Releases: christos-c/bible-corpus
Updated naming of the K'iche' translations
Renaming the ALMG version as the default and marking the 1997 version as K'iche'-NT-SIL.xml
Added new K'iche' version
Added a version of the K'iche' translation based on the standardized AMLG (Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala) orthography. Thanks to @ftyers for the suggestion.
Fixes in Polish translation
Fixes for ML alginment
This release contains fixes in Shona and Amharic that prevented the verse alignment tool from working correctly.
The fixes in both languages have to do with the names of the books/chapters which need to be uniform across all languages (e.g. "b.GEN.1" instead of "b.Gen.01").
Added missing verses in Shona
Small fixes
Fixed a number of XML character errors in Amharic (see issue #3)
Full Shona corpus
Full Amharic corpus
This version includes the full Amharic translation (replaces the Amharic-NT file).
This release contains minor XML-related bug fixes for Vietnamese and Thai.
(These bugs were preventing the correct execution of the code in bible-corpus-tools)
This release two new translations: Dutch and the World English Bible (WEB).