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DELPH-IN Discussion IV: Visibility

18 August 2005

Frederik's slides


V Kordoni:
website update, who should do it? Up to now, Stephan (publications list, resources and grammars, migration of pages, etc.)
How to reduce load on one person?

S Oepen:
Credits: Hans and DKFI web design staff.
move more content into wiki? but formatting limitations, esthetic and content

V Kordoni:
very useful (for funding applications) to have a grammar listed on official DELPH-IN site and not on personal page.

S Drellishak:
up to now we are not using very complex content (dynamic html etc.) so wiki is realistic

F Bond:
make stable top, external pages as pretty as possible, but inside content can be wiki

A Frank:
what should be visible to whom? documentation of tools for example
but decide first what should be there and then figure out how to get it there

B Crysmann:
visibility in CL community, collocation with HPSG or with other events?

M Siegel:
publications, would rather contribute her references directly instead of going through a webmaster

F Xu:
existing user-driven bibliographic database tools, e.g. in use at DFKI

S Oepen:
no need for comprehensive database, just up to date representative sample

D Flickinger:
self-selected publications list could be part of externally visible site-specific descriptions part of wiki

F Fouvry:
aside from our website, make sure to have links on related pages (work using DELPH-IN tools)

D Flickinger:
make a habit of inserting DELPH-IN into presentations, logo on slides, etc. (i.e. not only in published work)
Maybe standardize practice?

A Frank:
and personal web pages

V Kordoni:
would be useful to get feedback from DELPH-IN, a committee who could look at tutorial slides, coaching

S Oepen:
recent paper for MT summit workshop, marketed forcefully as a DELPH-IN result statistics, try to get your institution into the top ten!

propose possibility of hosting resource pages under delph-in domain (hosted non-locally, with redirection)

hosting mailing lists, Developers' list currently most active

F Fouvry:
each site hosts and maintains a part of the website according to its expertise, then redirected

A Frank:
multilingual aspect should be much more prominent
clearer mission/vision so people who are attracted to the site remain interested as they browse the content

D Flickinger:
users of tools/resources should make themselves known (in site-specific pages) so developers know what people need, who depends on what functionalities
developers: give an idea of upcoming developments on tools/resources pages

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