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The Feature Structure Chart (FSC) format is an XML-based input format for the cheap parser (see the PetInput page for background). It is well suited as a replacement for scenarios where PIC (PetInputChart) or SMAF (SmafTop) are used.

An FSC document describes the initial chart of the parser, which is a lattice of tokens. Vertices in the lattice represent token boundaries and edges represent tokens. Tokens are only described by feature structures, which can be arbitrarily structured, though. The only requirement for successful processing is that the types for these feature structures are all defined and that the grammar knows where to retrieve the form of a token (defined in the settings).

If the grammar is set up to unify token feature structures into the feature structure of words (as, e.g., the ERG), it is possible to "inject" annotations of external tools into the parser. Combined with chart mapping and the unknown word handling mechanism on top of token feature structures (see PetInput), it is thus possible to trigger the instantiation of generic lexical entries upon external annotation and shape the search space of the parser. The FSC format is at present the only format that allows the user to provide external annotation beyond part-of-speech tags.


Example call:

  cat input.fsc | cheap -tok=fsc -default-les=all -cm -packing -mrs -results=1 english.grm

Example file:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<fsc version="1.0">
  <chart id="fsc-test">
    <text>The dog chases the orc.</text>
    <lattice init="v0" final="v6">
      <edge source="v0" target="v1">
        <fs type="token">
          <f name="+FORM"><str>The</str></f>
          <f name="+FROM"><str>0</str></f>
          <f name="+TO"><str>3</str></f>
          <f name="+TNT">
            <fs type="tnt">
              <f name="+TAGS" org="list"><str>DT</str></f>
              <f name="+PRBS" org="list"><str>1.000000e+00</str></f>
      <edge source="v1" target="v2">
        <fs type="token">
          <f name="+FORM"><str>dog</str></f>
          <f name="+FROM"><str>4</str></f>
          <f name="+TO"><str>7</str></f>
          <f name="+TNT">
            <fs type="tnt">
              <f name="+TAGS" org="list"><str>NN</str></f>
              <f name="+PRBS" org="list"><str>1.000000e+00</str></f>
      <edge source="v2" target="v3">
        <fs type="token">
          <f name="+FORM"><str>chases</str></f>
          <f name="+FROM"><str>8</str></f>
          <f name="+TO"><str>14</str></f>
          <f name="+TNT">
            <fs type="tnt">
              <f name="+TAGS" org="list"><str>VBZ</str><str>NNS</str></f>
              <f name="+PRBS" org="list"><str>8.039033e-01</str><str>1.960967e-01</str></f>
      <edge source="v3" target="v4">
        <fs type="token">
          <f name="+FORM"><str>the</str></f>
          <f name="+FROM"><str>15</str></f>
          <f name="+TO"><str>18</str></f>
          <f name="+TNT">
            <fs type="tnt">
              <f name="+TAGS" org="list"><str>DT</str></f>
              <f name="+PRBS" org="list"><str>1.000000e+00</str></f>
      <edge source="v4" target="v5">
        <fs type="token">
          <f name="+FORM"><str>orc</str></f>
          <f name="+FROM"><str>19</str></f>
          <f name="+TO"><str>22</str></f>
          <f name="+TNT">
            <fs type="tnt">
              <f name="+TAGS" org="list"><str>JJ</str><str>NN</str></f>
              <f name="+PRBS" org="list"><str>5.297595e-01</str><str>4.702405e-01</str></f>
      <edge source="v5" target="v6">
        <fs type="token">
          <f name="+FORM"><str>.</str></f>
          <f name="+FROM"><str>22</str></f>
          <f name="+TO"><str>23</str></f>
          <f name="+TNT">
            <fs type="tnt">
              <f name="+TAGS" org="list"><str>.</str></f>
              <f name="+PRBS" org="list"><str>1.0</str></f>


This is the fsc.dtd:

<!ELEMENT fsc ( chart ) >

<!ELEMENT chart ( text, lattice ) >

<!ELEMENT text ( #PCDATA ) >

<!ELEMENT lattice ( edge* ) >
<!ATTLIST lattice final CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST lattice init CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT edge ( fs ) >

<!ELEMENT fs ( f* ) >

<!ELEMENT f ( fs | str )* >
<!ATTLIST f org ( list ) #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT str ( #PCDATA ) >


[incr tsdb()]

FSC combines well with [incr tsdb()], as long as the convention "one line = one item" is respected. For displaying the correct text during parsing and treebanking with [incr tsdb()], the following function should be defined:

(defun fsc-read-input (string)
  (let* ((string (string-trim '(#\space #\newline) string))
         (xml (ignore-errors (s-xml:parse-xml-string string)))
         (text (second (assoc :|text| (rest (first (rest xml)))))))
        (or text string)))

This function should be used as a reader in the CPU definition for parsing:

        :host (short-site-name)
        :spawn cheap
        :options (list "-t" "-tsdb" "-tok=fsc" "-packing"
                       "-cm" "-default-les=all"
                       "-memlimit=1024" "-timeout=60"
                       (format nil "~a/lingo/erg/english.grm" root))
        :reader "tsdb::fsc-read-input"
        :class :erg+fsc :grammar erg :name "pet"
        :task '(:parse)  :flags '(:generics t)
        :wait wait :quantum quantum)

The function should also be called before treebanking:

(setf (gethash :i-input *statistics-readers*) #'fsc-read-input)

Heart of Gold

The Heart of Gold (HeartofgoldTop) can be used to synthesize token feature structures from several modules. There are currently sessions defined for the ERG that combine jTok, TnT, and optionally SProUT output into FSC documents.

Encoding issues

By default the XML parser used with cheap (libxerces) can handle iso-8859-1 and utf-8. To get other encodings, such as euc-jp, you need to link the xml parser against the icu libraries.

For debian and derivatives this means:

apt-get install sudo apt-get install libxercesicu25 icu

rather than:

apt-get install sudo apt-get install libxerces25 
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