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guydegnol edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the Trianer app

An app for TRIAthlon/Running, acting as a basic traiNER. The aim of this package is dedicated to planify running or triathlon long races.

πŸ› οΈThe aim of the app is to help you to planify your race:

  • πŸ’— Athlete can personalize their basic physiological constraints.
  • 🌍 Races formats and well-known races (mostly french races) are directly available.
  • πŸŠπŸš΄πŸƒ Performances has to be filled by the athlete (might be automatic if linked to another sport app). Heights differences and expected temperatures are also taken into account.
  • πŸ† It will finally generate an ideal nutrition plan to accomplish your race.
  • πŸ’¦ Training (beta mode ⚠️🚧) Should contains the training plan to get to that objective.

Streamlit App CC-by-nc-sa license


πŸ’‘Models are simple analytical models based on research articles. Might be nice to have access to a large athlete database, to have a better emprirical models🎁.

πŸ“š Documentation of the app is available here wiki (πŸ“§ contact).

⚠️ This package used to be deployed on heroku (pure web app). It has now to be installed localy to be tested.

βš™οΈ Installation

Here is is quick recipe to install the app (with πŸ‹ docker ).

# πŸ“‹ Clone the code from github
git clone
# πŸ‹ Build the app with docker
docker build . -t trianer-image
# πŸš€ Launch the app: it should open a window in your browser
docker run -p 8502:8502 --name trianer-container trianer-image

Info on the app's tabs:

  1. πŸ’—Athlete
  2. 🌍Race
  3. πŸŠπŸš΄πŸƒPerformances
  4. πŸ†Simulation
  5. πŸ’¦Training

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