Add #color color last added line
Add #window to open/show supported windows
Add #testunicodeemoji to display unicode emoji symbols
Add Who is on? tp open who in child window
Add Disable trigger on error to disable a trigger if an error happens, either from pattern or scripting, enabled by default to prevent spamming of broken trigger
Add Prepend triggered line disable the fix to prepend the triggered line as %0,$0, or %{0} to return to previous usage
Add %{color(fore,back,bold)} function to return color codes
Add %{zcolor(fore,back,effect)} function to convert zmud/cmud style color codes into supported jiMUD codes
Status Display: Add ability to resize
Triggers: Add Trigger on raw option to match on raw line including any ansi escape codes
Themes: Add two new themes, updated preference docs to mention custom theme folders and customizing docs to explain themes
Clean-large: scaled version of clean theme, 150% larger
Clean-extra-large: scaled version of clean theme, 200% larger
Mac: Fix window menu item on main bar
Fixed unicode combining character selection issues
Fixed unicode selection width when font style is italic
Fixed mouse cursor to use standard text cursor
Fixed more unicode surrogate/variant pair selection issues
Fixed bug in MXP expire not clearing send/link end tag
Fixed split view resize when horizontal scroll bar visible
Ansi Parser: Fixed bug in MXP expire tag not correctly expiring links on same line that come before the tag
Fixed bug with #gag not working from command line
Fixed bug with #gag and number argument not correctly working
Fixed bug with regex trigger caching
Fixed bug with %0, ${0}, $0 not always return full raw line of text Warning: this may break some triggers
Fixed bug with verbatim not error catching
Fixed bug when client was maximized then minimized and not correctly sending the new size to the mud
Focus on main window when profile manager, advanced editor, or child windows closed
Fixed bug that would not correctly clean up when window closed by close button
Fixed bug where window would not correctly save open state when main window closed
Advanced Editor: Fixed bug with context menu and colorizing selected text
Status Display: Fixed some monster icon positions
Backup: Fixed importing of Show Script Errors setting
Expand #testmxpexpire to test same line expiring
Use resize cursors instead of column resize cursors for resizable areas
Update electron 16.0.1 to 16.0.4
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