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Get information about Indian Mutual Funds from their ISIN numbers.
To call this API, you will need an ISIN of a valid Mutual Fund in India.
You can get ISIN data from various sources, including CAS Reports.
: ### Mutual Fund Details
This endpoint returns various details about the mutual fund. The schema is documented at at the "Mutual Fund Plan Details" endpoint. It only supports Mutual Funds available on Kuvera.
Show/Hide Sample response
```json [ { "ISIN": "INF843K01FC8", "aum": 4118, "category": "Debt - Bonds", "channel_partner_code": "118PSD1", "code": "EDPSD1-GR", "crisil_rating": "Moderate Risk", "detail_info": "", "direct": "Y", "expense_ratio": "0.34", "expense_ratio_date": "2022-04-30", "face_value": null, "fund_category": "Banking and PSU Fund", "fund_house": "EDELWEISSMUTUALFUND_MF", "fund_manager": "Dhawal Dalal; Rahul Dedhia", "fund_name": "EDELWEISS Mutual Fund", "fund_rating": 5, "fund_rating_date": "2022-04-30", "fund_type": "Debt", "insta_redeem_max_amount": 0.0, "insta_redeem_min_amount": 0.0, "instant": "N", "investment_objective": "YOLO", "jan_31_nav": 14.3672, "last_nav": { "date": "2022-05-30", "nav": 20.1379 }, "lock_in_period": 0, "lump_available": "Y", "lump_max": 10000000000000.0, "lump_min": 5000.0, "lump_min_additional": 500.0, "lump_multiplier": 1.0, "maturity_type": "Open Ended", "name": "Edelweiss Banking & PSU Debt Growth Direct Plan", "nav": { "date": "2022-05-31", "nav": 20.1021 }, "plan": "GROWTH", "portfolio_turnover": null, "redemption_allowed": "Y", "redemption_amount_minimum": 500.0, "redemption_amount_multiple": 1.0, "redemption_quantity_minimum": 0.001, "redemption_quantity_multiple": 0.001, "reinvestment": "Z", "returns": { "date": "2022-05-31", "inception": 8.34477, "week_1": 0.07816, "year_1": 1.7323, "year_3": 7.81226, "year_5": 7.75483 }, "short_code": "edelweiss", "short_name": "Edelweiss Banking & PSU Debt", "sip_available": "Y", "sip_dates": ["1","2"], "sip_max": 999999999.0, "sip_maximum_gap": 60, "sip_min": 500.0, "sip_multiplier": 1.0, "sips": [ { "sip_dates": ["1","2"], "sip_frequency": "MONTHLY", "sip_maximum_gap": "60", "sip_minimum_gap": "0" }, { "sip_dates": ["1","2"], "sip_frequency": "QUARTERLY", "sip_maximum_gap": "100", "sip_minimum_gap": "0" } ], "slug": "edelweiss-banking-psu-debt-growth--EDPSD1-GR", "start_date": "2013-09-13", "stp_flag": "Y", "switch_allowed": "Y", "swp_flag": "Y", "tags": [ "top_rated" ], "tax_period": 1095, "upsizecode_sip_dates": ["1","2"], "volatility": 2.67079 } ] ```/nav/:isin
: ### NAV Details
To just get basic information about a given mutual fund, including the NAV.
Show/Hide Sample response
```json5 { "ISIN": "INF843K01FC8", "name": "Edelweiss Banking and PSU Debt Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option", "nav": 20.1021, "date": "2022-05-31", "historical_nav": [ ["2016-11-28",13.4288], ["2016-11-29",13.4294], ["2016-11-30",13.4365], ["2016-12-01",13.4403], // More rows ["2023-03-20",21.2381], ["2023-03-21",21.2344], ["2023-03-23",21.2544], ["2023-03-24",21.289] ] } ```All endpoints have CORS enabled (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
so you can call them directly in your website frontend.
Logs are not maintained for the service. The website runs directly on the netlify free-tier, which does not provide Analytics or request logs.
There is no tracking or analytics on the website.
Accuracy of data is not guaranteed, please create an issue on the historical-mf-data repo to report any issues regarding accuracy.
The API is built as a static site using Jekyll, and deployed on Netlify. Lookup data for Kuvera-ISIN mapping is sourced from