Add #cw colors all words matching current trigger pattern
Add #pcol color text based on start and end positions
Add #highlight make text bold or brighter color if already bold
Add #color {pattern} fore,back,bold profile pattern and profile arguments to allow for quick trigger creation
Add %x1..%x99 predefined variable support, this variable will be replaced the matching groups start and end indexes, use this.indices or client.indices in script type to access
Add %ansi(style,fore,back) function to return ansi formatted string
Add %i predefined variable
Add %j..%z predefined variables for nested looping support
Add %random predefined variable and function
Add %char(i) return ASCII character for i
Add %ascii(string) return the ascii value for first letter in string
Add %case(n,value1,value2,value3...) return the nth value of arguments, from 1 to last argument
Add %switch(expression1,value1,...expressionN,valueN) return value of the first expression that evaluates to true
Add %if(expression,true-value,false-value) evaluate expression and return true or false value
Add #break break loop
Add #continue skips to the next loop iteration
Add {} grouping support to #nnn argument
Add #-nnn repeat commands NNN number of times but with a reverse counter
Add #if if expression is true execute true command, if false and false commands supplied execute them
Add #case return command from list based on the value of index
Add #switch execute each expression until one returns true, if none are true and an else command supplied it is executed instead
Add #loop Execute the commands a number of times given by the range
Add #repeat repeat commands number of times returned by expression
Add #be short version of #beep
Add #add Add value to variable named name, if current value is non numeric an error will be displayed
Add #math Set value to variable named name
Add #variable Set, get, or display all user set variables
Add #until Execute commands until the expression evaluates to TRUE
Add #while Execute commands as long as expression evaluates to TRUE
Add [#forall](docs/ loop stringlist, in the format of a | delimited string and set %i as each word)
Add #evaluate Evaluate expression and display to screen like show
Add #print Display text to the screen and append newline, and the display text will not fire triggers
Add #printprompt Display text to the screen, and the display text will not fire triggers
Input parser:
Add support to expression system for string comparison
Add support to expression system for string concat using + not just concat function
Add user variable support to expression system, can access in scripting using client.variables['NAME'] or client.variables.NAME
Add proper loop nesting using %i..%z variables for nested loops
Help: Add left navigation tree to allow easier navigation besides the top navigation drop down, due to new command help pages to prevent large scroll when wanted
Fixed being double parsed
Fixed issues with trailing newlines with nested loops
Fixed format error checking to accept only numbers
Fixed window size being sent to the mud when status display is hidden/shown
Fixed bug in #trigger command and adding to profile not correctly finding if one exist already
Fixed bug in #event command and adding to profile not correctly finding if one exist already
Fixed bug in #wait to allow parsing of argument to allow for %i and expressions
Profile Manager: trigger tester did not correctly apply Prepend triggered line preference
Fixed bug with File > Exit when profile manager open and should not close
Fixed bug in #color and #cw not correctly parsing profile argument
Input parser:
Fixed - being lost after %
Fixed # being lose if %# had a -, * or % following it
Fixed corrupted stack after trigger errors
Fixed issue with $named argument format
Fixed named arguments not working
Fixed bugs in repeatnum not having correct name in all places
Fixed how alias unused arguments are appended
Fixed alias arguments values not correctly parsing before being used
No longer parse #commands if in a command/function argument as it would break inline parsing in most cases
Fixed execution of buttons and context items with broken parsing stacks
Fixed buttons and context not having error trapping code that broke cleanup
Status Display: Fixed resize bar conflicting with profile manger resize bar due to theming
Fixed crashing issue when opening external links
Fixed changelog links not working
Fixed issue with modal child windows not being set to correct parent window
Remove %named argument support from docs as it never was supported and easier to just remove it
#nnn counter is now 1 based when using %i..%z instead of 0 based
Allow group by ( and ) in command argument parsing
Update markdown-it 12.2.0 to 12.3.0
Update monaco-editor 0.30.1 to 0.31.1
Update bootstrap 3.3.7 to 3.4.1
Update datatables from 1.10.18 to 1.11.3
Update bootstrap select 1.13.17 to 1.13.18
Help: Command help has been redesigned and commands will slowly have individual help pages
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