Releases: conifercone/mumu
Releases · conifercone/mumu
⭐ Added
- Added response encoding.
- Added
file. - Added new attribute fields for mobile phone number verified and email verified.
- Added documents.
- Add idea encoding configuration.
- New mobile phone number validity verification for the account.
- New international telephone area code to the account.
🕸️ Changed
- Optimize time interface.
- Add regular verification to the account registration password.
- Optimize time tool class.
upgrade to 3.4.3.- Optimize attribute types to save memory usage.
- Modify the default value of the
table field. - Modify the gender field name.
- Document rename.
- Optimize IP tool class.
- Merge tool classes.
- Optimize git commit-msg scripts.
- Modify the initial password to comply with password rules.
upgrade to 3.9.2.flyway
upgraded to 11.3.2.tess4j
upgrade to 5.15.0.springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui
upgraded to 2.8.5.deepl-java
upgrade to 1.8.1.- Unify script position.
- Optimize
tasks. - Turn on configuration cache.
- Modify cache key name.
- The storage name is uniformly added to prevent duplication.
- Add prefixes to the collection name to prevent duplication.
- Add prefixes to table names to prevent duplication.
- Optimize token endpoint error handling logic.
upgrade to 2.2.28.lombok
upgraded to 8.12.1.- Replace icon.
upgrade to 7.4.0.grpc
upgrade to
upgrade to 26.0.2.kotlin
upgrade to 2.1.10.
🐞 Fixed
- Solve compile warnings.
- Fixed refresh token exception.
⚠️ Removed
- Remove useless dependencies.
- Remove useless code.
🎉 Happy New Year
⭐ Added
- Added response encoding.
- Added bean creation conditions for
. - Added method annotations.
- Added
attribute toResponseCode
. - Added Swagger converter.
- Added functionality to download all permission data containing permission paths.
- Added a general JSON data download method.
- Added an API to delete a specific account address.
- Added an API to modify account addresses.
- Added APIs to set the default account address and query nearby accounts.
- Added a location property to account addresses.
🕸️ Changed
- Added description information matching conditions for archived role and permission queries.
- Added description information matching conditions for role queries.
- For security reasons, default interface permissions are set to deny access to anyone.
- Optimized permission configuration properties.
- Upgraded Gradle to 8.12.1.
- Upgraded Flyway to 11.2.0.
- Upgraded gRPC to 1.69.1.
- Upgraded
to 1.4.0. - Upgraded MinIO to 8.5.17.
- Changed
attribute type to a primitive data type. - Optimized utility class implementations.
- Optimized file download utility class.
- Upgraded OpenCSV to 5.10.
- Upgraded
to 2.8.3. - Upgraded Protobuf to 4.29.3.
- Adjusted the timing for saving role permissions.
- Added description information matching conditions for permission queries.
- Optimized thread variable definitions.
- Optimized archived attribute type.
- Adjusted time formatting.
- Improved multilingual identifier settings logic.
- Added caching to system settings.
- Upgraded
to 2.3.0.
🐞 Fixed
- Fixed an issue with Chinese garbled text in the signature filter.
⚠️ Removed
- Removed the rule engine.
⭐ Added
- Added parameter verification for verification code generation.
- Add method comments.
- Added anyRole configuration.
- Added api documentation.
- Added a new interface for character query based on code.
- Permission verification can specify the permission range.
🕸️ Changed
- Modify the method name.
- Modify response status value reference.
- grpc upgraded to 1.69.0.
- flyway upgraded to 11.1.0.
- io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations-jakarta upgraded to 2.2.27.
- org.apache.commons:commons-text upgraded to 1.13.0.
- Gradle version upgraded to 8.12.
- Optimize the sql log printing expansion function.
- Optimize permission configuration.
- Modify the passwordEncoder bean instance name and type.
- Modify the creation time modification time default value.
- Standard modification of class name.
- Optimize code style configuration file.
- Optimize gradle configuration.
- Reconstruct verification code generation logic.
- Replace deprecated code.
🐞 Fixed
- Fixed the problem of failure to add character account.
⚠️ Removed
- Remove useless functions.
- Delete useless files.
⭐ Added
- Added numeric preference attributes to the account domain model.
- Integrated rules engine.
- Added a new general method for time zone verification.
- Added account balance field.
- Added interface to delete characters based on code.
- Added a new interface for querying permissions based on code.
- Added a new interface for downloading content with all permissions.
- Added file download tool class.
- Added a new interface to delete permissions based on code.
- Added snowflake algorithm ID generator.
- Added custom ObservationPredicate.
- Added cache level enumeration class.
- Added personalized signature and nickname attributes to the account.
- Added description field to permission role.
- Added custom AccessDeniedHandler.
- Added grpc interface for querying roles based on ID.
- Added blood relationship for characters.
🕸️ Changed
- Long integers are serialized into strings to prevent loss of precision.
- Standard modification of class name.
- Optimize inheritance relationship.
- Optimize grpc interface.
- protobuf upgraded to 4.29.1.
- flyway upgraded to 11.0.1.
- Optimize the file service upload interface.
- Optimize the file service download interface.
- The default translation for internationalization is changed to English.
- Modify LanguageEnum according to ISO 639-1 standard.
- Optimize dependencies.
- Simplified package name.
- SpringCloud is upgraded to 2024.0.0.
- The service port and grpc port are modified to random available ports.
- io.minio:minio upgraded to 8.5.14.
- grpc upgraded to 1.68.2.
- org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui upgraded to 2.7.0.
- Streamline the custom key name in claim.
- Modify the lombok plug-in version reference method.
- The kotlin version is upgraded to 2.1.0.
- Optimize strings with text blocks.
- Optimize consul configuration.
- The grpc spring boot framework is replaced with net.devh.
- io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations-jakarta upgraded to 2.2.26.
- SpringBoot is upgraded to 3.4.0.
- org.jobrunr:jobrunr-spring-boot-3-starter upgraded to 7.3.2.
- commons-io: commons-io is upgraded to 2.18.0.
- Modify the verification logic of TokenGatewayImpl#validity method.
- Reorganize token caching and verification logic.
- Gradle upgraded to 8.11.1.
- Optimize the scope of token permissions.
🐞 Fixed
- Fixed the problem that the authorization code mode is not available.
⭐ Added
- Added support for Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and Russian localization.
- Added digital signature filter to prevent replay attacks.
- Added gRPC interface to fetch permissions by ID.
- Added exception handling to AuthorityFindByIdCmdExe.
- Added idempotency extension feature.
- Added formatted version number generation feature.
- Added checkstyle plugin.
- Added PMD plugin.
- Added checkstyle and PMD GitHub workflows.
- Added Git hook scripts.
- Added lineage feature for permissions.
🕸️ Changed
- Optimized datasource extension configuration.
- Improved signature verification logic.
- Upgraded Gradle to version 8.11.
- Upgraded com.aliyun:ocr_api20210707 to 3.1.2.
- Upgraded com.deepl.api:deepl-java to 1.7.0.
- Upgraded org.bytedeco:javacv-platform to 1.5.11.
- Upgraded Flyway to 10.21.0.
- Upgraded MapStruct to 1.6.3.
- Upgraded io.hypersistence:hypersistence-utils-hibernate-63 to 3.9.0.
- Upgraded gRPC to 1.68.1.
- Upgraded to 0.9.7.
- Upgraded io.minio:minio to 8.5.13.
- Upgraded Protobuf to 4.28.3.
- Upgraded Spring Boot to 3.3.5.
- Upgraded org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper to 3.9.3.
🐞 Fixed
- Fixed missing banner information issue when starting the project in IntelliJ.
- Fixed code standard issues.
⭐ Added
- Add traceId field to unified response results.
- Add a timestamp field to unified response results.
- Account role relationships and role permission relationships are cached.
- Add cache to the current login account information query interface.
- A new paging query interface for accounts has been added.
- Added offline user interface.
- Added a new logout interface.
- Added new project startup success listener.
- Added new account system settings.
- Added character cache.
- Increase caching based on ID query permissions.
- The client module adds project information printing.
- Added an interface to obtain basic account information based on ID.
- The new account ID is not equal to 0 verification.
- Added archive data query interface for roles.
- Added HttpMessageNotReadableException global exception handling.
- Added paging query without querying the total number for archived permissions.
- Added a script to check whether serialized IDs are duplicated.
- Added permission to add paging query without querying the total number.
- Role query adds role-related permission details returned.
- The role has added paging query that does not query the total number.
- MapStruct mapper uniformly adds unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.IGNORE.
🐞 Fixed
- Fixed the issue that the file content may be garbled after execution of
🕸️ Changed
- Standardize interface parameters and reduce complexity.
- Optimize grpc interface.
- Log retention policy adjustment.
- Optimize account query results.
- io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations-jakarta upgraded to 2.2.25.
- flyway upgraded to 10.20.0.
- org.jobrunr:jobrunr-spring-boot-3-starter upgraded to 7.3.1.
- Updated the description of the infrastructure section in the README document.
- Standardize class names and interface method names.
- Change icon.
- Improve account interface parameter comments.
- Pagination query for the current page starts from 1 by default.
- Reconstruct the interface according to RESTful specifications.
- The page number parameter is renamed to current.
- Optimize account login performance.
- Logic optimization of online user number statistics.
- The CustomDescription annotation is renamed to Meta, and the GenerateDescription annotation is
renamed to Metamodel. - kotlin upgraded to 2.0.21.
- org.apache.curator:curator-recipes upgraded to 5.7.1.
- org.jetbrains:annotations upgraded to 26.0.1.
- The interface parameters are changed from List type to Collection type.
- redis-om-spring upgraded to 0.9.6.
- BaseClientObject date attribute format modified to comply with ISO-8601 standard.
- Optimize multi-language acquisition logic to prevent NPE.
- Reconstruct the text broadcast message table and corresponding logic according to the database
paradigm. - io.hypersistence:hypersistence-utils-hibernate-63 is upgraded to 3.8.3.
- is upgraded to 33.3.1-jre.
- Change the account gender & language type to varchar to eliminate database differences.
- Update annotation processor prompt information.
⚠️ Removed
- Removed uncommon and dangerous grpc methods.
- Delete authentication-related duplicate configurations.
⭐ Added
- Added conditional executor.
- Added conditional annotation.
- Get current login account information interface to add account role permission information return.
- The annotation processor adds version information generation.
- grpc adds service discovery client name resolver.
- Added flyway plug-in.
- Added script to check and set environment variables.
- Added license script.
- When deleting an account & deleting the account archive data, the account address data will also
be deleted. - Added git hash value identification to project versions (development, testing, pre-release).
- Added current limit expansion function.
- Added scheduled tasks for deleting subscription messages and broadcast message archiving data
based on ID. - Added scheduled tasks to delete roles and account archive data based on ID.
- Added a new scheduled task for archiving data based on ID deletion permission.
- The value attribute of the dangerous operation annotation adds parameter substitution function.
🐞 Fixed
- Fixed the problem that the user address is empty when updating the user role interface based on
🕸️ Changed
- Reconstruct the account and role mapping relationship according to the database paradigm, allowing
accounts to have multiple roles at the same time. - Account supports adding multiple addresses.
- Reconstruct role and permission mapping relationships according to database paradigm.
- collections4 CollectionUtils replaces spring CollectionUtils.
- Update flyway script location.
- Gradle version upgraded to 8.10.2.
- Unified authentication endpoint processor.
- grpc version upgraded to 1.68.0.
- deepl-java upgraded to 1.6.0.
- commons-io upgraded to 2.17.0.
- The built-in environment variable names are changed to lowercase.
- Modify jpa scanning range.
- springboot upgraded to 3.3.4.
- protobuf upgraded to 4.28.2.
- Modify the default value of Rsa#jksKeyPair.
- Improve account registration grpc interface parameter attributes.
- flyway upgraded to 10.18.0.
- mapstruct upgraded to 1.6.2.
- Update SECURITY document content.
- log4j2 sets UTF-8 as the default encoding.
- Optimize project structure.
- Optimize the execution logic of permission archiving scheduled tasks.
⚠️ Removed
- The unified authentication endpoint processor removes the automatic log upload function to reduce
architectural complexity. - Delete plug-ins that are temporarily unused.
⭐ Added
- Added Chinese version of readme document.
- Added Chinese version of contribution guide.
- Added face detection function.
- Added ocr expansion function.
- Added the ability to obtain a province or state based on the province or state ID, obtain the
province or state (including lower-level cities) based on the province or state ID, and obtain the
province or state based on the city ID. - Added interfaces for obtaining province or state information based on country ID and obtaining
city information based on province or state ID. - Added an interface to obtain detailed information about the country (excluding province, state,
and city information). - Added interface for obtaining detailed country information.
- Added global geographic data json file.
- Add new account and add address interface.
- Added address attribute to account.
- Added data desensitization tool class.
- Added notes and aspects of dangerous operations.
- Add dangerous operation annotations for operations related to role permissions.
- The character archive has been added to determine whether it is in use and cannot be archived.
- The permissions for archiving have been increased to determine whether archiving is in use.
- Added paging query archived permissions interface.
🕸️ Changed
- Project rename.
- Optimize unit test logic.
- eliminate duplicate constants.
- Alibaba Cloud machine translation bean initialization adds judgment.
- Unify dependency names.
- Change icon.
- bump protobufBomVersion from 3.25.3 to 4.28.0.
- commons-lang3 StringUtils replaces spring StringUtils.
- Added serialization interface for related entities.
⭐ Added
- Add pr badge.
- Added internationalization information.
- Add Contributors.
- Add label action.
- Add Greetings action.
- Add detailed exception information printing.
- grpc method permissions increase configuration file configuration method.
- Added new interface to obtain current server time.
- Added QR code related functions.
- Added barcode related functions.
- Added annotation processor to implement class description information generation function.
- Added Application-Version to the jar task manifest.
- springboot bootJar task adds signature.
- Springboot bootJar task adds license file packaging.
- Added archived basic attributes.
- New trigger for archive table.
- Text subscription messages have a new function of restoring messages from archives based on ID.
- Added permissions for archiving and restoring from archives.
- Permission addition, deletion and modification are compatible with archiving logic.
- Added archiving and restoring functions to roles.
- Added new archiving and recovery functions for accounts.
- Added slack badge.
🐞 Fixed
- Fix permission verification exception.
🕸️ Changed
- Modify slow sql table format.
- Modify slow sql statistics threshold.
- Optimize non-empty filtering logic.
- Block sensitive information in logs.
- Unified permission verification logic.
- Change icon.
- Gradle version upgraded to 8.10.
- Update message service database trigger functions and triggers.
- The springboot version is upgraded to 3.3.3.
- Kotlin version upgraded to 2.0.20.
- flyway version upgraded to 10.17.2.
- redis-om-spring version upgraded to 0.9.5.
- mapstruct version upgraded to 1.6.0.
- The guava version is upgraded to 33.3.0-jre.
- minio version upgraded to 8.5.12.
⚠️ Removed
- Exclude tomcat globally.
- Message service message status delete archived attribute.
⭐ Added
- Added custom jks key function.
- Added NotBlankOrNull verification annotation.
- CommonConstants adds private constructor.
- Added age attribute to account model.
- Added birthday attribute to account.
- Added slow sql statistics function.
- Added project-report plugin.
- Added IllegalArgumentException global exception handling.
- Added signature plugin.
- Added machine translation function.
- Text subscription messages have been added to query all and someone’s message records.
- Text broadcast message forwarding adds receiver verification.
- Added text broadcast message archiving function based on ID.
- Added the function of archiving text subscription messages based on ID.
- Added text subscription and broadcast message archive tables.
- New index.
- New trigger for text broadcast messages.
- Text subscription message adds unread message interface based on ID.
- Client object conversion adds post-processing.
- Added BeanNameConstants.
- Text subscription message adds a new interface for querying all current users to send messages.
- New basic properties for top-level client objects.
- Text broadcast message has a new interface for querying all current users sending messages.
- Added the ability to delete text broadcast messages based on ID.
- Added read text broadcast message based on ID.
- Added the ability to delete text subscription messages based on ID.
- Added the ability to subscribe to messages based on ID read text.
🐞 Fixed
- Fix permission verification exception.
- Fix spelling errors.
🕸️ Changed
- Modify the default branch of GitHub actions to develop.
- Standardize libs.versions.toml key value naming.
- spring-cloud upgraded to 2023.0.3.
- Exclude logback globally.
- redis-om-spring upgraded to 0.9.4.
- Add restrictions based on ID read text subscription messages.
- Add restrictions on read text broadcast messages based on ID.
- SubscriptionTextMessageRepository#findByIdAndReceiverId parameter adds NotNull annotation.
- Unified modify the EnableRedisDocumentRepositories annotation range.
- Pagination query uniformly adds page number and current page number parameter value verification.
- Optimize subscription and broadcast channel storage logic.
- Group and version are extracted into the file.