- What inspired
- File description
- Contributing
- Related projects
- Abou Developer
- Landing page
In Ethiopia it takes much time for buying goods and also it is hard to get what we want by comparing from other products.And also for sellers it is hard to get customers easily.
We have wide fields to solve for the feature like
- Digital Market
- AI Behavioral analytic
- Promotional for sellers
- cloud shop
But at this time this project can be used for the online certifying platforms to check if their student itself is working on exams without manual detection.So if many students want to certify at the same time they should be fully validated and also can be managed with this AI system without video calls.
- index.html -> simple web page for the langing page of the project. Visit
- _zenbil
- Css -> All styles appear here
- img -> The immage files here
- js -> Script appears here
I am the fullstack developer of this project.
I have also worked on AI for implmenting by my self visit
- Fanuel Almaw
- I'm a Software Engineer and also software engineering student at ALX SE program.
- I have been studying low-level programming, high-level programming, system engineering and devops, and web stack programming (Front-end & Back-end) using a methodology based on peer-learning and projects.
- I'm adaptable, a fast learner, love developing my skills and also love problem solving.