- What inspired
- Introduction
- About the project
- File description
- Usage
- Contributing
- Related projects
- Licensing
- Abou Developer
- Landing page
This project inspired me by its ability to solve problems in my local.So I am happy to do tasks to solve problems. And also want to work on AI So started with this face recognition system.
Satisfaction with Solving problems by coding
I have wide fields to solve for the feature like
- Criminal tracing
- Schools and organization attendance systems
- Security of sensitive residentials
- Digital ID systems
- Door locks
But at this time this project can be used for the online certifying platforms to check if their student itself is working on exams without manual detection.So if many students want to certify at the same time they should be fully validated and also can be managed with this AI system without video calls.
The name given Blen means Amharic word that means human iris and the X also show no more need of the human eye for repetitive jobs and also eyewitness.
Blenx is camera system that can detect human face with computer vision.Help for automating tasks with computer's camera.So you can Install on your systems and This version of the program is working for the ALX Software Engineering Program LogIn with your Email and password for the program then the Exam will start with warning.When you press button start the exam will start.
This project is the Simple Demo of Examination for ALX software Engineering program done on the Portofolio project.This project developed with Python Programming Language.
- index.html -> simple web page for the langing page of the project. Visit
- _FaceRecognition
- Blenx_GUI.py -> GUI design of project
- Screens.kv -> kivy source file for the Blenx_GUI.py
- dataset.py -> capture the user data and store with their name and ID
- detector.py -> Detection module for face detecting
- train.py -> It will train the AI using the data stored (captured by dataset)
- haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml -> the frontal face classifire
Download the get-pip.py file and store it in the same directory as python is installed Install pip
Install opencv
Install kivy and KivyMD
Install Numpy
Step 1: clone the repository (you need to have git installed on your machine first)
Step 2: Change the dir to the Blenx/FaceRecognition
Step 3: Run the file
Step 4: Run the dataset python file
Step 5: Train your face for the system
Step 6: Run the Detector
Step 7: The GUI will guide you
I am the fullstack developer of this project And also I have done this project alone.
I have also designed E-commersing website for implmenting by my self visit
- I'm a Software Engineer with bachelor degree and also software engineering student at ALX SE program.
- I have been studying low-level programming, high-level programming, system engineering and devops, and web stack programming (Front-end & Back-end) using a methodology based on peer-learning and projects.
- I'm adaptable, a fast learner, love developing my skills and also love problem solving.