Hi, I’m @elv-todd aka @toddhodes (Todd Hodes)
- Currently I’m working at Eluvio, a Berkeley media content distribution startup
- Previously I worked at LocationLabs as Director of Mobile Engineering for 18 years, which became AVG and then Avast. That went from tiny startup to sold; have a lot of stories
- 🔭 I received my PhD in Computer Science from UC Berkeley, and did my undergrad at UVa
- 📫 I was raised in Dunwoody (Atlanta), Georgia
- ⚡ Fun fact: I co-own a bar, the Orbit Room in Bloomington, and I'm the executive producer of some albums on various small indie record labels; people made (incomplete) IMDB and Discog pages for me!
- fun DApp sample app: https://dapp-sample-xco.app.eluv.io/