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Test Items

T. Kunze edited this page Jan 16, 2018 · 3 revisions

Test items can be imported using a CSV (or XLSX) file. An example configuration can be found here.

General arguments

argument values default restrictions description
model valid model name including namespace none very line needs a model name Pages, test item elements, ...
page positive integer none 1 or larger associated page number, starting with 1



argument values default description
page_assets JSON array null array that includes CSS and JS files that have to be loaded
repetitions positive integer or null null how often will a page repeated before the following page is shown?
time positive integer or null null how long will a Page be displayed?
returnable boolean value 0 can this Page be accessed via history.back?
recallable boolean value 0 can this Page be accessed via page.reload/refresh?
operations_template string null shown possible operations. Options: forward (comproso::pages.op_fwd), forward + backward (comproso::pages.op_fwdbwd), forward + reset (comproso::pages.op_fwdrst)


argument values default description
cssclass string none CSS class names; e.g., notrace deactivates process data recording
name string, no spaces none column name for data export
proceed boolean value 0 mark an element as to be recorded/calculated/...


Basic assessment elements. These include especially available HTML form elements as well as a HTML wrapper element. This element type can be found here.

argument values default description
type valid types none available are: text, input or wrapper
label string none displayed label
options JSON object none JSON object describing radio or checkbox elements
value string none a (default) value/content
wrapper_type html tags none only for wrappers: choose a HTML type, e.g., div


A Complex Problem Solving element. This element type can be found here.

argument values default description
label string none displayed label
variable_name string none single letter (mathematical) variable name
variable_type string none manifest or latent
value_min number none minimal reachable value
value_max number none maximal reachable value
value_start number 0 starting value (default in case of manifest, first run in case of latent)
target_value_min number none latent only; displayed target value minimum
target_value_max number none latent only; displayed target value maximum
formula string none formula relying on variable names to calculate latent variable value
unit string none displayed unit
scale number none steps in which the slider is changeable
decimal number none number of decimals
icon string none Semantic UI icon class name
validation string none laravel form validation rule