Releases: contentstack/gatsby-source-contentstack
Releases · contentstack/gatsby-source-contentstack
What's Changed
- fix: refactor sync data fetching logic to include SyncRetryCount for better error handling by @Contentstack-AnkitaD in #235
- fix: SRE feedback changes by @abhishek305 in #237
- Staging -->. master by @abhishek305 in #236
Full Changelog: 5.3.3...5.3.4
What's Changed
- Feature: Added retry logic with exponential backoff for synctoken failures by @Contentstack-AnkitaD in #234
Full Changelog: 5.3.2...5.3.3
What's Changed
- Handelled Schema Generation method to consider for hyphens in the referenced types like global_field
- updated gatsby to v5.14.0
- updated node version in npm publish workflow to v18.18.2
Full Changelog: 5.3.1...5.3.2
What's Changed
- Feature: Added retry logic with exponential backoff for failures by @Contentstack-AnkitaD in #221
Full Changelog: 5.3.0...5.3.1
What's Changed
- Feature: Live preview 2.0 support by @Contentstack-AnkitaD in #216
Full Changelog: 5.2.0...5.3.0
cslp__meta query field for live preview
What's Changed
- feat: determine LP reference and RTE paths during query resolution by @faraazb in #214
- feat: cslp__meta field by @faraazb in #215
Full Changelog: 5.1.3...5.2.0
Multiple stack import Bug Fix
What's Changed
- feat: Fixed the bug: plugin is failing while trying to fetch data from 2 different stacks by @Contentstack-AnkitaD in 212
Full Changelog: 5.1.1...5.1.3
Adding Custom header & Limit in Gatsby build
What's Changed
- feat: Added support for Adding Custom header & Limit in Gatsby build by @Contentstack-AnkitaD in 208
Full Changelog: 5.1.0...5.1.1
Live preview and subsequent sync calls support
What's Changed
- feat: Added support for subsequent sync calls by @Contentstack-AnkitaD in #201
- feat: add a helper class to ease live preview implementation by @faraazb in #202
- feat: add live preview support by @faraazb in #203
New Contributors
- @Contentstack-AnkitaD made their first contribution in #201
- @faraazb made their first contribution in #202
Full Changelog: 5.0.4...5.1.0