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github-actions[bot] edited this page Jan 29, 2025 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the k6 Extension Registry wiki!

Various reports on the availability of Grafana k6 extensions can be found here.

The content of the wiki is generated automatically, so it is consistent with the state of the current registry. Use the sidebar on the right to navigate between the reports. The k6 Extension Registry Service UI can be used for interactive API queries.

The following table lists all registered k6 extensions.

Repository Description Availability
GhMartingit/xk6-mongo Load-test Mongo no-SQL databases oss
JorTurFer/xk6-input-prometheus Enables real-time input from prometheus oss
Juandavi1/xk6-prompt Support for input arguments via UI oss
LeonAdato/xk6-output-statsd Enables real-time output of test metrics to a StatsD service oss
Maksimall89/xk6-output-clickhouse Export results to ClickHouse oss
SYM01/xk6-proxy Dynamic proxy support, allow changing the HTTP proxy settings in the script oss
acuenca-facephi/xk6-read Read files and directories oss
akiomik/xk6-nostr Interact with Nostr relays oss
anycable/xk6-cable Test Action Cable and AnyCable functionality oss
avitalique/xk6-file Write files oss
deejiw/xk6-gcp A k6 extension for Google Cloud Platform services. oss
deejiw/xk6-interpret Interpret Go code oss
distribworks/xk6-ethereum K6 extension for ethereum protocols oss
domsolutions/xk6-fasthttp Enable RPS increase & file streaming on HTTP/1.1 requests oss
elastic/xk6-output-elasticsearch Export results to Elasticsearch 8.x oss
frankhefeng/xk6-oauth-pkce Generate OAuth PKCE code verifier and code challenge oss
gjergjsheldija/xk6-mllp Simple MLLP sender for k6 oss
golioth/xk6-coap Interact with Constrained Application Protocol endpoints oss
gpiechnik2/xk6-httpagg Aggregate HTTP requests into an HTML report oss
gpiechnik2/xk6-smtp Use SMTP protocol to send emails oss
grafana/xk6-client-prometheus-remote Test Prometheus Remote Write performance oss cloud
grafana/xk6-client-tracing Client for load testing distributed tracing backends oss
grafana/xk6-dashboard Create a web-based metrics dashboard oss
grafana/xk6-disruptor Inject faults to test 💣 oss
grafana/xk6-exec Run external commands oss
grafana/xk6-faker Generate random fake data oss cloud synthetic
grafana/xk6-kubernetes Interact with Kubernetes clusters oss
grafana/xk6-loki Client for load testing Loki oss cloud
grafana/xk6-notification Create notifications oss
grafana/xk6-output-influxdb Export results to InfluxDB v2 oss
grafana/xk6-output-kafka Export k6 results in real-time to Kafka oss
grafana/xk6-output-opentelemetry Export k6 results in OpenTelemetry format oss
grafana/xk6-output-timescaledb Export k6 results to TimescaleDB oss
grafana/xk6-python Write k6 tests in Python oss
grafana/xk6-crawler Web crawler API for k6 oss
grafana/xk6-sm Output extension for Synthetic Monitoring synthetic
grafana/xk6-sql Load-test SQL Servers oss
grafana/xk6-sql-driver-azuresql xk6-sql driver extension for Microsoft Azure SQL database support oss
grafana/xk6-sql-driver-clickhouse xk6-sql driver extension for ClickHouse database support oss
grafana/xk6-sql-driver-mysql xk6-sql driver extension for MySQL database support oss
grafana/xk6-sql-driver-postgres xk6-sql driver extension for Postgres database support oss
grafana/xk6-sql-driver-sqlite3 xk6-sql driver extension for SQLite v3 database support oss
grafana/xk6-sql-driver-sqlserver xk6-sql driver extension for Microsoft SQL Server database support oss
grafana/xk6-sql-driver-ramsql xk6-sql driver extension for RamSQL database support oss
grafana/xk6-ssh SSH oss cloud
grafana/xk6-ts Add TypeScript support for k6 oss
kelseyaubrecht/xk6-webtransport Add support for webtransport protocol oss
kubeshop/xk6-tracetest Support for Tracetest test execution and tracing client oss
leonyork/xk6-output-timestream Export results to AWS Timestream oss
Maksimall89/xk6-telegram Interact with Telegram Bots oss
martymarron/xk6-output-prometheus-pushgateway Export results to Prometheus pushgateway oss
mostafa/xk6-kafka Load test Apache Kafka. Includes support for Avro messages. oss
nicholasvuono/xk6-playwright Browser automation and end-to-end web testing using Playwright oss
oleiade/xk6-kv Share key-value data between VUs oss
phymbert/xk6-sse Server Sent Event oss
pmalhaire/xk6-mqtt MQTT extension oss
skibum55/xk6-git Clone Git repositories from tests oss
szkiba/xk6-ansible-vault Encrypt and decrypt Ansible Vault oss
szkiba/xk6-cache Enable vendoring remote HTTP modules to a single source-control-friendly file oss
szkiba/xk6-csv Parse CSV values oss
szkiba/xk6-dotenv Load env vars from a .env file oss
szkiba/xk6-g0 Write k6 tests in golang oss
szkiba/xk6-output-plugin Dynamic output extension using your favorite programming language oss
szkiba/xk6-prometheus Prometheus HTTP exporter for k6 oss
szkiba/xk6-toml Encode and decode TOML values oss
szkiba/xk6-top Updating the current k6 metrics summaries on the terminal during the test run oss
szkiba/xk6-yaml Encode and decode YAML values oss
thmshmm/xk6-opentelemetry Generate OpenTelemetry signals from k6 tests oss
thotasrinath/xk6-couchbase Load-test Couchbase no-SQL databases oss
tmieulet/xk6-cognito Get a cognito access token using USER_SRP_AUTH flow oss
walterwanderley/xk6-stomp Client for STOMP protocol oss
szkiba/xk6-banner Print ASCII art banner from k6 test oss

The list can be downloaded in JSON format using the command below.

curl ''


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