Releases: contentstack/gatsby-source-contentstack
Releases · contentstack/gatsby-source-contentstack
Feat: added changes to support gatsby v4.
- Added custom error handler.
- Added backwards compatibility check for deprecating hook onPreInit.
Feat: added changes to support gatsby v3.
- Updated gatsby-source-filesystem to 3.
- Updated babel 6 to babel 7.
- Updated touchNode and deleteNode api.
- Added plugin options disableMandatoryFields, downloadImages in pluginOptionsSchema.
Fix: Added disableMandatoryFields config option and commitlint config.
- Added config option disableMandatoryFields: Disables mandatory fields check if a field is expected to be mandatory and value is null.
- Added commitlint config.
- Added semantic-release config.
BugFix: Reference field dependency tracking for inc builds
- getAllNodes replaced with getNodeById while resolving reference fields. Resolvers don't track resolved node dependencies in Gatsby v2 with getAllNodes, wherewith getNodeById track query dependencies to properly re-run queries for reference fields. Details are here in PR #91 description.
Hotfix: File fields inside group fields are not getting resolved
- File fields inside group fields are not getting resolved on 2.3.0 and above version
Hotfix: adds downloadImages support for EU and Blizzard instances.
In 2.3.0 downloadImages support was only available for NA instance.
Minor release: Support for gatsby image, schema correction for content type objects, added support for nested custom field
Gatsby image support: Images will be downloaded locally to take advantage of gatsby's native image processing capabilities.
Custom field support: Added support for deeply nested custom field.
Contenttype schema fix: Suppressed warnings by gatsby with this fix.
Hotfix/2.2.12:Sends auth params as headers
Authentication parameters to be sent as headers for all new organisations created after 24th June, 2020.
Hotfix: Handles default typePrefix
Handles default value for typePrefix if not passed in config.
Fix: Multiple stack support and handles empty string for file type
Bug Fixes
Multiple stack support.
Handles empty string value for file type field