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Package: commander

Josh Chandler edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 1 revision


commander contains the Commander class. Another good name for this class would be "command manager". Its job is to run commands and load commands.


self.commands : A dictionary that maps a command string (The command name, e.g. "$info") to a command object. It gets populated automatically in Commander's constructor.



The constructor. This is where the commands in the commands directory are automatically loaded.

run_command(command_string, event_pack: EventPackage)

Attempts to find a command that the commander knows with the name matching command_string. If it finds one, it will run the command and pass it event_pack.

$info and $help are defined in this function. They are "meta" commands and built into the commander, rather than being built as commands in the command directory.


Returns a printable string containing help information about the passed command, if the command exists.


Returns a printable string containing general information about the passed commmand, if it exists.

get_help_string(command_string = '')

If command_string is the name of a command (including the dollar sign), this function returns a printable string containing help information about the command. (By calling get_help)

Otherwise, it returns a printable string containing the summary of all loaded commands. This function is what gets called when the $help command is invoked.


Defines what happens when a command cannot be found in the command dictionary.


Import the class and instantiate it:

from commandcenter.commander import Commander
c = Commander()

At this time, the commands directory will be searched for commands.

Then, to run a command:

# event_pack definied elsewhere
room.send_text(c.run_command("$info", event_pack))