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Package: eventpackage

Josh Chandler edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 1 revision


eventpackage contains the EventPackage class. This is a simple data sturcture to store information about room events together for easy function passing.

See the official matrix API documentation for more information.


self.body : The body of the riot message. This is formatted as a list of the words in the body. For example, self.body[0] will be the first word (The command string, e.g. "$info") of the message body.

self.room_id : The room id corresponding the room that the riot event occured in.

self.sender : The sender of the message that invoked the riot event.

self.event : The rest of the riot event info.


__init__(self, body={}, room_id="", sender="", event={})

The constructor that gets called in whenever and event is recieved.


Every command gets passed an EventPackage (see Package: commands). The command is free to do what it pleases with this information.

Example usage inside of a command:

# $echo

def run(self, event_pack: EventPackage):
    # event_pack.body is a list containing the words of the message.
    # this checks if there was at least two words in the message.
    if(len(event_pack.body) >= 2):
        output = " ".join(event_pack.body[i] for i in range(1, len(event_pack.body)))
        return output
        return "Needs more arguments, for example - \"$echo test\""