Only Japanese version now.
Use the following steps to install postgres and set it up to be used with kucipong.
# install postgres
# become postgres user
$ sudo -i -u postgres
# as postgres user, initialize the database
# (maybe only needed on arch linux?)
# (On Ubuntu, need not to do this)
$ initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'
# as postgres user, comment out all lines in the following file and add the
# following line. This disables local trust-based authentication (any local
# user can login as any database user without a password), and enables
# password-based authentication (but only from localhost).
$ echo 'host all all md5' >> /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf
# On Ubuntu, the conf file path is `/etc/postgresql/{version}/main/pg_hba.conf`.
# create the kucipong user for developement and testing
# Note that you have to change password on production server.
$ sudo -u postgres -- psql --command "CREATE ROLE kucipong NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'nuy07078akyy1y7anvya7072'"
# create the kucipong database for developement
$ sudo -u postgres -- createdb kucipong
# create the kucipong database for testing
$ sudo -u postgres -- createdb kucipong_test
# grant access to both dev db and testing db for kucipong user
$ sudo -u postgres -- psql --command "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE kucipong TO kucipong"
$ sudo -u postgres -- psql --command "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE kucipong_test TO kucipong"
# restart postgres service
$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql
# as normal user, try accessing database
$ psql -U kucipong -d kucipong -h
Follow instructions here.
$ make build
In order to run the web server or the command-line-interface, the user must set
three environment variables, KUCIPONG_MAILGUN_DOMAIN
, and
can be found by logging
on to the Mailgun Dashboard. If you are
running the web server or cli while doing development, you can probably use the
(which is
). You need to find the
api-key for this domain on the Mailgun Dashboard.
can be found by
creating an AWS account to access S3.
$ export \
KUCIPONG_MAILGUN_APIKEY="key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
KUCIPONG_AWS_ACCESS_KEY="someaccesskey" \
Other environment variables can be found in src/Kucipong/Config.hs
$ make run
This sends an email to the user so they can login as an admin.
$ make build
$ export KUCIPONG_MAILGUN_APIKEY="key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$ stack exec -- kucipong-add-admin [email protected] "Some User Name"
The email will include a url like this: http://localhost:8101/admin/login/4on%2FXBbDmKxFE%2F9pA3gw0m5T2BNhJNDGiZfcgpsKS7rEHEursYi8%2Bm3Fn3l%2FTZRQ%2FPc%3D
This url can be accessed with curl
in order to get an admin cookie:
$ curl -v 'http://localhost:8101/admin/login/4on%2FXBbDmKxFE%2F9pA3gw0m5T2BNhJNDGiZfcgpsKS7rEHEursYi8%2Bm3Fn3l%2FTZRQ%2FPc%3D'
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016 02:00:04 GMT
Server: Warp/3.2.8
Location: /
Set-Cookie: adminEmail=wv6kyV14ZoF5tMlVLrBP%2FgPLkvEFKog2Lvu%2F8PY4zt4tWbQwbki7hG3Mn83Zilr6LTGWdphD4mnDL96RvMbcxWj1rZbhfQ%3D%3D; path=/; max-age=31536000; expires=Mon, 18-Sep-2017 02:00:04 UTC; HttpOnly
This admin cookie can be used to access login-protected urls:
$ curl --cookie "adminEmail=wv6kyV14ZoF5tMlVLrBP%2FgPLkvEFKog2Lvu%2F8PY4zt4tWbQwbki7hG3Mn83Zilr6LTGWdphD4mnDL96RvMbcxWj1rZbhfQ%3D%3D" 'http://localhost:8101/admin/store/create'
Look in the Makefile
for other targets to run.