Get information about Indian Mutual Funds from their ISIN numbers, along with complete Historical NAV.
To call this API, you will need an ISIN of a valid Mutual Fund in India.
You can get ISIN data from various sources, including your CDSL Consolidated Account Statement (CAS).
API documentation is available at
All endpoints have CORS enabled, so you can call them directly in your website frontend.
This service uses data from 2 sources:
- Kuvera
- AMFI, via Historical Mutual Fund Database
- A mapping between Kuvera Mutual Fund IDs and ISIN data is fetched from kuvera-mutual-funds-lookup as an automatically updating submodule.
- NAV data from AMFI is updated daily and published as a SQLite Database by
- This website takes the above, and publishes it via Netlify.
Updates to the dataset are published daily around 2330 IST, and the site is deployed again around 0230 IST.
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
file for details.