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110 lines (76 loc) · 4.02 KB

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110 lines (76 loc) · 4.02 KB
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GraphBIG: How to run

Test run

It is fairly easy to perform a test run in GraphBIG. Just get into the directory of a particular benchmark and use "make run". The output will be stored in a log file named output.log. An example is shown below.

$ cd benchmark
$ cd bench_BFS
$ make run
$ cat output.log


The execution of GraphBIG benchmarks all follow the below format.

$ ./<exe> --<arg-name> <arg-value> ...

Each argument has an argument name and a corresponding value (except for perf arguments). The argument name should be started with two consecutive dashes. Like typical linux applications, the argument value cannot contain space/tab. If space/tab is really needed, it can be wrapped up in a string in commas. Each argument in GraphBIG benchmarks has a default value. If no input is specified, the default value will be used.


GraphBIG has three benchmark categories:

  • benchmark: (default) CPU benchmarks
  • csr_bench: CPU benchmarks using CSR data format
  • gpu_bench: GPU benchmarks

The benchmarks with their corresponding directory names are listed below.

Benchmark CPU(benchmark/) GPU(gpu_bench/) CPU-CSR(csr_bench)
BFS bench_BFS gpu_BFS csr_BFS
DFS bench_DFS
Graph Construction bench_graphConstruct
Graph Update bench_graphUpdate
Topology Morphing bench_TopoMorph
Shortest Path bench_shortestPath gpu_SSSP csr_SSSP
kCore Decomposition bench_kCore gpu_kCore csr_kCore
Connected Component bench_connectedComp gpu_ConnectedComp csr_CComp
Graph Coloring gpu_GraphColoring csr_GraphColoring
Triangle Count bench_triangleCount gpu_TriangleCount csr_TC
Gibbs Inference bench_gibbsInference
Degree Centrality bench_degreeCentr gpu_DegreeCentr csr_DC
Betweenness Centrality bench_betweennessCentr gpu_BetweennessCentr

Some GPU benchmarks (such as BFS) have multiple variations:

  • topo_thread_centric (ttc): topological-driven & thread-centric
  • topo_warp_centric (twc): topological-driven & warp-centric
  • data_thread_centric (dtc): data-driven & thread-centric
  • data_warp_centric (dwc): data-driven & warp-centric
  • topo_atomic (ta): topological-driven & atomic-inst

(For detailed explanation about topological-/data-driven and thread-/warp-centric, please refer to Nagesh B. Lakshminarayana, "Efficient graph algorithm execution on data-parallel architectures", dissertation, Georgia Tech)


GraphBIG benchmarks contains three types of arguments, global arguments, local arguments, and perf arguments.

  • Global arguments: arguments that are shared among all benchmarks, such as threadnum, dataset, etc.
  • Local arguments: arguments that are specific to particular benchmarks.
  • Perf arguments: arguments for hardware performance counter statistics

Global arguments

Name Default Value Description
threadnum 1 number of parallel threads (ignored in some benchmarks)
dataset dataset/small input dataset path (contains vertex/edge.csv)
separator "|" separator for the csv dataset files
help N/A print help information

Local arguments

Several benchmarks have local arguments that are specific to its own. To get information about the local arguments, just utilize the help argument. For example:

$ cd benchmark/bench_BFS
$ ./bfs --help

Perf arguments

Perf arguments are in the format of --perf-event <perf counter name>... For example:

$ ./bfs --root 31 --threadnum 1 --dataset ../dataset/small --perf-event PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES PERF_COUNT_HW_INSTRUCTIONS

More details about perf arguments can be found in