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Fix wrong division import
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JosPolfliet committed Jan 16, 2016
1 parent 2a4dba0 commit a47ba6a
Showing 1 changed file with 282 additions and 0 deletions.
282 changes: 282 additions & 0 deletions pandas_profiling/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
from __future__ import division
import StringIO
import base64
import urllib

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
from pandas_profiling import formatters, templates
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas.core import common as com

def describe(df):
if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError("df must be of type pandas.DataFrame")
if df.empty:
raise ValueError("df can not be empty")

# reset matplotlib style before use"default"), "pandas_profiling.mplstyle"))

def pretty_name(x):
x *= 100
if x == int(x):
return '%.0f%%' % x
return '%.1f%%' % x

def describe_numeric_1d(series, base_stats):
stats = {'mean': series.mean(), 'std': series.std(), 'variance': series.var(), 'min': series.min(),
'max': series.max()}
stats['range'] = stats['max'] - stats['min']

for x in np.array([0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95]):
stats[pretty_name(x)] = series.quantile(x)
stats['iqr'] = stats['75%'] - stats['25%']
stats['kurtosis'] = series.kurt()
stats['skewness'] = series.skew()
stats['sum'] = series.sum()
stats['mad'] = series.mad()
stats['cv'] = stats['std'] / stats['mean'] if stats['mean'] else np.NaN
stats['type'] = "NUM"
stats['p_zeros'] = (len(series) - np.count_nonzero(series)) / len(series)

# Large histogram
imgdata = StringIO.StringIO()
plot = series.plot(kind='hist', figsize=(6, 4),
facecolor='#337ab7') # TODO when running on server, send this off to a different thread
plot.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.1, wspace=0, hspace=0)
stats['histogram'] = 'data:image/png;base64,' + urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(imgdata.buf))
#TODO Think about writing this to disk instead of caching them in strings

stats['mini_histogram'] = mini_histogram(series)

return pd.Series(stats,

def mini_histogram(series):
# Small histogram
imgdata = StringIO.StringIO()
plot = series.plot(kind='hist', figsize=(2, 0.75), facecolor='#337ab7')
xticks = plot.xaxis.get_major_ticks()
for tick in xticks[1:-1]:
for tick in (xticks[0], xticks[-1]):
plot.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=1, bottom=0.35, wspace=0, hspace=0)
result_string = 'data:image/png;base64,' + urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(imgdata.buf))
return result_string

def describe_date_1d(series, base_stats):
stats = {'min': series.min(), 'max': series.max()}
stats['range'] = stats['max'] - stats['min']
stats['type'] = "DATE"

# TODO: Matplotlib can't do dates of histograms.
# stats['mini_histogram'] = mini_histogram(series)

return pd.Series(stats,

def describe_categorical_1d(data):
# Only run if at least 1 non-missing value
objcounts = data.value_counts()
top, freq = objcounts.index[0], objcounts.iloc[0]
names = []
result = []

if data.dtype == object or com.is_categorical_dtype(data.dtype):
names += ['top', 'freq', 'type']
result += [top, freq, 'CAT']

return pd.Series(result, index=names,

def describe_constant_1d(data):
return pd.Series(['CONST'], index=['type'],

def describe_unique_1d(data):
return pd.Series(['UNIQUE'], index=['type'],

def describe_1d(data):
# Is unique
# Percent missing
names = ['count', 'distinct_count', 'p_missing', 'n_missing', 'is_unique', 'mode', 'p_unique', 'memorysize']
count = data.count()
leng = len(data)
distinct_count = data.nunique(dropna=False)
if count > distinct_count > 1:
mode = data.mode().iloc[0]
mode = data[0]

results_data = [count, distinct_count, 1 - count / leng, leng - count, distinct_count == leng, mode,
distinct_count / count, data.memory_usage()]
result = pd.Series(results_data, index=names,

if distinct_count <= 1:
result = result.append(describe_constant_1d(data))
elif com.is_numeric_dtype(data):
result = result.append(describe_numeric_1d(data, result))
elif com.is_datetime64_dtype(data):
result = result.append(describe_date_1d(data, result))
elif distinct_count == leng:
result = result.append(describe_unique_1d(data))
result = result.append(describe_categorical_1d(data))
return result

if not pd.Index(np.arange(0, len(df))).equals(df.index):
# Treat index as any other column
df = df.reset_index()

ldesc = [describe_1d(s) for _, s in df.iteritems()]
# set a convenient order for rows
names = []
ldesc_indexes = sorted([x.index for x in ldesc], key=len)
for idxnames in ldesc_indexes:
for name in idxnames:
if name not in names:
variable_stats = pd.concat(ldesc, join_axes=pd.Index([names]), axis=1)
variable_stats.columns.names = df.columns.names

table_stats = {'n': len(df), 'nvar': len(df.columns)}
table_stats['total_missing'] = variable_stats.loc['n_missing'].sum() / (table_stats['n'] * table_stats['nvar'])
table_stats['n_duplicates'] = sum(df.duplicated())

memsize = df.memory_usage(index=True).sum()
table_stats['memsize'] = formatters.fmt_bytesize(memsize)
table_stats['recordsize'] = formatters.fmt_bytesize(memsize / table_stats['n'])

table_stats.update({k: 0 for k in ("NUM", "DATE", "CONST", "CAT", "UNIQUE")})

return {'table': table_stats, 'variables': variable_stats.T, 'freq': {k: df[k].value_counts() for k in df.columns}}

def to_html(sample_df, stats_object):
n_obs = stats_object['table']['n']

value_formatters = formatters.value_formatters
row_formatters = formatters.row_formatters

if not isinstance(sample_df, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError("sample_df must be of type pandas.DataFrame")

if not isinstance(stats_object, dict):
raise TypeError("stats_object must be of type dict. Did you generate this using the pandas_profiling.describe() function?")

if stats_object.keys() != ['table', 'variables', 'freq']:
raise TypeError("stats_object badly formatted. Did you generate this using the pandas_profiling-eda.describe() function?")

def fmt(value, name):
if pd.isnull(value):
return ""
if name in value_formatters:
return value_formatters[name](value)
elif isinstance(value, float):
return value_formatters[formatters.DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMATTER](value)
return str(value)

def freq_table(freqtable, n, table_template, row_template, max_number_of_items_in_table):

freq_rows_html = u''

freq_other = sum(freqtable[max_number_of_items_in_table:])
freq_missing = n - sum(freqtable)
max_freq = max(freqtable.values[0], freq_other, freq_missing)
min_freq = freqtable.values[max_number_of_items_in_table]
except IndexError:
min_freq = 0

# TODO: Correctly sort missing and other

def format_row(freq, label, extra_class=''):
width = int(freq / max_freq * 99) + 1
if width > 20:
label_in_bar = freq
label_after_bar = ""
label_in_bar = "&nbsp;"
label_after_bar = freq

return row_template.format(label=label,
percentage='{:2.1f}'.format(freq / n * 100),

for label, freq in freqtable[0:max_number_of_items_in_table].iteritems():
freq_rows_html += format_row(freq, label)

if freq_other > min_freq:
freq_rows_html += format_row(freq_other,
"Other values (%s)" % (freqtable.count() - max_number_of_items_in_table),

if freq_missing > min_freq:
freq_rows_html += format_row(freq_missing, "(Missing)", extra_class='missing')

return table_template.format(rows=freq_rows_html, varid=hash(idx))

formatted_values = {k: fmt(v, k) for k, v in stats_object['table'].iteritems()}
row_classes = {k: row_formatters[k](v) if k in row_formatters.keys() else "" for k, v in stats_object['table'].iteritems()}

# Overview
overview_html = templates.overview_template.format(formatted_values, row_classes = row_classes)

# Variables
rows_html = u""

for idx, row in stats_object['variables'].iterrows():

formatted_values = {'varname': idx, 'varid': hash(idx)}
row_classes = {}

for col, value in row.iteritems():
formatted_values[col] = unicode(fmt(value, col))
if col in row_formatters:
row_classes[col] = row_formatters[col](value)

if row['type'] == 'CAT':
formatted_values['minifreqtable'] = freq_table(stats_object['freq'][idx], n_obs,
templates.mini_freq_table, templates.mini_freq_table_row, 3)
formatted_values['freqtable'] = freq_table(stats_object['freq'][idx], n_obs,
templates.freq_table, templates.freq_table_row, 20)
if row['type'] == 'UNIQUE':
obs = stats_object['freq'][idx].index

formatted_values['firstn'] = pd.DataFrame(obs[0:3], columns=["First 3 values"]).to_html(classes="example_values", index=False)
formatted_values['lastn'] = pd.DataFrame(obs[-3:], columns=["Last 3 values"]).to_html(classes="example_values", index=False)

if n_obs > 40:
formatted_values['firstn_expanded'] = pd.DataFrame(obs[0:20], index=range(1, 21)).to_html(classes="sample table table-hover", header=False)
formatted_values['lastn_expanded'] = pd.DataFrame(obs[-20:], index=range(n_obs - 20 + 1, n_obs+1)).to_html(classes="sample table table-hover", header=False)
formatted_values['firstn_expanded'] = pd.DataFrame(obs, index=range(1, n_obs+1)).to_html(classes="sample table table-hover", header=False)
formatted_values['lastn_expanded'] = ''

rows_html += templates.row_templates_dict[row['type']].format(formatted_values, row_classes=row_classes)

# Sample

sample_html = templates.sample_html.format(sample_table_html=sample_df.head().to_html(classes="sample"))

return templates.base_html % {'overview_html': overview_html, 'rows_html': rows_html, 'sample_html': sample_html}

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