 01:19
· 1392 commits to master since this release
  • New:
    • New speed path system, adds option to group by amount of commands, and the delay between each group
    • Preferences:
      • Delay between path commands The amount of milliseconds between sending of path commands for speed paths.
      • Amount of path commands to send the # of commands to send between speed path delay
      • Speedpaths:
        • Echo echo each command to the screen as they are sent
        • Parsing of speed paths now allows you to use ( ) or { } to group a command, eg !2(n;w) would send n;w twice
    • Character manager: Notes field has been added to allow you to add notes that can be edited, they are saved directly to a file in character folder named character.notes, by saving directly to file it avoids keeping large amounts of text loaded into memory
    • Add %charcomment(text) to allow appending comments to character notes or getting notes field
    • Add %charnotes to allow setting notes or getting notes field
    • Profile manager: double clicking an item in treeview will now toggle expand or collapse state
  • Fixed:
    • Try to make sure window size is sent to the mud more accurately
    • Optimize debounce systems so it is cleaner and runs less
    • Mapper: Default to 1 if Directions to send is ever less then 1 so auto walk path sent always
    • Remove extra Enable Double Parameter Escaping from preferences dialog.
    • Immortal tools: fix minor bug in remote drag and drop download
    • Profile manager: Fixed issue when sub item group was selected and profile option changed that would cause treeview to replace sub item with profile
  • Changed:
    • Profile manager: sort profiles by priority sort if set, then alpha always, ignore index as profiles are stored by name
    • Update electron 16.0.8 to 17.0.1
    • Update monaco-editor 0.31.1 to 0.32.1
    • Update fswin 2.21.1015 to 3.22.106
    • Update electron-updater 4.6.1 to 4.6.5