Reproduced code for:
Efficient Center Voting for Object Detection and 6D Pose Estimation in 3D Point Cloud
💔 No official repo for this great job.
- Cmake 3.5
- PCL 1.8
- Boost
- OpenMP
- Eigen3
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
./central_voting /path_to_src_point_cloud /path_to_tgt_point_cloud
- The .pcd point cloud file is needed
- arg1 is the model and arg2 is scene point cloud
Most Important, I didn’t reach the same result as the paper mentioned, So maybe the code miss some implementation details and met this bad result. 😞
This is not a complete project and I just finished the key code and check the correctness.
I did not write the Config file , so some params need to be adjusted from the code and don't forget recompile.