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MDI Dialog Window Service

Julio Carneiro edited this page Oct 23, 2017 · 4 revisions

The library includes a set of service classes that are used for opening movable windows, which can be modal or not.


The service is comprised of a provider class, Modal, and auxiliary classes ModalConfig and ModalDialogInstance.

The Modal Class

Modal is the provider class one uses to open and start a Dialog Window. It uses a kendo-ui window widget to build and control the dialog window.

Here is an example on how to use it:

import { ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
import { Modal } from '../js44D/angular2-modal/providers/Modal';
import { LoginComponent } from '...';
   constructor (private modal: Modal, private hostViewRef: ViewContainerRef) {
        this.modal.openInside(<any>LoginComponent, this.hostViewRef, null, LoginComponent['dialogConfig'])
            .then((result) => {
                switch (result) {
                    case 'loggedin':
                    case 'signUp':

Modal Class Functions


This function will open an independent Dialog Window, and it takes the following arguments:

  • componentType: The angular Component Class to render as the Dialog Window contents.
  • parameters: parameters to be passed to the dialog instance.
  • config: A Modal Configuration object (see below).
  • allowMultiple: indicates if multiple version of the same dialog are allowed; default is false.
  • dialogID: a dialog identification token to control multiple occurrences.

The function will return a Promise, that caller can subscribe to and act upon when the Dialog Window closes.


This function will open an independent Dialog Window, and it takes the following arguments:

  • componentType: The angular Component Class to render as the Dialog Window contents, the class must have a static ModalConfig variable named dialogConfig.
  • parameters: parameters to be passed to the dialog instance.
  • allowMultiple: indicates if multiple version of the same dialog are allowed; default is false.
  • dialogID: a dialog identification token to control multiple occurrences.

The function will return a Promise, that caller can subscribe to and act upon when the Dialog Window closes.


This function will open an independent Dialog Window, and it takes the following arguments:

  • componentType: The angular Component Class to render as the Dialog Window contents.
  • viewRef: the ViewReference where the dialog is to open into, be a child of.
  • parameters: parameters to be passed to the dialog instance.
  • config: A Modal Configuration object (see below).
  • allowMultiple: indicates if multiple version of the same dialog are allowed; default is false.
  • dialogID: a dialog identification token to control multiple occurrences.

The function will return a Promise, that caller can subscribe to and act upon when the Dialog Window closes.

The ModalConfig Class

This class defines the properties of a Modal Dialog. It can be declared as a static variable, named dialogConfig, on classes representing Modal Dialog contents, which can then be opened via a call to modal.openDialog().

The class has the following properties:

  • title: the dialog title
  • isModal: if set to true indicates that the dialog window is modal; it can be closed by clicking outside the window
  • isBlocking: A Blocking modal is not closable by clicking outside of the modal window
  • isDraggable: indicates if dialog window is draggable, movable
  • isResizable: indicates if window is resizable
  • position: an object with 2 properties:
    • top: top window position, relative to the browser window; default 100px
    • left: left window position, relative to the browser window; default 100px
  • selfCentered: if set to true, dialog will be self centered into the browser window when opened (position, if set, will be ignored)
  • width: window width, in pixels
  • minWidth: minimum window width, in pixels, used when resizing window
  • height: window height, in pixels
  • minHeight: minimum window height, in pixels, used when resizing window
  • keyboard: keyboard key that closes the window, default is 27 (escape key)
  • actions: a string array listing allowable window actions:
    • Maximize:
    • Minimize:
    • Close: