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github-actions[bot] edited this page Jan 29, 2025 · 12 revisions

Compliance check results for all registered extensions.


Compliance with the requirements expected of k6 extensions is checked by various compliance checkers. The result of the checks is compliance as a percentage value (0-100). This value is created as a weighted, normalized value of the scores of each checker. A compliance grade is created from the percentage value (A-F, A is the best).

  • module - checks if there is a valid go.mod
  • replace - checks if there is no replace directive in go.mod
  • readme - checks if there is a readme file
  • examples - checks if there are files in the examples directory
  • license - checks whether there is a suitable OSS license
  • git - checks if the directory is git workdir
  • versions - checks for semantic versioning git tags
  • build - checks if the latest k6 version can be built with the extension
  • smoke - checks if the smoke test script exists and runs successfully (smoke.js, smoke.ts, smoke.test.js or smoke.test.ts in the test,tests, examples or the base directory)
  • types - checks if the TypeScript API declaration file exists (index.d.ts in the docs, api-docs or the base directory)
  • codeowners - checks if there is a CODEOWNERS file (for official extensions) (in the .github or docs or in the base directory)
Repository Issues Description
grade C GhMartingit/xk6-mongo smoke types Load-test Mongo no-SQL databases
grade C JorTurFer/xk6-input-prometheus smoke examples types Enables real-time input from prometheus
grade C Juandavi1/xk6-prompt smoke types Support for input arguments via UI
grade A LeonAdato/xk6-output-statsd πŸŽ‰ Enables real-time output of test metrics to a StatsD service
grade A Maksimall89/xk6-output-clickhouse πŸŽ‰ Export results to ClickHouse
grade C SYM01/xk6-proxy smoke types Dynamic proxy support, allow changing the HTTP proxy settings in the script
grade C acuenca-facephi/xk6-read smoke types Read files and directories
grade C akiomik/xk6-nostr smoke types Interact with Nostr relays
grade C anycable/xk6-cable smoke types Test Action Cable and AnyCable functionality
grade C avitalique/xk6-file smoke types Write files
grade C deejiw/xk6-gcp smoke types A k6 extension for Google Cloud Platform services.
grade C deejiw/xk6-interpret smoke examples types Interpret Go code
grade C distribworks/xk6-ethereum smoke types K6 extension for ethereum protocols
grade C domsolutions/xk6-fasthttp smoke types Enable RPS increase & file streaming on HTTP/1.1 requests
grade A elastic/xk6-output-elasticsearch πŸŽ‰ Export results to Elasticsearch 8.x
grade C frankhefeng/xk6-oauth-pkce smoke types Generate OAuth PKCE code verifier and code challenge
grade C gjergjsheldija/xk6-mllp smoke types Simple MLLP sender for k6
grade D golioth/xk6-coap build smoke examples types Interact with Constrained Application Protocol endpoints
grade C gpiechnik2/xk6-httpagg smoke types Aggregate HTTP requests into an HTML report
grade C gpiechnik2/xk6-smtp smoke types Use SMTP protocol to send emails
grade C grafana/xk6-client-prometheus-remote smoke types Test Prometheus Remote Write performance
grade E grafana/xk6-client-tracing replace build smoke examples types Client for load testing distributed tracing backends
grade A grafana/xk6-dashboard πŸŽ‰ Create a web-based metrics dashboard
grade C grafana/xk6-disruptor smoke examples types Inject faults to test πŸ’£
grade C grafana/xk6-exec smoke types Run external commands
grade A grafana/xk6-faker πŸŽ‰ Generate random fake data
grade C grafana/xk6-kubernetes smoke types Interact with Kubernetes clusters
grade C grafana/xk6-loki replace smoke types Client for load testing Loki
grade C grafana/xk6-notification smoke types Create notifications
grade A grafana/xk6-output-influxdb πŸŽ‰ Export results to InfluxDB v2
grade A grafana/xk6-output-kafka πŸŽ‰ Export k6 results in real-time to Kafka
grade A grafana/xk6-output-opentelemetry πŸŽ‰ Export k6 results in OpenTelemetry format
grade A grafana/xk6-output-timescaledb πŸŽ‰ Export k6 results to TimescaleDB
grade C grafana/xk6-python smoke types Write k6 tests in Python
grade A grafana/xk6-crawler πŸŽ‰ Web crawler API for k6
grade A grafana/xk6-sm πŸŽ‰ Output extension for Synthetic Monitoring
grade A grafana/xk6-sql πŸŽ‰ Load-test SQL Servers
grade A grafana/xk6-sql-driver-azuresql πŸŽ‰ xk6-sql driver extension for Microsoft Azure SQL database support
grade A grafana/xk6-sql-driver-clickhouse πŸŽ‰ xk6-sql driver extension for ClickHouse database support
grade A grafana/xk6-sql-driver-mysql πŸŽ‰ xk6-sql driver extension for MySQL database support
grade A grafana/xk6-sql-driver-postgres πŸŽ‰ xk6-sql driver extension for Postgres database support
grade A grafana/xk6-sql-driver-sqlite3 πŸŽ‰ xk6-sql driver extension for SQLite v3 database support
grade A grafana/xk6-sql-driver-sqlserver πŸŽ‰ xk6-sql driver extension for Microsoft SQL Server database support
grade A grafana/xk6-sql-driver-ramsql πŸŽ‰ xk6-sql driver extension for RamSQL database support
grade B grafana/xk6-ssh types SSH
grade C grafana/xk6-ts smoke types Add TypeScript support for k6
grade C kelseyaubrecht/xk6-webtransport smoke types Add support for webtransport protocol
grade D kubeshop/xk6-tracetest build smoke examples types Support for Tracetest test execution and tracing client
grade A leonyork/xk6-output-timestream πŸŽ‰ Export results to AWS Timestream
grade C Maksimall89/xk6-telegram smoke types Interact with Telegram Bots
grade A martymarron/xk6-output-prometheus-pushgateway πŸŽ‰ Export results to Prometheus pushgateway
grade C mostafa/xk6-kafka smoke examples Load test Apache Kafka. Includes support for Avro messages.
grade C nicholasvuono/xk6-playwright smoke types Browser automation and end-to-end web testing using Playwright
grade C oleiade/xk6-kv smoke types Share key-value data between VUs
grade C phymbert/xk6-sse smoke types Server Sent Event
grade C pmalhaire/xk6-mqtt smoke types MQTT extension
grade C skibum55/xk6-git smoke examples types Clone Git repositories from tests
grade C szkiba/xk6-ansible-vault smoke examples Encrypt and decrypt Ansible Vault
grade A szkiba/xk6-cache πŸŽ‰ Enable vendoring remote HTTP modules to a single source-control-friendly file
grade C szkiba/xk6-csv smoke examples Parse CSV values
grade A szkiba/xk6-dotenv πŸŽ‰ Load env vars from a .env file
grade C szkiba/xk6-g0 smoke examples types Write k6 tests in golang
grade A szkiba/xk6-output-plugin πŸŽ‰ Dynamic output extension using your favorite programming language
grade A szkiba/xk6-prometheus πŸŽ‰ Prometheus HTTP exporter for k6
grade C szkiba/xk6-toml smoke examples Encode and decode TOML values
grade A szkiba/xk6-top πŸŽ‰ Updating the current k6 metrics summaries on the terminal during the test run
grade C szkiba/xk6-yaml smoke examples Encode and decode YAML values
grade C thmshmm/xk6-opentelemetry smoke types Generate OpenTelemetry signals from k6 tests
grade C thotasrinath/xk6-couchbase smoke types Load-test Couchbase no-SQL databases
grade C tmieulet/xk6-cognito smoke types Get a cognito access token using USER_SRP_AUTH flow
grade C walterwanderley/xk6-stomp smoke types Client for STOMP protocol
grade C szkiba/xk6-banner smoke types Print ASCII art banner from k6 test

The issues column contains the IDs of the failed checkers.

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