- New:
- Advanced editor
- Now supports Overline (ctrl+o), Double Underline (ctrl+d), Flash (ctrl+f), and Reverse (ctrl+r) styles
- Added send as command no echo for both formatted and verbatim
- Can now be opened using Ctrl+A
- Fonts are now set to same font as command box
- Normal and bold colors are now created from settings
- Flashing style is now styled based on setting, if off will style as underline
- Basic debug is sent to the main client when enable debug option is enabled from preferences
- Auto copy selected text from display to clipboard when done
- Copying from main client should be smarter, if selected text and command input is focused it will copy display, if command focused and has selected text will copy that text
- Profile manager can now be opened using Ctrl+P
- Profile manager now supports undo/redo systems only limited by your system's memory and cpu
- Added some docs to the GIT repo
- Mapper can now be set to always be on top of client, all windows, or independent
- Mapper import, profile import, and backup load now set windows taskbar progress bar
- Advanced editor
- Changed:
- Advanced editor now uses monospaced font
- Removed insert date/time from advanced editor context
- Display recoded into an iframe to fix selection disappearing when lost focus.
- Simplified mapper image export
- Can no longer close client until profile manager has been closed
- Changed how deleted profiles where moved to trash, now uses framework instead of extra node module
- Upgraded to electron 1.6.8
- All css/js files are ran into minifiers to gain some speed
- Help > jiMUD now opens up to the github docs
- Changed how options are reloaded for main client, instead of a direct call, fire event
- Rearranged the profile manager interface to simply and condense code
- Cleaned up profile manager code to reduce size and improve load speeds
- Fixed:
- Context menus in advanced editor have been converted into native context menus, fixing menus being cut off in small window size
- When underline would remove double underline effect when following double underline ansi attribute
- Status > Visible menu check was not updating to show current state
- Advanced editor
- Should strip all unsupported HTML tags when sending pasted text.
- Will properly convert pre tags and preserve newlines
- Profile Manager
- When closing the profile manager it always asked to save even if no changes had been made
- When editing a macro they where not correctly being saved
- Better color detection for pasted formatted text, it will now attempt to find the closet color supported in the 256 colors
- Changing the item style will now correctly change the editor mode again