⭐ Added
Added support for Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and Russian localization.
Added digital signature filter to prevent replay attacks.
Added gRPC interface to fetch permissions by ID.
Added exception handling to AuthorityFindByIdCmdExe.
Added idempotency extension feature.
Added formatted version number generation feature.
Added checkstyle plugin.
Added PMD plugin.
Added checkstyle and PMD GitHub workflows.
Added Git hook scripts.
Added lineage feature for permissions.
🕸️ Changed
Optimized datasource extension configuration.
Improved signature verification logic.
Upgraded Gradle to version 8.11.
Upgraded com.aliyun:ocr_api20210707 to 3.1.2.
Upgraded com.deepl.api:deepl-java to 1.7.0.
Upgraded org.bytedeco:javacv-platform to 1.5.11.
Upgraded Flyway to 10.21.0.
Upgraded MapStruct to 1.6.3.
Upgraded io.hypersistence:hypersistence-utils-hibernate-63 to 3.9.0.
Upgraded gRPC to 1.68.1.
Upgraded to 0.9.7.
Upgraded io.minio:minio to 8.5.13.
Upgraded Protobuf to 4.28.3.
Upgraded Spring Boot to 3.3.5.
Upgraded org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper to 3.9.3.
🐞 Fixed
Fixed missing banner information issue when starting the project in IntelliJ.
Fixed code standard issues.
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