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Game Features

BlackCat edited this page Jan 21, 2015 · 23 revisions

Version: 1.2 (28.06.2013)

This sheet contains all game features of the game. Unlike the most believes CW:T won't be an exact copy of the Advance Wars series bxecause it will add many new actions and mechanics into the game. The target of CW:T is to increase the depth of the game without overcomplicating it.

Game Actions

This is a feature list for unit actions that are planned for the release of Custom Wars Tactics. The goal of this page is to write a full list of actions which units can perform in the game. These actions will also be included in the customization part allowing these attributes to be appended onto different units as the become available. (However, this list will not go into detail on how attaching these elements to custom units is achieved.)

This list is primarily for the designers to know what features are currently available and/or planned for Custom Wars Tactics. I am hoping to have similar lists for properties and CO's.

Progress Action Target Object Description
Complete wait Every Unit A unit turns a darker shade and is not able to perform any more actions.
Complete move Every Unit A unit can move from one position of the board map to another. This movement pattern only moves the unit after a wait (or equivalent action) is performed.
Complete attack Every Unit with a weapon A unit can deal damage to an enemy unit on the map. Causes wait. Enemy units within one space of attacking unit able to perform a counterattack will do so.
Complete captureProperty Soldiers A unit must be sitting on any non-allied property to perform this command. A unit is able to reduce capture points equal to that unit's HP. Causes wait. Completely reducing to zero capture points results in a change of the ownership.
Complete loadUnit Units that moves on a Transporter A unit can be removed from the game board into an other unit when a) the other unit is a transporter unit, b) the other unit can load the invoking unit and c) the other unit has left load slots free.
Complete unloadUnit Transporter Units A unit can unload other units to a neighbor tile when the unit is a transporter unit and having loads in its loads container. Furthermore the unload is only possible when the load can move onto the target tile. The unload unit move action does not cost any fuel.
Complete siloFire Soldiers on Silos A unit must be sitting on an own property with rocketSilo to perform this command. Causes wait.
Complete join Every Unit that moves on an unit of the same type A unit can join an other unit if the target unit has less than 10 HP and is the same type of unit. This action adds both stats of the unit to one unit permanently. If total HP of both units is greater than 10, the remaining value over 10 is given to funds by [(Cost of unit / 100) * HP Surplus]. Causes wait. Loaded units can't be joined!
Nearly Complete supply Supply Units A unit refills all surrounding units with the same ownership with 100% fuel and ammo. Causes wait. TODO: if team units are in range then the actions shows a sub menu with options to heal team units too.
Complete sendUnit Every Unit Changes the ownership of the unit to the player selected. Causes wait. Can only invoked when the unit does not move!
Complete suicide S-Bomb Command to detonate at a given tile with an impact that causes damage to surrounding units.
Complete hideUnit Subs, Stealths Sets the hidden status of stealth units. Causes wait. The fuel consumption increases by this action.
Complete unhideUnit Hidden Subs, Stealths Removes the hidden status of hidden units. Causes wait. The fuel consumption goes back to normal by this action.
Not Started launch Carriers in AWDoR ...
Not Started create Carriers in AWDoR A unit is able to create a unit in an unoccupied load slot. The unit built inside must be one that can be loaded into the unit normally. Building a unit causes the unit inside to invoke the wait command. Causes wait.
Not Started buildBase Build-Transporters An allied unit is able to build temporary buildings depending on the terrain type it is currently on. The APC must remain on the spot and select build until all the capture points are filled. Failure to remain on the spot (either by death or movement) causes the building to be destroyed if capture points are not at max. Causes wait. This is normally on the APCR and costs materials. It allowed the APC to build a Temporary Airport if sitting on a PLIN tile, and a Temporary Seaport if sitting on a SHOA tile. Example
Not Started repair Unit with healing ability A unit chooses one other unit of the same ownership surrounding it. It restores n HP and performs a supply command on that unit. Causes wait.
Not Started detachCO Every unit A unit must be sitting on an allied HQTR, BASE, or equivalent to perform this command. A unit will load a CO causing a CO Zone to appear surrounding the unit. Causes wait.
Started activatePower Map action ...
Complete buildUnit Factory properties A factory can build units. The price of an unit will be determined by its costs property. After a unit being build a wait command on it will caused.
Nearly Complete sendProperty Every Property except the HQ Sends a property to an other player. Balance: A property can be send only one time during the complete game round?
Complete sendMoney  HQ property action Send your money to other players.
Complete nextTurn Map action Ends your turn.
Complete yield HQ property action When invoked by a player then the player looses the game.
Not Started disband Every Unit Disbands an unit and frees a unit slot.
Not Started flareShoot Flare Flares can shoot into a given tile in a range and reveals fog in a given range for a duration of one day. Example
Not Started setFireMod Cannon Properties Sets the fire mode of battle properties. Possible modes are 1. Most expensive unit and 2. Most possible damage
Not Started setFireTarget Cannon Properties Sets the target mode of battle properties. Possible modes are 1. Soldiers, 2. Vehicles, 3. Tanks, 4. Copters, 5. Air, 6. Naval, 7. Direct attacking units and 8. Indirect attacking units.

Game Mechanics

Some of the available game mechanics.

Progress Action Target Object Description
Started + Under Review Suppressed Every defending unit If a unit looses a lot of health then they try to retreat to a neighbor tile to create a distance of 2 (in relation to the attacker). Furthermore the unit is stunned in the next turn. Balancing: Should only retreating enemy indirect/ballistic attacks or every kind of attack type?
Started Man Power Build Unit If a unit will be builded then the available man power of a player will be lowered by 1. If the man power of a player is 0 then he is no longer able to build units. Balancing: Disbanded units should increase the man power of a player by one.
Not Started Ranks Every Unit If a unit destroys a lot of enemy units or survives enough battles then it gets a rank. Available Ranks are 1) Skilled, 2) Veteran and 3) Elite.
Complete Direct Weapons Battle Units Have a range of 1-1 and can fire after move.
Complete Artillery Weapons Battle Units Have a range of n-m and cannot fire after move. Furthermore the minimum range (n) must be smaller than m.
Not Started Howitzer Weapons Battle Units Have a range of n-m and cannot fire after move. Furthermore the minimum range (n) must be smaller than m. Unlike the artillery weapons a howitzer weapon can counter attacks if the enemy is at a distance of one tile. Example
Nearly Complete Counter Attack Direct+Howitzer Units If a direct unit will be attacked by an other direct unit then it counter attacks it with its direct or secondary weapon.
Complete Property Capture Soldiers A unit can change the ownership of a property by lowering it's capture points to zero. If the property is an HQ then the old owner of the HQ will loose the game.
Not Started Supply Loads Loaded units If units are loaded in transporters which owns a supply ability then the load will be refilled too when the supply action will be invoked.
Not Started Funds Properties A property gives funds at turn start except special properties like radar stations and communication towers.
Not Started Property Repair Properties Some properties can repair units of a given class at turn start in exchange of a part of it's costs.
Not Started Attribute Medals Campaigns and VS/Net Games A player can increase it's status values by using some medals which are obtainable by playing the campaign or solving war room stuff.
Not Started Achievements Do missions in special ways to get achievement medals. Furthermore some achievements should unlock special attribute medals.
Not Started Auto-Capture Automatic Action All capturing soldiers doing a capture action at the end of the turn if they're able to act.
Not Started Game Time-Limit Automatic Action The game round gets a timer, when the timer is up then the host player loose the game (campaign/war room stuff).
Under Review Factory-Spot Automatic Action A factory spot automatically builds units in a random manner (may solved by rules).
Not Started Unit Classes Every unit belongs to a class and much stuff will be bound to unit classes. The available classes are 1. Soldiers, 2. Vehicles, 3. Tanks, 4. Copters, 5. Air and 6. Naval.

Game Round Configuration Rules

This variables will be configurable at map selection by the host of a game room.

Progress Name Minimum-Maximum (Default) Description
Started fogEnabled 0-1 (0) Controls the fog system. If 0 then the fog does not used in the game.
Not Started weather Off or one Weather ID (Off) If a weather ID is set then the weather will be set to the given ID and never change during the game round. Except by a CO effect.
Started unitLimit 0-n (0) Controls the amount of units that can be under control at the same time by a faction. The variable n is the number of max. units per player which is controlled by the engine constants. Default value is 0 which means no limit.
Started dayLimit 0-9999 (0) Limit in days ( one day is n turns while n is the number of active players ) before the game automatically ends. Default value is 0 which means no limit.
Started turnTimeLimit 0-60 (0) Time in minutes that a turn can durate. If the limit is broken then a nextTurn action will be invoked. Default value is 0 which means no limit.
Not Started propertyLimit 0-n (0) Limit in properties that a player needs to own to win the game. The variable n is the number of properties on the map. Default value is 0 which means no limit.
Not Started coMode 0-xxx Controls the way how the CO mechanic is used.

Data Flow Attributes

See Scripting-Attributes

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