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JosPolfliet committed Jan 16, 2016
1 parent a47ba6a commit 364d1ff
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 289 deletions.
290 changes: 1 addition & 289 deletions pandas_profiling/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,301 +1,13 @@
# coding: utf-8

# In[106]:
from __future__ import division

import StringIO
import base64
import urllib
import os
import codecs

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas.core.common as com

import formatters
import templates
from pandas_profiling.base import describe, to_html

NO_OUTPUTFILE = "pandas_profiling.no_outputfile"
DEFAULT_OUTPUTFILE = "pandas_profiling.default_outputfile"

def describe(df):
if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError("df must be of type pandas.DataFrame")
if df.empty:
raise ValueError("df can not be empty")

# reset matplotlib style before use"default"), "pandas_profiling.mplstyle"))

def pretty_name(x):
x *= 100
if x == int(x):
return '%.0f%%' % x
return '%.1f%%' % x

def describe_numeric_1d(series, base_stats):
stats = {'mean': series.mean(), 'std': series.std(), 'variance': series.var(), 'min': series.min(),
'max': series.max()}
stats['range'] = stats['max'] - stats['min']

for x in np.array([0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95]):
stats[pretty_name(x)] = series.quantile(x)
stats['iqr'] = stats['75%'] - stats['25%']
stats['kurtosis'] = series.kurt()
stats['skewness'] = series.skew()
stats['sum'] = series.sum()
stats['mad'] = series.mad()
stats['cv'] = stats['std'] / stats['mean'] if stats['mean'] else np.NaN
stats['type'] = "NUM"
stats['p_zeros'] = (len(series) - np.count_nonzero(series)) / len(series)

# Large histogram
imgdata = StringIO.StringIO()
plot = series.plot(kind='hist', figsize=(6, 4),
facecolor='#337ab7') # TODO when running on server, send this off to a different thread
plot.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.1, wspace=0, hspace=0)
stats['histogram'] = 'data:image/png;base64,' + urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(imgdata.buf))
#TODO Think about writing this to disk instead of caching them in strings

stats['mini_histogram'] = mini_histogram(series)

return pd.Series(stats,

def mini_histogram(series):
# Small histogram
imgdata = StringIO.StringIO()
plot = series.plot(kind='hist', figsize=(2, 0.75), facecolor='#337ab7')
xticks = plot.xaxis.get_major_ticks()
for tick in xticks[1:-1]:
for tick in (xticks[0], xticks[-1]):
plot.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=1, bottom=0.35, wspace=0, hspace=0)
result_string = 'data:image/png;base64,' + urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(imgdata.buf))
return result_string

def describe_date_1d(series, base_stats):
stats = {'min': series.min(), 'max': series.max()}
stats['range'] = stats['max'] - stats['min']
stats['type'] = "DATE"

# TODO: Matplotlib can't do dates of histograms.
# stats['mini_histogram'] = mini_histogram(series)

return pd.Series(stats,

def describe_categorical_1d(data):
# Only run if at least 1 non-missing value
objcounts = data.value_counts()
top, freq = objcounts.index[0], objcounts.iloc[0]
names = []
result = []

if data.dtype == object or com.is_categorical_dtype(data.dtype):
names += ['top', 'freq', 'type']
result += [top, freq, 'CAT']

return pd.Series(result, index=names,

def describe_constant_1d(data):
return pd.Series(['CONST'], index=['type'],

def describe_unique_1d(data):
return pd.Series(['UNIQUE'], index=['type'],

def describe_1d(data):
# Is unique
# Percent missing
names = ['count', 'distinct_count', 'p_missing', 'n_missing', 'is_unique', 'mode', 'p_unique', 'memorysize']
count = data.count()
leng = len(data)
distinct_count = data.nunique(dropna=False)
if count > distinct_count > 1:
mode = data.mode().iloc[0]
mode = data[0]

results_data = [count, distinct_count, 1 - count / leng, leng - count, distinct_count == leng, mode,
distinct_count / count, data.memory_usage()]
result = pd.Series(results_data, index=names,

if distinct_count <= 1:
result = result.append(describe_constant_1d(data))
elif com.is_numeric_dtype(data):
result = result.append(describe_numeric_1d(data, result))
elif com.is_datetime64_dtype(data):
result = result.append(describe_date_1d(data, result))
elif distinct_count == leng:
result = result.append(describe_unique_1d(data))
result = result.append(describe_categorical_1d(data))
return result

if not pd.Index(np.arange(0, len(df))).equals(df.index):
# Treat index as any other column
df = df.reset_index()

ldesc = [describe_1d(s) for _, s in df.iteritems()]
# set a convenient order for rows
names = []
ldesc_indexes = sorted([x.index for x in ldesc], key=len)
for idxnames in ldesc_indexes:
for name in idxnames:
if name not in names:
variable_stats = pd.concat(ldesc, join_axes=pd.Index([names]), axis=1)
variable_stats.columns.names = df.columns.names

table_stats = {'n': len(df), 'nvar': len(df.columns)}
table_stats['total_missing'] = variable_stats.loc['n_missing'].sum() / (table_stats['n'] * table_stats['nvar'])
table_stats['n_duplicates'] = sum(df.duplicated())

memsize = df.memory_usage(index=True).sum()
table_stats['memsize'] = formatters.fmt_bytesize(memsize)
table_stats['recordsize'] = formatters.fmt_bytesize(memsize / table_stats['n'])

table_stats.update({k: 0 for k in ("NUM", "DATE", "CONST", "CAT", "UNIQUE")})

return {'table': table_stats, 'variables': variable_stats.T, 'freq': {k: df[k].value_counts() for k in df.columns}}

# (/TODO:, add, warnings, high, cardinality)
# (/, add, different, vartypes, for, measurements,
# (different, value, for, each, observation), dates,, lookup, keys=discrete,, ...)

def to_html(sample_df, stats_object):
n_obs = stats_object['table']['n']

value_formatters = formatters.value_formatters
row_formatters = formatters.row_formatters

if not isinstance(sample_df, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError("sample_df must be of type pandas.DataFrame")

if not isinstance(stats_object, dict):
raise TypeError("stats_object must be of type dict. Did you generate this using the pandas_profiling.describe() function?")

if stats_object.keys() != ['table', 'variables', 'freq']:
raise TypeError("stats_object badly formatted. Did you generate this using the pandas_profiling-eda.describe() function?")

def fmt(value, name):
if pd.isnull(value):
return ""
if name in value_formatters:
return value_formatters[name](value)
elif isinstance(value, float):
return value_formatters[formatters.DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMATTER](value)
return str(value)

def freq_table(freqtable, n, table_template, row_template, max_number_of_items_in_table):

freq_rows_html = u''

freq_other = sum(freqtable[max_number_of_items_in_table:])
freq_missing = n - sum(freqtable)
max_freq = max(freqtable.values[0], freq_other, freq_missing)
min_freq = freqtable.values[max_number_of_items_in_table]
except IndexError:
min_freq = 0

# TODO: Correctly sort missing and other

def format_row(freq, label, extra_class=''):
width = int(freq / max_freq * 99) + 1
if width > 20:
label_in_bar = freq
label_after_bar = ""
label_in_bar = "&nbsp;"
label_after_bar = freq

return row_template.format(label=label,
percentage='{:2.1f}'.format(freq / n * 100),

for label, freq in freqtable[0:max_number_of_items_in_table].iteritems():
freq_rows_html += format_row(freq, label)

if freq_other > min_freq:
freq_rows_html += format_row(freq_other,
"Other values (%s)" % (freqtable.count() - max_number_of_items_in_table),

if freq_missing > min_freq:
freq_rows_html += format_row(freq_missing, "(Missing)", extra_class='missing')

return table_template.format(rows=freq_rows_html, varid=hash(idx))

formatted_values = {k: fmt(v, k) for k, v in stats_object['table'].iteritems()}
row_classes = {k: row_formatters[k](v) if k in row_formatters.keys() else "" for k, v in stats_object['table'].iteritems()}

# Overview
overview_html = templates.overview_template.format(formatted_values, row_classes = row_classes)

# Variables
rows_html = u""

for idx, row in stats_object['variables'].iterrows():

formatted_values = {'varname': idx, 'varid': hash(idx)}
row_classes = {}

for col, value in row.iteritems():
formatted_values[col] = unicode(fmt(value, col))
if col in row_formatters:
row_classes[col] = row_formatters[col](value)

if row['type'] == 'CAT':
formatted_values['minifreqtable'] = freq_table(stats_object['freq'][idx], n_obs,
templates.mini_freq_table, templates.mini_freq_table_row, 3)
formatted_values['freqtable'] = freq_table(stats_object['freq'][idx], n_obs,
templates.freq_table, templates.freq_table_row, 20)
if row['type'] == 'UNIQUE':
obs = stats_object['freq'][idx].index

formatted_values['firstn'] = pd.DataFrame(obs[0:3], columns=["First 3 values"]).to_html(classes="example_values", index=False)
formatted_values['lastn'] = pd.DataFrame(obs[-3:], columns=["Last 3 values"]).to_html(classes="example_values", index=False)

if n_obs > 40:
formatted_values['firstn_expanded'] = pd.DataFrame(obs[0:20], index=range(1, 21)).to_html(classes="sample table table-hover", header=False)
formatted_values['lastn_expanded'] = pd.DataFrame(obs[-20:], index=range(n_obs - 20 + 1, n_obs+1)).to_html(classes="sample table table-hover", header=False)
formatted_values['firstn_expanded'] = pd.DataFrame(obs, index=range(1, n_obs+1)).to_html(classes="sample table table-hover", header=False)
formatted_values['lastn_expanded'] = ''

rows_html += templates.row_templates_dict[row['type']].format(formatted_values, row_classes=row_classes)

# Sample

sample_html = templates.sample_html.format(sample_table_html=sample_df.head().to_html(classes="sample"))

return templates.base_html % {'overview_html': overview_html, 'rows_html': rows_html, 'sample_html': sample_html}

class ProfileReport(object):
html = ''
file = None
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