DISCLAIMER: Initially the course was planned in 3 sessions of 8 hours, and it was imparted internally at our company 3 times. However, based on the feedback of the attendees, currently (still WIP) it is being split into 4 sessions of around 8 hours. This way, some modules content is being enlarged, more exercises are being added and more time to solved the exercises will be allocated.
You can find the old 3-sessions version in this tag: https://github.com/pablito56/pycourse/tree/v1.0_FirstRound
Python course structured in 4 big blocks: basic, intermediate, advanced and utilities.
It starts from the very beginning, explaining what is Python and its basic data types and structures, and ends explaining advanced language features such as descriptors or metaclasses. In addition, the last block covers the most useful Python's standard library or 3rd party modules and utilities.
All the course content is written down in Python scripts, designed to be executed with pydemo:
me@my_laptop:~/workspace/pycourse $ cd basic/
me@my_laptop:~/workspace/pycourse/basic $ pydemo mod_00_what_is_Python.py
Loaded 1 files, 7 code blocks
Python 2.7.2 (default, Oct 11 2012, 20:14:37)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.0 (tags/Apple/clang-418.0.60)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
MOD 00: What is Python?
'\nMOD 00: What is Python?\n'
# EXERCISE: Execute the following command:
# $ python -c "import this"
# From official website ( http://www.python.org/ ):
# Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate
# your systems more effectively. You can learn to use Python and see almost
# immediate gains in productivity and lower maintenance costs.
# Course contents
- 00: What is Python?
- 01: Python history and versions
- 02: Tools and environment
- 03: Numbers
- 04: Strings
- 05: Collections
- 06: Dictionaries
- 07: Booleans
- 08: Flow control
- 09: List and dict comprehension
- 10: Functions
- 11: Classes
- 12: Modules and packages
- 01: Mutables vs. immutables
- 02: Functional programming and iterables tools
- 03: Attributes look up
- 04: Objects data model customisation
- 05: Iterators and generators
- 06: Advanced generators, yield and itertools
- 07: Context managers and contextlib
- 08: Duck typing
- 09: Way of working
- 01: Namespaces and scopes
- 02: Globals and locals
- 03: Decorators
- 04: Advanced decorators
- 05: Functools module
- 06: Cooperative super call pattern (MRO and super)
- 07: Descriptors protocol
- 08: Slots and properties
- 09: Constructors and metaclasses
- 10: Common Java developers errors
- 01: Profiling and timing: profile, cprofile, timeit, plop
- 02: Standatd library: most useful modules
- 02.1: time and datetime
- 02.2: System and filesystem access: sys, os, shutil, subprocess and atexit
- 02.3: Json handling: json, simplejson and ujson
- 02.4: logging
- 02.5: Command line arguments parsing: argparse
- 02.5: Configuration files parsing: configparser
- 03: Network utilities: socket, urllib2, httplib, urlparse and requests
- 04: MySQL official driver
- 05: MongoDB official driver
- 06: Threading and GIL
- 07: Multiprocessing
- 08: Gevent
- 09: Django and Django Rest Framework
- 08: Debugging: pdb and ipdb
- 11: Testing
- 12: Remote access: fabric and paramiko
- 13: Packaging and distribution: distribute
# Old course content (first round in 3 sessions)
- 00: What is Python?
- 01: Python history and versions
- 02: Tools and environment
- 03: Numbers
- 04: Strings
- 05: Collections
- 06: Dictionaries
- 07: Booleans
- 08: Flow control
- 09: Functions
- 10: Iterators, comprehension and generators
- 11: Functional programming and iterables tools
- 12: Classes
- 13: Modules and packages
- 14: Duck typing
- 15: Mutables vs. immutables
- 16: Way of working
- 01: Namespaces and scopes
- 02: Globals and locals and global
- 03: Decorators
- 04: Advanced decorators
- 05: Attributes look up
- 06: Objects data model customisation
- 07: Cooperative super call pattern: MRO and super
- 08: Descriptors protocol
- 09: Slots and properties
- 10: Constructors and metaclasses
- 11: Common Java developers errors
- 01: Profiling and timing: profile, cprofile, timeit, plop
- 02: Standatd library: most useful modules
- 02.1: Iterators and generatos tools: itertools
- 02.2: Functions manipulation tools: functools
- 02.3: Context managers utilities: contextlibs
- 02.4: time and datetime
- 02.5: System and filesystem access: sys, os, shutil, subprocess and atexit
- 02.6: Json handling: json, simplejson and ujson
- 02.7: logging
- 02.8: Command line arguments parsing: argparse
- 02.9: Configuration files parsing: configparser
- 03: Network utilities: socket, urllib2, httplib, urlparse and requests
- 04: MySQL official driver
- 05: MongoDB official driver
- 06: Threading and GIL
- 07: Multiprocessing
- 08: Gevent
- 09: Django and Django Rest Framework
- 08: Debugging: pdb and ipdb
- 11: Testing
- 12: Remote access: fabric and paramiko
- 13: Packaging and distribution: distribute