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[Fleet] Revert "Add link to integration data retention documentation (#…
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
…115353)" (#119015) (#119436)

* Revert "[Fleet] Add link to integration data retention documentation (#115353)"

This reverts commit a266b2d.

* remove unused translations

Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <[email protected]>
# Conflicts:
#	docs/development/core/public/
  • Loading branch information
hop-dev authored Nov 23, 2021
1 parent 7e15b0d commit 79b463a
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Showing 7 changed files with 1 addition and 39 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -236,7 +236,6 @@ readonly links: {
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
datastreamsILM: string;
beatsAgentComparison: string;
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ export interface DocLinksStart
| --- | --- | --- |
| [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./ | string | |
| [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | string | |
| [links](./ | { readonly settings: string; readonly elasticStackGetStarted: string; readonly upgrade: { readonly upgradingElasticStack: string; }; readonly apm: { readonly kibanaSettings: string; readonly supportedServiceMaps: string; readonly customLinks: string; readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string; readonly upgrading: string; readonly metaData: string; }; readonly canvas: { readonly guide: string; }; readonly dashboard: { readonly guide: string; readonly drilldowns: string; readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string; readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string; readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string; }; readonly discover: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly filebeat: { readonly base: string; readonly installation: string; readonly configuration: string; readonly elasticsearchOutput: string; readonly elasticsearchModule: string; readonly startup: string; readonly exportedFields: string; readonly suricataModule: string; readonly zeekModule: string; }; readonly auditbeat: { readonly base: string; readonly auditdModule: string; readonly systemModule: string; }; readonly metricbeat: { readonly base: string; readonly configure: string; readonly httpEndpoint: string; readonly install: string; readonly start: string; }; readonly enterpriseSearch: { readonly base: string; readonly appSearchBase: string; readonly workplaceSearchBase: string; }; readonly heartbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly libbeat: { readonly getStarted: string; }; readonly logstash: { readonly base: string; }; readonly functionbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly winlogbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly aggs: { readonly composite: string; readonly composite\_missing\_bucket: string; readonly date\_histogram: string; readonly date\_range: string; readonly date\_format\_pattern: string; readonly filter: string; readonly filters: string; readonly geohash\_grid: string; readonly histogram: string; readonly ip\_range: string; readonly range: string; readonly significant\_terms: string; readonly terms: string; readonly avg: string; readonly avg\_bucket: string; readonly max\_bucket: string; readonly min\_bucket: string; readonly sum\_bucket: string; readonly cardinality: string; readonly count: string; readonly cumulative\_sum: string; readonly derivative: string; readonly geo\_bounds: string; readonly geo\_centroid: string; readonly max: string; readonly median: string; readonly min: string; readonly moving\_avg: string; readonly percentile\_ranks: string; readonly serial\_diff: string; readonly std\_dev: string; readonly sum: string; readonly top\_hits: string; }; readonly runtimeFields: { readonly overview: string; readonly mapping: string; }; readonly scriptedFields: { readonly scriptFields: string; readonly scriptAggs: string; readonly painless: string; readonly painlessApi: string; readonly painlessLangSpec: string; readonly painlessSyntax: string; readonly painlessWalkthrough: string; readonly luceneExpressions: string; }; readonly search: { readonly sessions: string; readonly sessionLimits: string; }; readonly indexPatterns: { readonly introduction: string; readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string; readonly fieldFormattersString: string; readonly runtimeFields: string; }; readonly addData: string; readonly kibana: string; readonly upgradeAssistant: { readonly overview: string; readonly batchReindex: string; readonly remoteReindex: string; }; readonly rollupJobs: string; readonly elasticsearch: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly siem: { readonly privileges: string; readonly guide: string; readonly gettingStarted: string; readonly ml: string; readonly ruleChangeLog: string; readonly detectionsReq: string; readonly networkMap: string; readonly troubleshootGaps: string; }; readonly securitySolution: { readonly trustedApps: string; }; readonly query: { readonly eql: string; readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string; readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string; readonly percolate: string; readonly queryDsl: string; readonly autocompleteChanges: string; }; readonly date: { readonly dateMath: string; readonly dateMathIndexNames: string; }; readonly management: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly ml: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly transforms: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly visualize: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly apis: Readonly&lt;{ bulkIndexAlias: string; byteSizeUnits: string; createAutoFollowPattern: string; createFollower: string; createIndex: string; createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; createRoleMapping: string; createRoleMappingTemplates: string; createRollupJobsRequest: string; createApiKey: string; createPipeline: string; createTransformRequest: string; cronExpressions: string; executeWatchActionModes: string; indexExists: string; openIndex: string; putComponentTemplate: string; painlessExecute: string; painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string; putComponentTemplateMetadata: string; putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; putIndexTemplateV1: string; putWatch: string; simulatePipeline: string; timeUnits: string; updateTransform: string; }&gt;; readonly observability: Readonly&lt;{ guide: string; infrastructureThreshold: string; logsThreshold: string; metricsThreshold: string; monitorStatus: string; monitorUptime: string; tlsCertificate: string; uptimeDurationAnomaly: string; }&gt;; readonly alerting: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly maps: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly monitoring: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly security: Readonly&lt;{ apiKeyServiceSettings: string; clusterPrivileges: string; elasticsearchSettings: string; elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string; elasticsearchEnableApiKeys: string; indicesPrivileges: string; kibanaTLS: string; kibanaPrivileges: string; mappingRoles: string; mappingRolesFieldRules: string; runAsPrivilege: string; }&gt;; readonly spaces: Readonly&lt;{ kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string; kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string; }&gt;; readonly watcher: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly ccs: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly plugins: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly snapshotRestore: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly ingest: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly fleet: Readonly&lt;{ datastreamsILM: string; beatsAgentComparison: string; guide: string; fleetServer: string; fleetServerAddFleetServer: string; settings: string; settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string; settingsFleetServerProxySettings: string; troubleshooting: string; elasticAgent: string; datastreams: string; datastreamsNamingScheme: string; installElasticAgent: string; upgradeElasticAgent: string; upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string; learnMoreBlog: string; apiKeysLearnMore: string; onPremRegistry: string; }&gt;; readonly ecs: { readonly guide: string; }; readonly clients: { readonly guide: string; readonly goOverview: string; readonly javaIndex: string; readonly jsIntro: string; readonly netGuide: string; readonly perlGuide: string; readonly phpGuide: string; readonly pythonGuide: string; readonly rubyOverview: string; readonly rustGuide: string; }; readonly endpoints: { readonly troubleshooting: string; }; } | |
| [links](./ | { readonly settings: string; readonly elasticStackGetStarted: string; readonly upgrade: { readonly upgradingElasticStack: string; }; readonly apm: { readonly kibanaSettings: string; readonly supportedServiceMaps: string; readonly customLinks: string; readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string; readonly upgrading: string; readonly metaData: string; }; readonly canvas: { readonly guide: string; }; readonly dashboard: { readonly guide: string; readonly drilldowns: string; readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string; readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string; readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string; }; readonly discover: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly filebeat: { readonly base: string; readonly installation: string; readonly configuration: string; readonly elasticsearchOutput: string; readonly elasticsearchModule: string; readonly startup: string; readonly exportedFields: string; readonly suricataModule: string; readonly zeekModule: string; }; readonly auditbeat: { readonly base: string; readonly auditdModule: string; readonly systemModule: string; }; readonly metricbeat: { readonly base: string; readonly configure: string; readonly httpEndpoint: string; readonly install: string; readonly start: string; }; readonly enterpriseSearch: { readonly base: string; readonly appSearchBase: string; readonly workplaceSearchBase: string; }; readonly heartbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly libbeat: { readonly getStarted: string; }; readonly logstash: { readonly base: string; }; readonly functionbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly winlogbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly aggs: { readonly composite: string; readonly composite\_missing\_bucket: string; readonly date\_histogram: string; readonly date\_range: string; readonly date\_format\_pattern: string; readonly filter: string; readonly filters: string; readonly geohash\_grid: string; readonly histogram: string; readonly ip\_range: string; readonly range: string; readonly significant\_terms: string; readonly terms: string; readonly terms\_doc\_count\_error: string; readonly avg: string; readonly avg\_bucket: string; readonly max\_bucket: string; readonly min\_bucket: string; readonly sum\_bucket: string; readonly cardinality: string; readonly count: string; readonly cumulative\_sum: string; readonly derivative: string; readonly geo\_bounds: string; readonly geo\_centroid: string; readonly max: string; readonly median: string; readonly min: string; readonly moving\_avg: string; readonly percentile\_ranks: string; readonly serial\_diff: string; readonly std\_dev: string; readonly sum: string; readonly top\_hits: string; }; readonly runtimeFields: { readonly overview: string; readonly mapping: string; }; readonly scriptedFields: { readonly scriptFields: string; readonly scriptAggs: string; readonly painless: string; readonly painlessApi: string; readonly painlessLangSpec: string; readonly painlessSyntax: string; readonly painlessWalkthrough: string; readonly luceneExpressions: string; }; readonly search: { readonly sessions: string; readonly sessionLimits: string; }; readonly indexPatterns: { readonly introduction: string; readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string; readonly fieldFormattersString: string; readonly runtimeFields: string; }; readonly addData: string; readonly kibana: string; readonly upgradeAssistant: { readonly overview: string; readonly batchReindex: string; readonly remoteReindex: string; }; readonly rollupJobs: string; readonly elasticsearch: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly siem: { readonly privileges: string; readonly guide: string; readonly gettingStarted: string; readonly ml: string; readonly ruleChangeLog: string; readonly detectionsReq: string; readonly networkMap: string; readonly troubleshootGaps: string; }; readonly securitySolution: { readonly trustedApps: string; }; readonly query: { readonly eql: string; readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string; readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string; readonly percolate: string; readonly queryDsl: string; readonly autocompleteChanges: string; }; readonly date: { readonly dateMath: string; readonly dateMathIndexNames: string; }; readonly management: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly ml: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly transforms: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly visualize: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly apis: Readonly&lt;{ bulkIndexAlias: string; byteSizeUnits: string; createAutoFollowPattern: string; createFollower: string; createIndex: string; createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; createRoleMapping: string; createRoleMappingTemplates: string; createRollupJobsRequest: string; createApiKey: string; createPipeline: string; createTransformRequest: string; cronExpressions: string; executeWatchActionModes: string; indexExists: string; openIndex: string; putComponentTemplate: string; painlessExecute: string; painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string; putComponentTemplateMetadata: string; putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; putIndexTemplateV1: string; putWatch: string; simulatePipeline: string; timeUnits: string; updateTransform: string; }&gt;; readonly observability: Readonly&lt;{ guide: string; infrastructureThreshold: string; logsThreshold: string; metricsThreshold: string; monitorStatus: string; monitorUptime: string; tlsCertificate: string; uptimeDurationAnomaly: string; }&gt;; readonly alerting: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly maps: Readonly&lt;{ guide: string; importGeospatialPrivileges: string; gdalTutorial: string; }&gt;; readonly monitoring: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly security: Readonly&lt;{ apiKeyServiceSettings: string; clusterPrivileges: string; elasticsearchSettings: string; elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string; elasticsearchEnableApiKeys: string; indicesPrivileges: string; kibanaTLS: string; kibanaPrivileges: string; mappingRoles: string; mappingRolesFieldRules: string; runAsPrivilege: string; }&gt;; readonly spaces: Readonly&lt;{ kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string; kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string; }&gt;; readonly watcher: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly ccs: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly plugins: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly snapshotRestore: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly ingest: Record&lt;string, string&gt;; readonly fleet: Readonly&lt;{ beatsAgentComparison: string; guide: string; fleetServer: string; fleetServerAddFleetServer: string; settings: string; settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string; settingsFleetServerProxySettings: string; troubleshooting: string; elasticAgent: string; datastreams: string; datastreamsNamingScheme: string; installElasticAgent: string; upgradeElasticAgent: string; upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string; learnMoreBlog: string; apiKeysLearnMore: string; onPremRegistry: string; }&gt;; readonly ecs: { readonly guide: string; }; readonly clients: { readonly guide: string; readonly goOverview: string; readonly javaIndex: string; readonly jsIntro: string; readonly netGuide: string; readonly perlGuide: string; readonly phpGuide: string; readonly pythonGuide: string; readonly rubyOverview: string; readonly rustGuide: string; }; readonly endpoints: { readonly troubleshooting: string; }; } | |

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -493,7 +493,6 @@ export class DocLinksService {
elasticAgent: `${FLEET_DOCS}elastic-agent-installation.html`,
beatsAgentComparison: `${FLEET_DOCS}beats-agent-comparison.html`,
datastreams: `${FLEET_DOCS}data-streams.html`,
datastreamsILM: `${FLEET_DOCS}data-streams.html#data-streams-ilm`,
datastreamsNamingScheme: `${FLEET_DOCS}data-streams.html#data-streams-naming-scheme`,
installElasticAgent: `${FLEET_DOCS}install-fleet-managed-elastic-agent.html`,
upgradeElasticAgent: `${FLEET_DOCS}upgrade-elastic-agent.html`,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -759,7 +758,6 @@ export interface DocLinksStart {
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
datastreamsILM: string;
beatsAgentComparison: string;
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/core/public/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -707,7 +707,6 @@ export interface DocLinksStart {
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
datastreamsILM: string;
beatsAgentComparison: string;
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -328,34 +328,6 @@ export const StepDefinePackagePolicy: React.FunctionComponent<{
defaultMessage="Data retention settings"
defaultMessage="By default all logs and metrics data are stored on the hot tier. {learnMore} about changing the data retention policy for this integration."
learnMore: (
<EuiLink href={docLinks.links.fleet.datastreamsILM} target="_blank">
{ defaultMessage: 'Learn more' }
<div />
{/* Advanced vars */}
{ => {
const { name: varName, type: varType } = varDef;
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10329,9 +10329,6 @@
"xpack.fleet.createPackagePolicy.stepConfigure.integrationSettingsSectionDescription": "この統合の使用方法を識別できるように、名前と説明を選択してください。",
"xpack.fleet.createPackagePolicy.stepConfigure.integrationSettingsSectionTitle": "統合設定",
"xpack.fleet.createPackagePolicy.stepConfigure.noPolicyOptionsMessage": "構成するものがありません",
"xpack.fleet.createPackagePolicy.stepConfigure.packagePolicyDataRetentionLabel": "データ保持設定",
"xpack.fleet.createPackagePolicy.stepConfigure.packagePolicyDataRetentionLearnMoreLink": "詳細",
"xpack.fleet.createPackagePolicy.stepConfigure.packagePolicyDataRetentionText": "デフォルトでは、すべてのログとメトリックがホットティアに格納されます。この統合のデータ保持ポリシーの変更については、{learnMore}してください。",
"xpack.fleet.createPackagePolicy.stepConfigure.packagePolicyDescriptionInputLabel": "説明",
"xpack.fleet.createPackagePolicy.stepConfigure.packagePolicyNameInputLabel": "統合名",
"xpack.fleet.createPackagePolicy.stepConfigure.packagePolicyNamespaceHelpLabel": "選択したエージェントポリシーから継承されたデフォルト名前空間を変更します。この設定により、統合のデータストリームの名前が変更されます。{learnMore}。",
Expand Down

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