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guydegnol edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 20 revisions

Quick Installation guide

# πŸ“‹ Clone the code from github
git clone
# πŸ‹ Build the app with docker
docker build . -t trianer-image
# πŸš€ Launch the app: it should open a window in your browser
docker run -p 8502:8502 --name trianer-container trianer-image

Other info: 🏊Docker 🚴Heroku πŸƒGoogle cloud 🚢Misc

Deploy through docker

Run the app

  • First, you need to build the docker image:
docker build . -t trianer-image
  • Then, you can launch the app (server will run on port 8505 by default):
docker run -p 8502:8502 --name trianer-container trianer-image

Other info

  • The config file of docker is in the Dockerfile file.:
# Base Image to use
FROM python:3.10-slim

# Change Working Directory to app directory
ADD . ./
RUN pip install --upgrade pip && pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt \
    && rm -rf requirements.txt

# Choose port
CMD sh && streamlit run --server.fileWatcherType none

Here is a few docker commands to deploy the project:

  • Other useful commands:
# Restart the local container
docker restart trianer-container

# List the container
docker ps

# Kill all the local container
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) && docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Deploy the app on Heroku

# To run it locally
heroku local

# To restart the heroku server
heroku ps:scale web=0 
heroku restart

# To check heroku logs
heroku logs --tail
heroku builds:cache:purge -a fathomless-brook-99194  --confirm fathomless-brook-99194

Deploy the app on google cloud

gcloud: Configuration is in the app.yaml and script

# Build
docker build . -t trianer-image

# Deploy
gcloud app deploy app.yaml --quiet

# Some gcloud options
gcloud projects create default
gcloud projects list
gcloud config configurations list

Some developpers tips

# Kill all streamlit servers
killall streamlit

# Push the code

# Add a heroku link
git remote set-url heroku

Info on the app's tabs:

  1. πŸ’—Athlete
  2. 🌍Race
  3. πŸŠπŸš΄πŸƒPerformances
  4. πŸ†Simulation
  5. πŸ’¦Training

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