# Block contents
- 01: Profiling and timing: profile, cprofile, timeit, plop
- 02: Standatd library: most useful modules
- 02.1: time and datetime
- 02.2: System and filesystem access: sys, os, shutil, subprocess and atexit
- 02.3: Json handling: json, simplejson and ujson
- 02.4: logging
- 02.5: Command line arguments parsing: argparse
- 02.5: Configuration files parsing: configparser
- 03: Network utilities: socket, urllib2, httplib, urlparse and requests
- 04: MySQL official driver
- 05: MongoDB official driver
- 06: Threading and GIL
- 07: Multiprocessing
- 08: Gevent
- 09: Django and Django Rest Framework
- 08: Debugging: pdb and ipdb
- 11: Testing
- 12: Remote access: fabric and paramiko
- 13: Packaging and distribution: distribute