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Non-critical corrections - August 2024 Edition #1069

epage opened this issue Jul 31, 2024 · 47 comments · Fixed by #1091

Non-critical corrections - August 2024 Edition #1069

epage opened this issue Jul 31, 2024 · 47 comments · Fixed by #1091
C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations


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epage commented Jul 31, 2024

Please list any corrections you noticed typos doesn't fix and we'll roll these up into a single PR, making it lighter weight for adding new corrections.

Preferred format (for easy copy/pasting):

bad1 -> good1
bad2 -> good2

(using a code block allows me one-click copy/paste)

Feel free to update your comment as you find more suggestions for this month to reduce noise and making updating the dictionary easier

Please use dedicated issues for false positives as they likely need more discussion than is intended for this thread.

Related open issues

@epage epage added the C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations label Jul 31, 2024
@epage epage pinned this issue Jul 31, 2024
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Veetaha commented Aug 1, 2024

longic -> logic
tagret -> target
hardned -> hardened
fidnings -> findings
finings -> findings
revoming -> removing
mutualy -> mutually
genenerally -> generally

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jalil-salame commented Aug 1, 2024

supected -> suspected

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groengpx commented Aug 2, 2024

ahaed -> ahead

(To be clear, when this will be included, it will also detect look_ahaed, right?)

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Facel3ss1 commented Aug 2, 2024

diagnositics -> diagnostics
callling -> calling
builer -> builder
attempst -> attempts

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cmdcolin commented Aug 3, 2024

provideded -> provided
consenus -> consensus
alingments -> alignments
missence -> missense

missense is a bioinformatics term

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jplatte commented Aug 4, 2024

enusure -> ensure

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ranocha commented Aug 5, 2024

visualzed -> visualized
regulirization -> regularization
reseearch -> research
remainign -> remaining
afterawards -> afterwards
environnement -> environment
environnements -> environments
discretiation -> discretization
impacte -> impact
presreving -> preserving

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kachick commented Aug 6, 2024

reolace -> replace
acticated -> activated
prohram -> program
grather -> greater|gather
retun -> return
motiation -> motivation
orgiin -> origin
commti  -> commit

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staticists -> statistics

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Blacksmoke16 commented Aug 6, 2024

origined -> originated
disriminator -> discriminator

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waywardmonkeys commented Aug 11, 2024

comutative -> commutative

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phip1611 commented Aug 12, 2024

defficult -> difficult
explcitely -> explicitly
strippping -> stripping   # Stripping debug symbols e.g., not the night club activity 🤣
noteable -> notable 

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mrmundt commented Aug 12, 2024

prassing -> passing
expressiosn -> expressions

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ncvv commented Aug 13, 2024

rnuning -> running
landmakrs -> landmarks
landmarsk -> landmarks

As in

Also, I suggest mentioning "false negatives" in the issue description explicitly. Thanks!

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ranocha commented Aug 14, 2024

contributuon -> contribution
contributuons -> contributions
goverining -> governing
intereting -> interesting

plaftorms -> platforms

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Collaborator Author

epage commented Aug 14, 2024

juxtopose -> juxtapose

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pecheneff commented Aug 15, 2024

changning -> changing
reseponse -> response

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accessbility -> accessibility
aspet -> aspect
necessaary -> necessary
necesssary -> necessary

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mo8it commented Aug 15, 2024

similarely -> similarly

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alexfertel commented Aug 19, 2024

literla -> literal

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DJMcNab commented Aug 19, 2024

priorit -> priority
guestures -> gestures

Not sure about if missing y like this is in-scope.

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nogweii commented Aug 20, 2024

boostraping -> bootstrapping

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chipp -> chip
chipps -> chips

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mutuallly -> mutually

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ncvv commented Aug 22, 2024

expoected -> expected


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jonchang commented Aug 22, 2024

supllied -> supplied
formmated -> formatted

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artifiact -> artifact
artifiacts -> artifacts

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waywardmonkeys commented Aug 25, 2024

vestigal -> vestigial

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cumilative -> cumulative
congfigure -> configure

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powre -> power

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hofbi commented Aug 26, 2024

astersisks -> asterisks
repositorys -> repositories

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akx commented Aug 27, 2024

associatated -> associated
fitler -> filter

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amgiguous -> ambiguous

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simlator -> simulator

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NathanBaulch commented Aug 28, 2024

The following are manual corrections I've made to popular open source projects over recent months that typos missed.

advertized -> advertised
affectes -> affects
aggretator -> aggregator
asynchorous -> asynchronous
atifacts -> artifacts
attahcment -> attachment
authentified -> authenticated
authoization -> authorization
authoriziation -> authorization
avalailable -> available
bcuket -> bucket
beld -> held
botostrap -> bootstrap
brackers -> brackets
calle -> calls
catapul -> catapult
ceritificate -> certificate
certains -> certain
certern -> certain
cheker -> checker
circuling -> circling
closd -> closed
comannds -> commands
commite -> commit
compoonent -> component
compoonents -> components
configuratrion -> configuration
conifg -> config
consiered -> considered
constency -> consistency
containning -> containing
contetion -> contention
continer -> container
coontent -> content
corutine -> coroutine
dateime -> datetime
deaclock -> deadlock
deallcoated -> deallocated
dectects -> detects
dedecated -> dedicated
defeference -> dereference
deligate -> delegate
dependenceny -> dependency
depenedency -> dependency
dereferenc -> dereference
digsted -> digested
direftory -> directory
disocver -> discover
docstinrg -> docstring
dubug -> debug
effet -> effect
elegently -> elegantly
entris -> entries
errer -> error
exceptons -> exceptions
excluses -> excludes
exercse -> exercise
expecetd -> expected
failur -> failure
forwarrd -> forward
fufills -> fulfills
gainined -> gained
grpah -> graph
handerler -> handler
ifle -> file
implacted -> impacted
indaequate -> inadequate
indiacte -> indicate
indicidated -> indicated
inherrently -> inherently
insenitive -> insensitive
interep -> interop
keealive -> keepalive
lexographically -> lexicographically
limtit -> limit
lisens -> listens
messeage -> message
metedata -> metadata
mounc -> mount
nesponse -> response
ocnfiguration -> configuration
onef -> one
onveniently -> conveniently
operaterrg -> operating
operatoutg -> operating
othersise -> otherwise
paased -> passed
parellism -> parallelism
passthough -> passthrough
prinicpal -> principal
proxyed -> proxied
puchased -> purchased
qurey -> query
qurter -> quarter
readd -> read
reasult -> result
receveing -> receiving
reigsry -> registry
remainining -> remaining
repoting -> reporting
reqistration -> registration
resemebling -> resembling
resetart -> restart
respsectively -> respectively
resullts -> results
retruning -> returning
sanbdox -> sandbox
sinds -> since
sopce -> scope
specfiies -> specifies
subseqeunt -> subsequent
subsituding -> substituting
sugned -> signed
testca -> testcase
thic -> this
threahold -> threshold
throtlled -> throttled
timeserie -> timeseries
topolgoy -> topology
tqrget -> target
traceer -> tracer
trcer -> tracer
treutned -> returned
unimplemneted -> unimplemented
unncessarily -> unnecessarily
unrary -> unary
upion -> upon
utiliztion -> utilization
wathers -> watchers
wokrspace -> workspace
workpace -> workspace

According to the built-in Chrome spell checker (red swiggles in this editor), these ones might need a judgement call:

cancelation -> cancellation
checkings -> checkins
commadline -> commandline
configurated -> configured
dependences -> dependencies
loadbalncer -> loadbalancer
prelease -> prerelease
routeguild -> routeguide
stdouot -> stdout
unices -> unixes
walkaround -> workaround

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The following are manual corrections I've made to popular open source projects over recent months that typos missed.

container -> container

What exactly is the correction here? This is exactly the same word?

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What exactly is the correction here?

a few lines below

continer -> container

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RainRat commented Aug 29, 2024

alises -> aliases
ambiant -> ambient
anayslis -> analysis
anopther -> another
associateed -> associated
attirubte -> attribute
bacjkward -> backward
backgrace -> backtrace
backrace -> backtrace
blopgpot -> blogpost
callss -> calls
channets -> channels
charactre -> character
cluters -> clusters, clutters
cofigurations -> configurations
commulative -> cumulative
compablity -> compatibility
complexe -> complex
comptition -> competition
concequent -> consequent
conctats -> contacts
conneyct -> connect
constraings -> constraints, constrains
contaings -> contains
cosnider -> consider
costomize -> customize
dalled -> called, dolled, dallied
deliminator -> delimiter, delimitator
dependong -> depending
destruyed -> destroyed
diagnally -> diagonally
diassemble -> disassemble
dimensonality -> dimensionality
drunkeness -> drunkenness
egine -> engine
enegineering -> engineering
equipt -> equipped
exta -> extra
feals -> feels
floding -> folding, flooding
foratting -> formatting
fraebuffer -> framebuffer
funiture -> furniture
gathet -> gather
glichy -> glitchy
handwriten -> handwritten
heirarchal -> hierarchical
hihg -> high
implicictly -> implicitly
infaillible -> infallible
initilaziaton -> initialization
instiatiate -> instantiate
intatiated -> instantiated
intstant -> instant
iteation -> iteration
joystic -> joystick
legt -> left, legit
lieve -> leave
limmits -> limits
lowecase -> lowercase
maintainablity -> maintainability
matcheable -> matchable
maximuum -> maximum
millescond -> millisecond
minimazed -> minimized
mision -> mission
mislabled -> mislabeled
monchrome -> monochrome
montsh -> months
movees -> moves, movies
multiplis -> multiplies
neessesary -> necessary
nibmle -> nimble
nofication -> notification
nornal -> normal
obsticals -> obstacles
optimzied -> optimized
orthognally -> orthogonally
overidding -> overriding
palletes -> palettes
paraemters -> parameters
pararllell -> parallel
pemissions -> permissions
perforemance -> performance
placd -> placed, place
platorms -> platforms
positionining -> positioning
preceedes -> precedes
priporitzes -> prioritizes
proptly -> promptly
prototoype -> prototype
psuedocolor -> pseudocolor
readablity -> readability
redution -> reduction
registratino -> registration
rendundant -> redundant
representatitive -> representative
restartarting -> restarting
sapces -> spaces
seelct -> select
seive -> sieve
serchable -> searchable
shrinds -> shrinks
shspe -> shape
soldires -> soldiers
specficially -> specifically
srite -> sprite
standaradized -> standardized
stoarge -> storage
strkethrough -> strikethrough
subsequenlty -> subsequently
successfulyl -> successfully
sucsessfully -> successfully
surpport -> support
surrount -> surround
susequently -> subsequently
synatax -> syntax
tansparent -> transparent
tegister -> register
termnator -> terminator
throurh -> through
transiever -> transceiver
translath -> translate
vertially -> vertically
wekaer -> weaker
wiredness -> weirdness
wourd -> word

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nvironment -> environment

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NathanBaulch commented Aug 29, 2024

attacted -> attached
backen -> backend
betweek -> between
campatibility -> compatibility
clarifiies -> clarifies
compuations -> computations
contiain -> contain
dependeded -> depended
dependencly -> dependency
destinatation -> destination
duing -> during
elimintation -> elimination
expeceting -> expecting
expresson -> expression
goruotine -> goroutine
idealy -> ideally
impied -> implied
innacuracy -> inaccuracy
innner -> inner
insatnce -> instance
intercecpt -> intercept
keeplive -> keepalive
lexographic -> lexicographic
lgeacy -> legacy
locationes -> locations
marhsal -> marshal
mashal -> marshal
mofule -> module
normaliztion -> normalization
patially -> partially
persent -> present
primititves -> primitives
propegate -> propagate
provier -> provider
readabout -> readable
receiever -> receiver
recursevily -> recursively
regisry -> registry
represantiation -> representation
rotuines -> routines
schcema -> schema
somehitng -> something
srot -> sort
tequests -> requests
trggers -> triggers
unapplicable -> inapplicable
undeterministic -> indeterministic
vestage -> vestige
worksapce -> workspace


cancelation -> cancellation
dependences -> dependencies
heterogenous -> heterogeneous
sourcelss -> sourceless

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RainRat commented Aug 30, 2024

readd -> read

Common in source code as meaning "re-add"

unices -> unixes

Both common enough that I wouldn't want switching one with the other.

advertized -> advertised
cancelation -> cancellation
dependences -> dependencies

Variants already listed in data files.

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C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations
None yet

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