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Error Codes

T. Kunze edited this page Oct 18, 2017 · 1 revision

General information

The Comproso framework provides information about occurring problems and errors based on the RFC 5424 standard as provided by laravel.

Logging levels


Emergencies require immediate action by the system administrator. Under this condition, the whole system might not work properly.


Alerts require immediate action by the system administrator. Under this condition, the Comproso will not longer work properly.


Critical conditions require action by the responsible administrator or other privileged roles. Under this condition, Comproso will not work properly.


Errors require action by the responsible administrator or other privileged roles. The functionality of Comproso is limited.


Warnings require a thorough investigation of possible causes. A warning marks possible limitation of functionality of the Comproso framework. (It might be a problem but could also work.)


A significant condition that might be of interest.


Basic information about important actions and events.


Additional information for package developers and experienced users. Only available in the debugging mode.

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