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GraphBIG is a graph benchmarking effort initiated by Georgia Tech HPArch and IBM System G. Please refer to GraphBIG for source code of GraphBIG benchmarks.
GraphBIG-Doc repositoray contains documents of GraphBIG benchmark suites, including introduction documents, compile/execution arguments, and advanced programming guide.
HOWTO/ directory:
- HOWTO-compile.md: how to compile GraphBIG
- HOWTO-run.md: how to run GraphBIG benchmarks
- HOWTO-perf.md: how to profile GraphBIG with hardware performance counters
- HOWTO-simulate.md: how to simulate GraphBIG with detailed timing simulation
advanced/ directory:
- Dataset-import.md: how to import new datasets into GraphBIG
- OpenG-programming-guide.md: programming guide for openG graph framework
- CPU benchmarks:
$ git clone https://github.com/graphbig/graphBIG.git GraphBIG
$ cd GraphBIG
$ cd benchmark
$ make clean all
$ cd [bench dir]
$ make run
$ cat output.log
- GPU benchmarks:
$ git clone https://github.com/graphbig/graphBIG.git GraphBIG
$ cd GraphBIG
$ cd gpu_bench
$ make clean all
$ cd [bench dir]
$ make run
$ cat output.log
Directory | Contents |
benchmark | CPU benchmarks (default) |
gpu_bench | GPU benchmarks |
csr_bench | CPU benchmarks using CSR data format |
common | Supporting library |
openG | Graph computing framework |
tools | Profiling tools |
dataset | Sample dataset |
Lifeng Nai, Yinglong Xia, Ilie G. Tanase, Hyesoon Kim, and Ching-Yung Lin. GraphBIG: Understanding Graph Computing in the Context of Industrial Solutions, To appear in the proccedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis(SC), Nov. 2015
The World is Big and Linked: Whole Spectrum Industry Solutions towards Big Graphs, IEEE BigData 2015, Oct. 2015
- Submit "Issues" on GitHub
- Email: Lifeng Nai (lnai3 at gatech.edu / nailifeng at gmail.com)