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A metagenome assembler for the linked-reads with high-barcode specificity


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Pangaea is designed to assemble short-reads with high specificity physical (linked-reads) or virtual barcodes (long-reads+short-reads). It includes (1) short-reads binning using variational autoencoder (2)multi-thresholding reassembly and (3) ensemble assembly.


  • Add more examples and wiki.
  • Conda package through Bioconda channel.


We have built a docker image for users to directly run Pangaea (without automaticly select cluster numbers).

docker pull jmelody/pangaea:std
git clone
nohup docker run  -v $PWD/Pangaea/example/:/example -u $(id -u):$(id -g)  jmelody/pangaea:std /bin/bash /app/ -1 /example/reads1.fq.gz -2 /example/reads2.fq.gz -sp /example/contigs.fa -lc /example/flye-input-contigs.fa -at /example/athena.asm.fa -o /example/pangaea -c 5 &

Please remember set -u $(id -u):$(id -g) to avoid using root user. Otherwise the Pangaea/example directory will also be root permission. If you got error when running Docker. Please: 1. check the log file example/pangaea/log. You can also open a issue and share the log file with us.
Or, 2. you can run/follow the script which will create a conda envrionment and build the necessary packages step by step.


An all-in-one installation script. This may take about 20 minutes ~ 1 hours.

Note! This script will download MetaPhlan4's latest database into this directory $PWD/metaplan4_DB, which requires about 20G storage and the process may take long. If you would like to specify a dedicated path for this, please run ./ -d [path] instead.

Suggestion: MetaPhlan4 is used for clustering number choosing, if you tend to specify a clustering number by your own, you can just skip this installation step and run pangaea with -c [number] option. According to our experiments, we suggest using a number around 35 as the default c for complexed metagenomic data( in which their species number is above 200 and shannon diversity is around 3.5 ). For mock or simulation data, we suggest using a smaller or equal number to the real species number if the species number is lower than 35.

git clone
cd Pangaea
# set up metaphlan4
./ (this will download the database in current directory named ./metaphlan4_DB)
# or 
./ -d [your prefered directory(please make sure the space is larger than 25G)]


Pangaea depends on numpy >= 1.23.5, pandas >= 1.5.3, sklearn >= 1.2.2, snakemake, pysam >= 0.20.0, torch 1.10.0, rph_kmeans, pigz 2.4, bwa >= 0.7.17, samtools 1.9, seqtk, megahit v1.2.9, spades(>=v3.15.3), flye 2.8-b1674, quickmerge, Jellyfish 2.3.0and jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths.

Examples and experiments run on a Linux server with the following specifications:


  • Dell PowerEdge R6525
  • CPU: Dual 64-core AMD EPYC 7742 2.25GHz 256MB L3 cache
  • Memory: 1T


  • Oracle Linux 8.7 (64-bit)
  • gcc version 8.5.0
  • conda 4.13.0
  • python 3.8

Build conda environment(not needed if you have run ./

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate pangaea

# Optional: Install Athena (based on python2), run  
conda env creat -f athena_enviroment.ymal
conda activate athena

Note that if you want to run Athena/Pangaea, you need to change conda enviroments accrodingly.

Compile cpp utils of Pangaea(not needed if you have run ./

cd Pangaea/cpptools && make && cd -

Preprocessing of linked-reads

Run metaspades to obtain error-corrected reads and seed contigs for Athena and Pangaea: --12 /path/to/reads -o /path/to/metaspades/out

The reads1 (input to Pangaea -1), reads2 (input to Pangaea -2) are in /path/to/metaspades/out/corrected/ and spades contigs (input to Pangaea -sp) are at /path/to/metaspades/out/contigs.fasta.

Run athena to obtain local assembly contigs and athena contigs. The local assembly contigs (input to Pangaea -lc) and athena contigs (input to Pangaea -at) are /path/to/athena/out/results/olc/flye-input-contigs.fa and /path/to/athena/out/results/olc/athena.asm.fa.

Running Pangaea

usage: [-h] [-1 READS1] [-2 READS2] [-i INTERLEAVED_READS] -o
                  OUTPUT [-l MIN_LENGTH] [-k KMER] [-tnf_k TNF_KMER]
                  [-s WINDOW_SIZE] [-v VECTOR_SIZE] [-r LR] [-w WEIGHT_DECAY]
                  [-e EPOCHS] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-d DROPOUT] [-p PATIENCE]
                  [-wa WEIGHT_ALPHA] [-wk WEIGHT_KL] [-ld LATENT_DIM] -c
                  CLUSTERS [-t THREADS] [-g USE_CUDA] [-n NUM_GPUS]
                  [-sp SPADES] [-lc LOCAL_ASSEMBLY] [-at ATHENA]
                  [-lt LOW_ABD_CUT] [-la LOW_ASSEMBLER] [-md MODEL]
                  [-ls LOSS_TYPE] [-st STEPS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -1 READS1, --reads1 READS1
                        path to reads1 file (linked-reads)
  -2 READS2, --reads2 READS2
                        path to reads2 file (linked-reads)
                        path to reads file (long-reads)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output directory
  -l MIN_LENGTH, --min_length MIN_LENGTH
                        min barcode length (default 2000)
  -k KMER, --kmer KMER  kmer for abundance (default 15)
  -tnf_k TNF_KMER, --tnf_kmer TNF_KMER
                        kmer for TNF (default 4, long reads should use 3)
  -s WINDOW_SIZE, --window_size WINDOW_SIZE
                        window size for abundance (default 10)
  -v VECTOR_SIZE, --vector_size VECTOR_SIZE
                        vector size for abundance (default 400)
  -r LR, --lr LR        learning rate (default 0.005)
  -w WEIGHT_DECAY, --weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        weight decay (default 0.0001)
  -e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
                        number of epochs (default 100)
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size (default 2048)
  -d DROPOUT, --dropout DROPOUT
                        dropout (default 0.2)
  -p PATIENCE, --patience PATIENCE
                        early stop patience (default 20)
  -wa WEIGHT_ALPHA, --weight_alpha WEIGHT_ALPHA
                        training weight for abundance and tnf (default 0.1)
  -wk WEIGHT_KL, --weight_kl WEIGHT_KL
                        training weight for KL (default 0.015)
  -ld LATENT_DIM, --latent_dim LATENT_DIM
                        latent dimension (default 32)
  -c CLUSTERS, --clusters CLUSTERS
                        number of clusters
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        number of threads (default 100)
  -g USE_CUDA, --use_cuda USE_CUDA
                        use cuda (default False)
  -n NUM_GPUS, --num_gpus NUM_GPUS
                        use gpu in parallel (if use cuda)
  -sp SPADES, --spades SPADES
                        path to original contigs
  -lc LOCAL_ASSEMBLY, --local_assembly LOCAL_ASSEMBLY
                        path to local assembly contigs
  -at ATHENA, --athena ATHENA
                        path to athena contigs
  -lt LOW_ABD_CUT, --low_abd_cut LOW_ABD_CUT
                        coverage for low abundance contigs
  -la LOW_ASSEMBLER, --low_assembler LOW_ASSEMBLER
                        local assembly method (spades or megahit)
  -md MODEL, --model MODEL
                        model ( vae)
  -ls LOSS_TYPE, --loss_type LOSS_TYPE
                        reconstruction loss type (default ce)
  -st STEPS, --steps STEPS
                        steps to run (default 1:feature extraction, 2:vae trainning, 3:clutsering, 4:sub-assembly and final

Example of running Pangaea on short-reads with physical barcodes (linked reads)

conda activate pangaea
cd example
nohup python ../ -1 reads1.fq.gz -2 reads2.fq.gz -sp contigs.fa -lc flye-input-contigs.fa -at athena.asm.fa -c 5 -o pangaea > pangaea.log 2>&1 &

The generated final assembly will be at pangaea/final.asm.fa.

This may take about 1~2 hours.

Example of running Pangaea on short-reads with virtual barcodes (long-reads and short-reads)

cd example/hybrid
nohup ./ atcc_longreads_small.fastq.gz atcc_short_R1.fastq.gz atcc_short_R2.fastq.gz 60 operams > hybrid.log 2>&1 &

The generated final assembly will be at pangaea_out/final.asm.fa.

This may take about 1~2 hours.

Optional: Substitute the metaSPAdes in step 1 and Athena in step 2 with the corresponding hybrid assemblers (such as hybridSPAdes or OPERA-MS)

# type: operams, hybridspades
./ <type>

The new generated final assembly will be at pangaea_out/4.assembly/quickmerge_<type>/merged_out.fasta.

This may take about 10~30 minutes.


A metagenome assembler for the linked-reads with high-barcode specificity







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