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Snowflake Dialect pt. 5 (#10528)
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- Related to #9486
- Batching of expression tests
- Fixing arithmetic by simplifying `%` and `/` operations
- Trying to share some more tables, sometimes improving performance sometimes not really
- Adding sorting and other fixes to tests to make them pass: Missing_Values_Spec, Filter_Spec, Map_Spec
- Fixing warnings related to materialization of Decimal->Integer, thus fixing Join_Spec.
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radeusgd authored Jul 16, 2024
1 parent a992c8a commit a30b0c6
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Showing 14 changed files with 212 additions and 274 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2618,7 +2618,9 @@ type DB_Table
or changing Float32 to Float64 are silently ignored.
However, bigger changes, like a Binary type column getting coerced to Mixed - _will_ still be reported.
if expected_type_kind == actual_type_kind then Nothing else
warnings_builder.append (Inexact_Type_Coercion.Warning expected_type actual_type)
# If the reverse was an implicit conversion, undoing it also should not yield warnings:
if self.connection.dialect.get_type_mapping.is_implicit_conversion actual_type expected_type then Nothing else
warnings_builder.append (Inexact_Type_Coercion.Warning expected_type actual_type)

result = max_rows.attach_warning materialized_table
Problem_Behavior.Report_Warning.attach_problems_before warnings_builder.to_vector result
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -495,15 +495,15 @@ floating_point_div = Base_Generator.lift_binary_op "/" x-> y->

mod_op = Base_Generator.lift_binary_op "MOD" x-> y->
x ++ " - FLOOR(CAST(" ++ x ++ " AS float) / CAST(" ++ y ++ " AS float)) * " ++ y
x ++ " % " ++ y

decimal_div = Base_Generator.lift_binary_op "DECIMAL_DIV" x-> y->
SQL_Builder.code "CAST(" ++ x ++ " AS decimal) / CAST(" ++ y ++ " AS decimal)"
x ++ " / " ++ y

decimal_mod = Base_Generator.lift_binary_op "DECIMAL_MOD" x-> y->
x ++ " - FLOOR(CAST(" ++ x ++ " AS decimal) / CAST(" ++ y ++ " AS decimal)) * " ++ y
x ++ " % " ++ y

supported_replace_params : Hashset Replace_Params
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36 changes: 28 additions & 8 deletions test/Snowflake_Tests/src/Snowflake_Spec.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,21 +197,36 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup = "doubles" . value_type . is_floating_point . should_be_true

group_builder.specify "will report true integer types but infer smartly when materialized (small numbers become Integer in-memory, not Decimal)" <|
t1 = table_builder [["small_ints", [1, 2, 3]], ["big_ints", [2^100, 2^110, 1]]] . sort "small_ints"
t1 = table_builder [["small_ints", [1, 2, 3]]]

# Integer types are NUMBER(38, 0) in Snowflake so they are all mapped to decimal "small_ints" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0) "big_ints" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)
# The fact that Integer is coerced to Decimal is an expected thing in Snowflake, so we don't warn about this.
Problems.assume_no_problems t1

in_memory =
in_memory1 =
# But when read back to in-memory, they are inferred as Integer type to avoid the BigInteger overhead "small_ints" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Integer Bits.Bits_64) "small_ints" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Integer Bits.Bits_64)

# Again, when materialized the conversion Decimal->Integer is a feature, so it should not cause warning.
Problems.assume_no_problems in_memory1 "small_ints" . to_vector . should_contain_the_same_elements_as [1, 2, 3]

t2 = table_builder [["big_ints", [2^100, 2^110, 1]]] "big_ints" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)
# For the decimal column we get a warning because the type changed:
w = Problems.expect_only_warning Inexact_Type_Coercion t2
w.requested_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal Nothing 0)
w.actual_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)

in_memory2 =
# Unless the values are actually big, then the Decimal type is kept, but its precision is lost, as in-memory BigInteger does not store it. "big_ints" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal Nothing 0) "big_ints" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal Nothing 0)
# The Decimal type loses 'precision' but that is no reason to warn, so we should not see any warnings here:
Problems.assume_no_problems in_memory2

# Check correctness of values "small_ints" . to_vector . should_equal [1, 2, 3] "big_ints" . to_vector . should_equal [2^100, 2^110, 1] "big_ints" . to_vector . should_contain_the_same_elements_as [2^100, 2^110, 1]

group_builder.specify "correctly handles Decimal and Float types" <|
table_name = Name_Generator.random_name "DecimalFloat"
Expand All @@ -222,6 +237,11 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup = "d3" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0) "f" . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float

# We expect warnings about coercing Decimal types
w1 = Problems.expect_warning Inexact_Type_Coercion t1
w1.requested_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 24 -3)
w1.actual_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)

t1.update_rows ( [["d1", [1.2345678910]], ["d2", [12.3456]], ["d3", [1234567.8910]], ["f", [1.5]]]) update_action=Update_Action.Insert . should_succeed

m1 =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -593,7 +613,7 @@ add_snowflake_specs suite_builder create_connection_fn db_name =

Common_Spec.add_specs suite_builder prefix create_connection_fn

common_selection = Common_Table_Operations.Main.Test_Selection.Config supports_case_sensitive_columns=True order_by_unicode_normalization_by_default=True allows_mixed_type_comparisons=False fixed_length_text_columns=False different_size_integer_types=False removes_trailing_whitespace_casting_from_char_to_varchar=True supports_decimal_type=True supported_replace_params=supported_replace_params run_advanced_edge_case_tests_by_default=False supports_date_time_without_timezone=True supports_nanoseconds_in_time=True
common_selection = Common_Table_Operations.Main.Test_Selection.Config supports_case_sensitive_columns=True order_by_unicode_normalization_by_default=True allows_mixed_type_comparisons=False fixed_length_text_columns=False different_size_integer_types=False removes_trailing_whitespace_casting_from_char_to_varchar=True supports_decimal_type=True supported_replace_params=supported_replace_params run_advanced_edge_case_tests_by_default=False supports_date_time_without_timezone=True supports_nanoseconds_in_time=True is_nan_comparable=True
aggregate_selection = Common_Table_Operations.Aggregate_Spec.Test_Selection.Config first_last=False first_last_row_order=False aggregation_problems=False text_concat=False
agg_in_memory_table = (( enso_dev.Table_Tests).data / "data.csv") . read

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ type Names_Data
t = table_builder [["a", [1, 2, 3]], ["b", ['x', 'y', 'z']], ["c", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]], ["d", [True, False, True]]] . sort "a"

type Lazy_Ref
Value ~get

add_specs suite_builder setup =
prefix = setup.prefix
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -845,14 +847,17 @@ add_specs suite_builder setup =

case setup.test_selection.is_nan_and_nothing_distinct of
True ->
t = build_sorted_table [["X", [1.5, 3.0, Number.positive_infinity, Number.negative_infinity, Number.nan, Nothing]], ["Y", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Nothing]], ["Z", ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", Nothing]]]
table = Lazy_Ref.Value <|
build_sorted_table [["X", [1.5, 3.0, Number.positive_infinity, Number.negative_infinity, Number.nan, Nothing]], ["Y", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Nothing]], ["Z", ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", Nothing]]]

group_builder.specify "should support is_nan" <|
t = table.get "X" . is_nan . to_vector . should_equal [False, False, False, False, True, Nothing] "Y" . is_nan . to_vector . should_equal [False, False, False, False, False, Nothing] "Z" . is_nan . to_vector . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type

group_builder.specify "should support is_infinite" <|
t = table.get "X" . is_infinite . to_vector . should_equal [False, False, True, True, False, Nothing] "Y" . is_infinite . to_vector . should_equal [False, False, False, False, False, Nothing] "Z" . is_infinite . to_vector . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
Expand Down
102 changes: 65 additions & 37 deletions test/Table_Tests/src/Common_Table_Operations/Expression_Spec.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,53 +13,81 @@ from Standard.Test import all

from project.Util import all
from project.Common_Table_Operations.Util import run_default_backend
from project.Common_Table_Operations.Util import run_default_backend, build_sorted_table

main filter=Nothing = run_default_backend (add_specs detailed=True) filter

type Lazy_Ref
Value ~get

add_specs suite_builder detailed setup =
prefix = setup.prefix
table_builder = setup.table_builder

# Create Test Table
column_a = ["A", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
column_b = ["B", [1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6]]
column_c = ["C", ["Hello", "World", "Hello World!", "", Nothing]]
column_odd = ["Bad] Name", [True, False, True, False, True]]
test_table = table_builder [column_a, column_b, column_c, column_odd]
table_builder = build_sorted_table setup
column_a_description = ["A", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
column_odd_description = ["Bad] Name", [True, False, True, False, True]]
test_table = Lazy_Ref.Value <|
column_b = ["B", [1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6]]
column_c = ["C", ["Hello", "World", "Hello World!", "", Nothing]]
table_builder [column_a_description, column_b, column_c, column_odd_description]

pending_datetime = if setup.test_selection.date_time.not then "Date/Time operations are not supported by this backend."


tester expression value = Test.with_clue "{expr = {"+expression+"}}: " <|
new_column = test_table.evaluate_expression expression
expected = case value of
_ : Vector -> value
_ -> test_table.row_count _->value

values = new_column.to_vector
values . each_with_index i->v->
e = i
check_results got_values expected =
expected_vec = case expected of
_ : Vector -> expected
_ -> test_table.get.row_count _->expected

got_values . each_with_index i->v->
e = i
match = case e of
_ : Number -> case v of
_ : Number -> e.equals v epsilon
# If the backend returns Decimal for that case, we convert it to Float before comparing:
_ : Decimal -> e.equals v.to_float epsilon
_ -> "Expected cell to be a number "+e.pretty+" but got a value of non-numeric type: "+v.pretty
_ -> e == v
if match.not then values.should_equal expected
if match.not then got_values.should_equal expected_vec

tester expression value = Test.with_clue "{expr = {"+expression+"}}: " <|
new_column = test_table.get.evaluate_expression expression . should_equal expression
check_results new_column.to_vector value

specify_test label group_builder action expression_test=tester pending=Nothing = case pending of
specify_test label group_builder action pending=Nothing = case pending of
Nothing ->
case detailed of
True ->
specify_tester expression value =
group_builder.specify (label + ": " + expression) <|
expression_test expression value
tester expression value
action specify_tester
False ->
group_builder.specify label (action expression_test)
# We will batch the operation for better performance.
group_builder.specify label <|
batch = batch_builder->
add_to_batch expression value =
new_column = test_table.get.evaluate_expression expression . should_equal expression
batch_builder.append [batch_builder.length, new_column, value]
action add_to_batch

expr_column_name ix = "expr_"+ix.to_text
batched_expression = batch.fold test_table.get acc-> entry->
ix = 0
new_column = 1
acc.set new_column as=(expr_column_name ix) set_mode=..Add
batched_expression_without_columns = batched_expression.select_columns "expr_.*".to_regex
materialized =
batch.each entry->
ix = 0
new_column = 1
expected = 2
Test.with_clue "{expr = {""}}: " <|
got_vector = (expr_column_name ix) . to_vector
check_results got_vector expected

_ -> group_builder.specify label Nothing pending prefix+"Expression Integer literals" group_builder->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,8 +124,8 @@ add_specs suite_builder detailed setup = prefix+"Expression Text literals" group_builder->
specify_test "should be able to get a Column" group_builder expression_test->
expression_test "[A]" ( 1)
expression_test "[Bad]] Name]" ( 1)
expression_test "[A]" column_a_description.second
expression_test "[Bad]] Name]" column_odd_description.second

group_builder.specify "should sanitize names" <|
t = table_builder [["X", ['\0', 'x', '']]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,23 +376,23 @@ add_specs suite_builder detailed setup =
expression_test "max([A], [B], 3)" [3, 3, 3, 4, 6] prefix+"Expression Errors should be handled" group_builder->
error_tester expression fail_ctor =
test_table.set (expr expression) as="NEW_COL" . should_fail_with Expression_Error
test_table.set (expr expression) as="NEW_COL" . catch . should_be_a fail_ctor
expect_error ctor expr =
expr.should_fail_with Expression_Error
expr.catch.should_be_a ctor

specify_test "should fail with Syntax_Error if badly formed" group_builder expression_test=error_tester expression_test->
expression_test "IIF [A] THEN 1 ELSE 2" Expression_Error.Syntax_Error
expression_test "A + B" Expression_Error.Syntax_Error
expression_test "#2022-31-21#" Expression_Error.Syntax_Error
group_builder.specify "should fail with Syntax_Error if badly formed" <|
expect_error Expression_Error.Syntax_Error <| test_table.get.evaluate_expression "IIF [A] THEN 1 ELSE 2"
expect_error Expression_Error.Syntax_Error <| test_table.get.evaluate_expression "A + B"
expect_error Expression_Error.Syntax_Error <| test_table.get.evaluate_expression "#2022-31-21#"

specify_test "should fail with Unsupported_Operation if not sufficient arguments" group_builder expression_test=error_tester expression_test->
expression_test "unknown([C])" Expression_Error.Unsupported_Operation
group_builder.specify "should fail with Unsupported_Operation if not sufficient arguments" <|
expect_error Expression_Error.Unsupported_Operation <| test_table.get.evaluate_expression "unknown([C])"

specify_test "should fail with Argument_Mismatch if not sufficient arguments" group_builder expression_test=error_tester expression_test->
expression_test "starts_with([C])" Expression_Error.Argument_Mismatch
group_builder.specify "should fail with Argument_Mismatch if not sufficient arguments" <|
expect_error Expression_Error.Argument_Mismatch <| test_table.get.evaluate_expression "starts_with([C])"

specify_test "should fail with Argument_Mismatch if too many arguments" group_builder expression_test=error_tester expression_test->
expression_test "is_empty([C], 'Hello')" Expression_Error.Argument_Mismatch
group_builder.specify "should fail with Argument_Mismatch if too many arguments" <|
expect_error Expression_Error.Argument_Mismatch <| test_table.get.evaluate_expression "is_empty([C], 'Hello')" prefix+"Expression Warnings should be reported" group_builder->
group_builder.specify "should report floating point equality" <|
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