The QNAP QSW-2104-2S is based on Broadcom's Robo2 platform and has management capabilities that are artificially restricted. Fortunately it is possible to partially overcome these limitations, as described below.
It appears that the APIs described below are also available on the QSW-2104-2T and QSW-1105-5T switches, as well as other Robo2 devices. I strongly advise not to upload the modified QSW-2104-2S firmware included in this repository to other devices. If you are aware of other Robo2 devices where these APIs are available please file an issue and I'll include them here.
Update: There is at least one report of the QSW-1108-8T using a different hardware platform that doesn't offer the management capabilities mentioned below. If you have a QSW-1108-8T that is based on Broadcom's Robo2 please do submit an issue so that I can amend this notice.
During startup the switch listens for web requests at for 1 minute. If during that time no login happens it will stop listening. Once a session has been established there is a 5 minute inactivity window after which the switch stops responding to web requests.
If you find that your switch doesn't listen at immediately after booting, you'll need serial access (see further below) to enable IP traffic. Once you've connected to the serial console, you can check the status of the stop_ip
configuration parameter and disable it if it's set:
BCMCLI> getparam stop_ip
stop_ip => 1
BCMCLI> setparam stop_ip 0
Param stop_ip set to : 0
BCMCLI> getparam stop_ip
stop_ip => 0
After a reboot you should be able to reach the switch at
The modified fw-update-qsw-2104-2s-no-timeout.bin
firmware contained within this repository can be uploaded to stop the switch from cutting off web requests after 1 minute.
To update the firmware, set your computer's IP to e.g. and navigate to once the LEDs signal the switch has finished booting. Then log in with password Qsw_Update
and proceed to update the modified firmware.
While the web interface is limited to only firmware updates, the switch does offer the follwing api routes (documented best effort and largely untested, if you spot any errors or omissions please file an issue!):
Path | JSON fields in POST body | Notes |
/api/autovoip/oui/create | oui: "AA:BB:CC" | |
/api/autovoip/oui/delete | oui: "AA:BB:CC" | |
/api/autovoip/oui/get | - | |
/api/autovoip/state/get | - | |
/api/autovoip/state/set | gstate: uint | |
/api/cfg/default | - | |
/api/cfg/save | - | |
/api/cfg/upload | http multi-part upload | e.g. curl -F 'config.jsn=@/my/file' . Reboot without /cfg/save to apply. |
/api/cfg/validate | - | |
/api/dev/cfg/view | query param "download" | supply a path like /cfg:config.jsn |
/api/dos/get | - | |
/api/dos/set | macLand: uint, | |
ipDaEqSa: uint | ||
tcpDpEqSp: uint | ||
udpDpEqSp: uint | ||
tcpNullScan: uint | ||
tcpXmasScan: uint | ||
tcpSynFinScan: uint | ||
tcpSync: uint | ||
tcpHdrFrag: uint | ||
ipv4IcmpFrag: uint | ||
ipv6IcmpFrag: uint | ||
icmp4LongPing: uint | ||
icmp6LongPing: uint | ||
/api/fw/data/get | - | |
/api/fw/image/toggle | - | |
/api/fw/upload | http multi-part upload | |
/api/fw/version/set | index: int | |
verInfo: str | ||
/api/host/add | ipv6: 0 | reads like it wouldn't work for ipv6 |
ipaddr: "" | ||
/api/host/delete | ipv6: 0 | reads like it wouldn't work for ipv6 |
ipaddr: "" | ||
/api/host/get | - | |
/api/host/state/set | enable: uint | |
/api/intf/list/get | - | |
/api/l2/table/count/get | - | |
/api/l2/table/get | start: { mac: vlan: portid: } | |
/api/lag/create | descr: str(17) | |
members: str | comma-separated list of port numbers (e.g. "4,5") | |
/api/lag/delete | lag: uint | |
/api/lag/get | lag: uint | |
/api/lag/hash/get | - | |
/api/lag/hash/set | hash: str | options are "mac-da", "mac-dasa", "mac-dasa-vlan", "mac-dasa-vlan-ip" |
/api/lag/intf/set | id: uint | Modify existing LAG |
descr: str | ||
members: str | comma-separated list of port numbers (e.g. "4,5") | |
/api/lag/portmap/get | - | |
/api/lbd/global/get | - | |
/api/lbd/global/set | globalEnabled: uint | |
txTime: uint, | ||
shutdownTime: uint | ||
/api/lbd/port/get | - | |
/api/lbd/port/set | port: uint | |
enabled: uint, | ||
action: uint, | ||
transmit: uint | ||
/api/mirror/delete | - | |
/api/mirror/get | - | |
/api/mirror/set | descr: | |
destPort: | out of the box this was set to 1230392388 (?) | |
egressSrcPorts: []uint | port numbers, e.g. [ 1, 2 ] | |
ingressSrcPorts: []uint | ||
egressSrcVLANs: []uint | VLAN IDs, e.g. [ 1001 , 1002 ] | |
ingressSrcVLANs: []uint | ||
/api/port/admin/get | port: uint | |
/api/port/get | port: uint | parameter is optional |
/api/port/link/state/get | port: uint | |
/api/port/list/get | - | |
/api/port/phys/type/get | port: uint | |
/api/port/set | port: uint | |
descr: str | ||
admin: uint | ||
autoneg: 0/1, speed: uint, fdx: 0/1 | must be set together | |
flow: uint | ||
/api/port/speed/max/get | port:uint | |
/api/port/stats_err/get | port:uint | |
/api/port/stats_rst/set | port:uint | |
/api/port/stats/clear | ports: []int | port numbers, e.g. [ 0, 1 ] |
/api/port/stats/get | port: uint | parameter is optional |
/api/qos/dot1p/mapping/get | - | |
/api/qos/dot1p/mapping/set | dot1p: []str | [ "0x02","0x01","0x04","0x08","0x10","0x20","0x40","0x80" ] out of the box |
/api/qos/dscp/mapping/get | - | |
/api/qos/dscp/mapping/set | dscp: []str | format tbc |
/api/qos/port/ratelimit/get | port: uint | parameter is optional |
/api/qos/port/ratelimit/set | port: uint | |
ingress: { admin: uint, rate: uint, unit:"pps" } | "unit" might have more options, tbc | |
egress: { admin: uint, rate: uint, unit:"pps" } | "unit" might have more options, tbc | |
/api/qos/port/sched/get | port: uint | parameter is optional |
/api/qos/port/sched/set | port: uint | |
mode: 0/1 | enable/disable, port 1 was enabled out of the box | |
rrWeights: []int | max 8 weights. Port 0 had [ 128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128 ] out of the box | |
/api/session/login | user: str, pass: str | |
/api/session/logout | - | |
/api/sntp/get | - | |
/api/sntp/set | state: 0/1 | defaults to off out of the box |
poll: uint | ||
ipv4: "" | ||
tz: uint | ||
/api/storm/get | - | |
/api/storm/set | unicast: {admin: uint} | |
unicast: {meas:, level: uint} | "meas" format is tbc | |
multicast: {admin: uint} | ||
multicast: {meas:, level: uint} | "meas" format is tbc | |
broadcast: {admin: uint} | ||
broadcast: {meas:, level: uint} | "meas" format is tbc | |
/api/system/led/set | led_offset: uint | |
value: uint | ||
/api/system/logintime/set | can_logintime: uint | Also sets session timeout to 1d (fixed) |
/api/system/loopmode/set | loopback_mode: 0/1 | Enables/disables loopback detection |
/api/system/macaddr/set | mac_addr: "00:11:22:33:44:55" | |
/api/system/microled/set | led_mode:uint | |
/api/system/params/get | - | |
/api/system/params/set | cfg_descr: str(64) | |
dev_id: str(32) | ||
dev_name: str(32) | ||
dev_loc: str(32) | ||
dev_desc: str(31) | ||
dhcpv4: 0/1 | When enabled, ipv4, subnet, gw act as static fallback (untested) |
ssl: 0/1 | ||
l2Agetime: uint | ||
sessTTL: uint | in minutes | |
ipv4: "", subnet:"", gw: "" | Supply together. Applies immediately, but upon reboot only works as dhcp fallback. | |
/api/system/password/set | {"pwd": "old", "new_pwd": "new"} | |
/api/system/phy_fw_ver/get | - | Returns malformed (unclosed) JSON |
/api/system/reboot | - | |
/api/system/serial_number/set | serial_number: str | |
/api/system/stop_ip/set | stop_ip: 0/1 | Stop serving web traffic (!) |
/api/system/sysloop_led/set | system_loop_led: 0/1 | |
/api/system/testmode/set | test_mode: uint | |
/api/user/detete | user: str | |
/api/user/get | - | |
/api/user/set | add: uint | |
user: str | ||
pass: str | ||
/api/vlan/create | vlan: uint | |
/api/vlan/delete | vlan: uint | |
/api/vlan/get | vlan: uint | parameter is optional |
/api/vlan/mode/get | - | |
/api/vlan/mode/set | mode: uint | 802.1q or port-based? |
/api/vlan/port/get | port: uint | |
/api/vlan/port/set | port: uint | |
accept: uint | ||
pvid: uint | ||
/api/vlan/set | vlan: uint | |
membership: [ {intf: uint, mbr: 0/1/2} ] | mbr 1 = untagged, mbr 2 = tagged | |
/session_check | - |
API activity will reset the inactivity window. Note that it appears that there can only be one session simultaneously, i.e. when there's an active api session the web login won't work. However, the web user's session id can be shared with api requests.
Example API usage creating a new 802.1q VLAN (id 2), assigning tagged port membership for port 5 (leftmost SFP+) and untagged for ports 0 and 1 (rightmost 2.5g ports). Setting untagged ports will automatically also set port PVID.
$ curl -d '{"user":"admin", "pwd":"Qsw_Update"}' -v 2>&1 | grep Set-Cookie
< Set-Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6;
$ curl -H "Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6" -d '{"vlan":2}'
$ curl -H "Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6" -d '{"vlan":1, "membership":[{"intf":0,"mbr":0},{"intf":1,"mbr":0},{"intf":2,"mbr":1},{"intf":3,"mbr":1},{"intf":4,"mbr":1},{"intf":5,"mbr":1}]}'
$ curl -H "Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6" -d '{"vlan":2, "membership":[{"intf":0,"mbr":1},{"intf":1,"mbr":1},{"intf":2,"mbr":0},{"intf":3,"mbr":0},{"intf":4,"mbr":0},{"intf":5,"mbr":2}]}'
Persist config for the next boot:
$ curl -H "Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6"
{"status": 0}
If you're not using the modified firmware (above), setting a longer login time window once logged in may be advisable. This will also automatically set session timeout to 1 day. Note that this setting does not get persisted across reboots.
curl -H "Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6" -d '{"canlogin_time":31536000}
$ curl -H "Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6"
$ curl -H "Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6"
{"port_data":[{"port":0, "pvid":1, "accept":0},{"port":1, "pvid":1, "accept":0},{"port":2, "pvid":1, "accept":0},{"port":3, "pvid":1, "accept":0},{"port":4, "pvid":1, "accept":0},{"port":5, "pvid":1, "accept":0}],"port_count":6,"port_first":0,"status":0}
$ curl -H "Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6"
$ curl -H "Cookie: mgs=b5502488f7254cd6" -d '{"vlan":1}'
{"vlanData":{"id":1,"vlan":1,"inUse":[],"tag":[],"untag":[0,1,2,3,4,5]},"mode":1,"vlanCountMax":128,"vlanidMin":1,"vlanidMax":4095,"vlanList": [1],"status":0}
With ethernet ports facing towards you, pins are from left to right: VCC, switch RX (connect to serial TX), GND, switch TX (connect to serial RX).
BCM53158 SWITCH firmware Feb 22 2018
boot_src = M7. Initializing M7
Copyright 2015-2017 Broadcom Limited
All rights reserved
Unit 0: ChipID: 53161 Rev 17
Unit 0: Straps: 00005041
Unit 0: PLL1 CH1 POSTDIV 13
LED Boot up -> 0s-3s
Unit 0: LED Refresh cycle config
Unit 0: LED Delay config
Unit 0: LED Strap load
Loading LED Firmware
Unit 0: bootloader LED Start
Buffered Logs:
OTP_FLAGS = 0x8c
Broadcom ROBO OS Bootloader Version 2.4
Bootloader: QSPI flash Model: winbond Size: 128 Mbit
DEVFS: Initializing..
DEVFS: Device /dev/ttyS0 registered
DEVFS: Device /dev/flash0 registered
Press any key to interrupt Auto Boot
1� �Bootloader: Auto boot Interrupted, Launching Cli
BCMCLI> help
config_get [<param>] (get all or given config)
config_set <param> <value> (set given config)
list (List all images)
getreg <register>
reboot (Reboot the system)
rz (receive a file via zmodem)
setreg <register> <value>
save (save boot config)
BCMCLI> list
| Image | Offset | Len | Version |
| 1 | 10060000 | 3092020 | SW-UT2206QG_1.00-0.07 |
| 2 | 103a0000 | 3092020 | SW-UT2206QG_1.00-0.07 |
The flash chip is underneath the PCB and reads Winbond 25q128jvsq 2119
, which is a 3.3v 128 mbit spi flash.
git clone
cd ch341prog && make
sudo ./ch341prog -i
sudo ./ch341prog -r flash.bin
We can see that there is some (uncompressed) contents in there
$ binwalk flash.bin
273187 0x42B23 mcrypt 2.2 encrypted data, algorithm: blowfish-448, mode: CBC, keymode: 4bit
310176 0x4BBA0 CRC32 polynomial table, little endian
319086 0x4DE6E Copyright string: "Copyright 2015-2017 Broadcom Limited"
325332 0x4F6D4 Unix path: /home/sw/QNAP/SW-UT2206QG/sourcecode/robo148/src/drivers/devfs/console_dev.c
326296 0x4FA98 Unix path: /home/sw/QNAP/SW-UT2206QG/sourcecode/robo148/src/drivers/devfs/flash_dev.c
327172 0x4FE04 Unix path: /dev/flash/image
1450467 0x1621E3 mcrypt 2.2 encrypted data, algorithm: blowfish-448, mode: CBC, keymode: 4bit
1499452 0x16E13C SHA256 hash constants, little endian
1500148 0x16E3F4 Base64 standard index table
1508408 0x170438 PEM certificate
1524784 0x174430 PEM RSA private key
1524848 0x174470 PEM EC private key
1525412 0x1746A4 Base64 standard index table
1526056 0x174928 AES S-Box
1534504 0x176A28 AES Inverse S-Box
1558486 0x17C7D6 Copyright string: "Copyright 2015-2017 Broadcom Limited"
1854976 0x1C4E00 GIF image data, version "89a", 1200 x 900
1859072 0x1C5E00 GIF image data, version "89a", 32 x 32
1861120 0x1C6600 PNG image, 160 x 72, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced
1862114 0x1C69E2 Zlib compressed data, best compression
1863168 0x1C6E00 GIF image data, version "89a", 32 x 32
1865281 0x1C7641 HTML document header
1868610 0x1C8342 HTML document footer
1869372 0x1C863C HTML document header
1872663 0x1C9317 HTML document footer
1983431 0x1E43C7 Copyright string: "copyright 2008 A Beautiful Site, LLC. "
2078093 0x1FB58D HTML document header
2163084 0x21018C Copyright string: "copyright 2008 A Beautiful Site, LLC. "
2219476 0x21DDD4 Copyright string: "copyright 2008 A Beautiful Site, LLC. "
2229760 0x220600 HTML document header
2231872 0x220E40 HTML document footer
2233856 0x221600 HTML document header
2235470 0x221C4E HTML document footer
2235904 0x221E00 Executable script, shebang: "/bin/bash"
2253231 0x2261AF PEM certificate
4858339 0x4A21E3 mcrypt 2.2 encrypted data, algorithm: blowfish-448, mode: CBC, keymode: 4bit
4907324 0x4AE13C SHA256 hash constants, little endian
4908020 0x4AE3F4 Base64 standard index table
4916280 0x4B0438 PEM certificate
4932656 0x4B4430 PEM RSA private key
4932720 0x4B4470 PEM EC private key
4933284 0x4B46A4 Base64 standard index table
4933928 0x4B4928 AES S-Box
4942376 0x4B6A28 AES Inverse S-Box
4966358 0x4BC7D6 Copyright string: "Copyright 2015-2017 Broadcom Limited"
5262848 0x504E00 GIF image data, version "89a", 1200 x 900
5266944 0x505E00 GIF image data, version "89a", 32 x 32
5268992 0x506600 PNG image, 160 x 72, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced
5269986 0x5069E2 Zlib compressed data, best compression
5271040 0x506E00 GIF image data, version "89a", 32 x 32
5273153 0x507641 HTML document header
5276482 0x508342 HTML document footer
5277244 0x50863C HTML document header
5280535 0x509317 HTML document footer
5391303 0x5243C7 Copyright string: "copyright 2008 A Beautiful Site, LLC. "
5485965 0x53B58D HTML document header
5570956 0x55018C Copyright string: "copyright 2008 A Beautiful Site, LLC. "
5627348 0x55DDD4 Copyright string: "copyright 2008 A Beautiful Site, LLC. "
5637632 0x560600 HTML document header
5639744 0x560E40 HTML document footer
5641728 0x561600 HTML document header
5643342 0x561C4E HTML document footer
5643776 0x561E00 Executable script, shebang: "/bin/bash"
5661103 0x5661AF PEM certificate
Based on the bootloader's list output above, dump the bootloader as well as the firmware image:
dd bs=393216 count=1 if=flash.bin of=flash0.bin
dd skip=393216 iflag=skip_bytes bs=3092020 count=1 if=flash.bin of=flash1.bin
Both images start with the magic bytes f8ff
, which also appear in other parts of the bootloader and first image:
$ $ binwalk -R "\xf8\xff" flash0.bin
65536 0x10000 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
99196 0x1837C Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
122556 0x1DEBC Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
298456 0x48DD8 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
$ binwalk -R "\xf8\xff" flash1.bin
0 0x0 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
455 0x1C7 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
79317 0x135D5 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
715379 0xAEA73 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
716347 0xAEE3B Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
716483 0xAEEC3 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
716643 0xAEF63 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
716903 0xAF067 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
877157 0xD6265 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
878909 0xD693D Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
898496 0xDB5C0 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
1074396 0x1064DC Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
1410967 0x158797 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
1414859 0x1596CB Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
1417587 0x15A173 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
1417611 0x15A18B Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
1420419 0x15AC83 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
1421324 0x15B00C Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
1438208 0x15F200 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
1439744 0x15F800 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
3088100 0x2F1EE4 Raw signature (\xf8\xff)
The firmware image is running Mongoose/6.14.
After some spelunking I figured out that the image is mapped to location 0x10010000. 1MB of RAM is mapped to 0x24800000 - 0x248FFFFF, along with other locations (see here).