This is pre-converted ch32x035 firmware library with gcc and makefile support from WCH official CH32X035EVT.ZIP.
It is converted by 'ch32v_evt_makefile_gcc_project_template'
This firmware library support below parts from WCH:
- CH32X035R8T6
- CH32X035C8T6
- CH32X035G8U6
- CH32X035G8R6
- CH32X035F8U6
- CH32X035F7P6
- CH32X033F8P6
The default part is set to 'ch32x035f8u6', you can change it with ./ <part>
. the corresponding 'Link.ld' will update automatically from the template.
The default 'User' codes is 'GPIO_Toggle' from the EVT example, all examples shipped in original EVT package provided in 'Examples' dir.
To build the project, type make
Please refer to opensource-toolchain-ch32v tutorial for more info.
And you must use this latest WCH OpenOCD.