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Eluvio DApp Samples

This repository illustrates how to develop for the Eluvio Content Fabric CDN and Marketplace, specifically via an Eluvio Content Fabric crypto wallet and its associated libraries.

A version of these apps are hosted for your convenience at:

Basics DApp -"dapp-sample"

sample screenshot

This DApp is built atop the Eluvio Media Wallet library, and the underlying Eluvio JS Client Library.

The library is used for login, retrieving information about the user's assets, signing, and Marketplace access. Operations highlighted by this sample:

  • User methods: calls that get info on the currently logged-in user
  • Marketplace methods: calls that get info on the marketplaces for primary and secondary sales
  • NFT ownership validation: Use a cross-chain oracle query to check for ownership on an EVM, flow, solana blockchain
  • Embed token-gated content: simplify the embedding of fabric-hosted DRM video in an <iframe>

The library is documented here: Eluvio Wallet Client Documentation. For information about implementing other login options using the wallet and/or frame client, please see Login Samples.

Cross-chain features are available through the Eluvio Javascript Client, referenced above. For information on setting such cross-chain policies, see This operation requires use of the elv-live CLI tool elv-live-js.


To run this sample:

The matching source code for the sample is in the test/dapp-sample subdirectory. It was built atop a clone of the wallet client, and that code remains in the main src/ directory for reference. There are other samples alongside it in the test/ directory, feel free to run and reference them, too. For example, the Cross-Chain Token-Gated Media one we describe next.


If you are logged in via metamask, you'll see an option to test SignPermit which is a special form of eth_signTypedData_v4 use in place of personal_sign for ethereum signing.

See How to sign data for general details and this gist for technical details.

Cross-Chain Token-Gated Media - "cross-chain-media"

This is a specialized sampler focused on cross-chain authorization and token-gated access to Content Fabric media.

cross_chain screenshot


To run this sample:

  • clone this repo
  • run npm install
  • run npm run serve-cross-chain-media
  • open your browser to https://localhost:8094

The matching source code for the sample is in the test/cross-chain-media subdirectory. It was built atop a clone of the wallet client, and that code remains in the main src/ directory for reference. There are other samples alongside it in the test/ directory, feel free to run and reference them, too.

CF Playable Assets

network: demov3

name: Tears of Steel hash: hq__8RBeZSEeZKGRucRNFDFN6Td3SgS71Yq2Lz5k4bf773HabL2B22DKxkxWGELPX2kEUQjgBG4wRc objectId: iq__3SpYjqE2gsMkbKtxaLA1HB1Pb6Mg

name: Meridian hash: hq__BJ4ury6zXvHv4tG4FndgqynDR15ejEwQyeN1sojDvygqtzsfNmpkZnWLvkyfRBHBKFQoCyS53s objectId: iq__2b7yLgWuVRZKyFXdew7kbSCu5deD

name: Caminandes - Ep 1 hash: hq__9xS9V4VpFp9xN9rAQdjD3q1hTWGGz2RpCj9MBTSQaR1nuWrPjpCdxVe1onXTTtg921w8oQxnMK objectId: iq__xGNmhvgxi6Nrc9M4kgekXPQgiiZ

name: Caminandes - Ep 2 hash: hq__2wgaPpzjcRUJsctv7YcjGdqyG6GnuEdtS2fwnFNprQFLCia7XywQ98E57aMNqckUcEgaiQHYwf objectId: iq__fPwqqp139xqLxApiyt6hoSgu3zm

name: Caminandes - Ep 3 hash: hq__KHcKw9YUgR72p1vcYeGHAAd7L9XMHr5QPXnepbSBibhZMQTBpz3DDVHUCrtCTmwyqVvDNhLDcg objectId: iq__2QaBrtbffYaopCLGzU5tXpTHeTfn

Blockchain Controlling Assets

Starflix Meridian movie:

Starflicks 'All Access'



ethereum mainnet:



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