Changes since 1.3:
- EZP-27227: Implement index-time boosting (#90)
- Major new feature which allows you to tune the Solr indexing to fit your content architecture, see doc for how to configure.
- BC Note: This involves changes to the solr schema, make sure to reconfigure your solr instance, restart and re-index your content. Change to schema.xml
- EZP-27327: Finalize User / ContentType / Section facet support in Solr (#92)
- BC Note: New logic for FacetVisitors introduces new interface for use when implementing them, this replaces parts of current abstract which are herby deprecated and will be removed in 2.0
- EZP-27296: Don't throw exception if Search engine does not support facets (also done as part of #92)
- Change in behavior: Like Legacy Engine, Solr will no longer throw exceptions on facetBuilders it does not have visitors for, it will instead just not return facets for them. Point of this is so you should avoid having to on client side code try to guess capabilities up front of engine, instead gracefully handle what you get back in your View logic.
This version will be supported on eZ Platform 1.7.4, 1.9.1, 1.10 and up, on PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.x.