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blutz edited this page Jan 2, 2013 · 6 revisions

Installing this theme in WordPress install is slightly more difficult than a normal theme because of server configuration settings embedded in the theme.

Basic installation instructions

Step 1: Install WordPress

Follow any of the numerous tutorials online.

Step 2: Install supporting plugins

Unless otherwise noted, you can install these plugins from searching the plugin directory.

Step 3: Install Gryphondor

  1. Download the latest version as a zip (or use git clone and put the files in a folder in your wp-content/plugins folder. (Or upload the zip to your WordPress administration and it'll do the unzipping for you.)
  2. Go to Appearance > Themes in your WordPress administration panel and click "Activate" next to the "Gryphondor" theme.
  3. Make sure all options are "No" and click "Save changes"

Step 4: Menus

Add a menu (Appearance > Menus) for each menu location with at least one item in each. Here are the descriptions for menu locations:

  • Top Links: At the top of the site, for links like "Contact Us" and "Join the Staff"
  • Primary Navigation: Primary navigation menu. Should have a home link and category links. This menu is configured for one layer of nesting.
  • Mobile Navigation: Mobile users will get this menu instead of the primary navigation menu. Make sure there is enough here for normal navigation but not enough to overwhelm the reader (include all main sections, for instance).
  • Share Links: Links to social media in the footer. Social media links in other places are hard-coded into the theme.
  • In the News: Links across the top of the site for topics "in the news." Should probably be category pages.
  • About: Displays at the bottom-right of the footer.

Step 5: Permalink format

To get your links to have the same format as those on, change your permalink format (General > Permalinks) to


Step 6: Categories

Set up basic categories (with these slugs) or the page may have PHP errors.

  • News: news
  • Opinion: opinion
  • Sports: sports
  • A&E: arts-entertainment

Install FAQ

I am not seeing any images or styling on the pages!
Make sure your .htaccess file is writable then disable and re-enable. If you're in doubt about whether or not .htaccess is writable and you're on a development server go to your WordPress installation directory and execute

$ touch .htaccess
$ chmod 777 .htaccess

Where is my WordPress installation directory??
It depends where you set it up. If you use XAMPP/MAMP/etc. it's usually somewhere in your Documents or home folder. If you're on *nix it's probably /var/www/.

How do I log into WordPress administration?
If you're running WordPress on your own machine it's normally at http://localhost/wp-admin. If it's not there, go to your WordPress installation in a web browser and append /wp-admin to the URL.

How do I access classifieds?
As long as you've installed the Daily Bruin classifieds plugin you should be able to access the classifieds frontend at URL/classified/.

I found a bug in the theme!! Who do I tell?
First check our bug tracker and make sure we don't already know. If it's not there send us an email at [email protected] and we'll investigate.

Why is this theme called Gryphondor?
Our previous content management system was named "Gryphon." We thought this was a fitting way to say farewell to Gryphon.