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2465 lines (2158 loc) · 85.3 KB

File metadata and controls

2465 lines (2158 loc) · 85.3 KB

Back-end API specification

End user API

For the user who check the coupon.

  • No authentication is required for any API
  • No user specific information is saved on back-end side
    • Any such data are saved on front-end with localStorage.

GET recommended coupons

GET recommended coupons data for current user settings.

Sample request and response

Though the behavior of this API implies that it's better to use GET method, it might be good to use POST method to send this complex request with full JSON expression.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/api/v1/coupon" \
  --data-urlencode 'areas=[{"latitude": 41.40338, "longitude": 2.17403}]' \
  --data-urlencode 'tags=[4,6,8,9]' \
  --data-urlencode 'category=1' \
  --data-urlencode 'favorites=[2,50,230]' \
  --data-urlencode 'history=[430,2,220,50,22,300,230]' \
  | jq '.'

  "next": null,
  "coupons": [
      "id": 3,
      "store": {
        "id": 52,
        "category": 1,
        "tags": [3, 4, 8],
        "image": "",
        "name": "七輪焼き肉・安安",
        "description": "七輪焼き肉・安安は、美味しい焼肉を...",
        "address": "渋谷区桜丘町2-12 渋谷亀八ビル4F",
        "area": {"latitude": 41.40243, "longitude": 2.17551},
        "phoneNumber": "03-3464-0722",
        "hours": "月〜木 17:00〜翌4:30\n金土日祝・祝前 16:00〜翌4:30",
        "closeOn": "元旦のみ",
        "url": "",
      "image": "",
      "title": "当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円",
      "validFrom": "Sun, 15 May 2016 00:00:00 GMT",
      "expire": "Mon, 30 May 2016 00:00:00 GMT",
      "type": "set",
      "setContent": "2.5時間飲放題付きの料理4品です。\n1. 前菜\n2. 焼き肉盛り合わせ\n 3. 冷麺\n 4. アイスクリーム",
      "setPrice": 3600,
      "setReferencePrice": 4000,
      "setOtherConditions": "※ 1グループ1回のご利用時の利用枚数制限はありません。\n※ 21時以降のご予約のお客様が対象です。"

Request Parameter and its type

-- Dummy data type representing request parameter from front-end
data RequestParam = RequestParam
    -- Only coupons whose location is near by the any area
    -- specified by this parameter
    areas :: [Area]
    -- Tag IDs that the user chose as he/she is interested in
  , tags  :: [Tag]
    -- Category ID of coupons to show
  , category :: Category
    -- Coupon IDs that the user put it into favorite box
    -- The left side is the coupon ID that the user put it into for the last time
  , favorites :: [CouponId]
    -- Coupon IDs that the user has ever seen details
    -- For practical, the front-end will cut off only N newest history
    -- The left side is the coupon ID that the user saw for the last time
  , history :: [CouponId]
    -- This parameter is for infinite loading
    -- The response generate resulting list of coupons, and drops while this Coupon appears
    -- i.e., The first coupon id of response is this value
    -- If this value is `Nothing`, DO NOT drop coupons
  , next :: Maybe CouponId
    -- Response only returns first N of resulting lists,
    -- where N is the value specified by this
    -- If not specified, first 100 (default value) coupons are returned
  , limit :: Maybe Int

-- ==============
--  Helper Types
-- ==============

data Area = Area
  { latitude :: Latitude
  , longitude :: Longitude
newtype Latitude = Latitude { unLatitude :: Double }
newtype Longitude = Longitude { unLongitude :: Double }
newtype Tag = Tag { unTag :: Int }
newtype Category = Category { unCategory :: Int }
newtype CouponId = CouponId { unCouponId :: Int }

Response and its type

This code is for explanation of the API response, so this is NOT the same structure as production code.

-- Dummy data type representing response from back-end
data Response = Response
    -- Next cursor of this search parameters
    -- i.e., To implement infinite scroll,
    --       the front-end send next request
    --       by setting this value on `next` parameter of request
    next :: Maybe CouponId
    -- Coupons matching request search parameters
  , coupons :: [Coupon]

data Coupon = Coupon
    -- An ID of this coupon
    couponId :: CouponId
    -- Information about the store that provide this coupon
  , couponStore :: Store
    -- An image for illustration purposes of the coupon
    -- If the image does not present, this returns default image
  , couponImage :: Image
    -- A title of this coupon
  , couponTitle :: Maybe Text
    -- The coupon can be used from this date
    -- Also, the coupon cannot be seen by end-user before this date
  , couponValidFrom :: Maybe UTCDate
    -- Expire date of this coupon
    -- After this date, the coupon does not appear in kucipong search result
    -- The store can reject the coupon, if an end-user show this coupon after the expire date
  , couponExpire :: Maybe UTCDate
    -- Coupon type
  , couponType :: CouponType

    -- ======== For `couponType` is `CouponDiscount` ========
    -- Percentage style discount rate about total fee
    -- i.e., (Actual fee) = (Total fee) * (100 - discountRate) `div` 100
  , discountRate :: Maybe PercentInt
    -- Minimum total fee to use this coupon
  , discountMinimumFee :: Maybe Int
    -- Other conditions to use this coupon
  , discountOtherConditions :: Maybe Text

    -- ======== For `couponType` is `CouponGift` ========
    -- Description about the gift
  , giftContent :: Maybe Text
    -- Reference price of the gift
  , giftReferencePrice :: Maybe Int
    -- Minimum total fee to use this coupon
  , giftMinimumFee :: Maybe Int
    -- Other conditions to use this coupon
  , giftOtherConditions :: Maybe Text

    -- ======== For `couponType` is `CouponSet` ========
    -- Description about the  set
  , setContent :: Maybe Text
    -- The  price of the set
  , setPrice :: Maybe Int
    -- Reference price of the  set
    -- i.e., The total fee to buy the same items without this coupon
  , setReferencePrice :: Maybe Int
    -- Other conditions to use this coupon
  , setOtherConditions :: Maybe Text

    -- ======== For `couponType` is `CouponOther` ========
    -- Desctiption about this coupon
  , otherContent :: Maybe Text
    -- Conditions to use this coupon
  , otherConditions :: Maybe Text

data Store = Store
    -- An ID of this store
    storeId :: StoreId
    -- Store name
  , storeName :: Maybe Text
    -- Store category
  , storeCategory :: Maybe Category
    -- Tags symbolizing the store
  , storeTags :: [Tag]
    -- Main image illustrating the store
  , storeImage :: Maybe Image
    -- Store description to show end-users
  , storeDescription :: Maybe Text
    -- Store address
  , storeAddress :: Maybe Text
    -- Latitude / Longitude calculated from 'storeAddress'
  , storeAddress :: Maybe Area
    -- Phone number end-users can contact store staffs
  , storePhoneNumber :: Maybe Text
    -- What time is the store open?
  , storeHours :: Maybe Text
    -- What day is it the store closed?
  , storeCloseOn :: Maybe Text
    -- Official URL of the store
  , storeURL :: Maybe URL

data CouponType =
    -- A coupon to discount total amount of fee
    -- A coupon to get free gifts if buy something
  | CouponGift
    -- A coupon to buy special set with special price
  | CouponSet
    -- A coupon of other format
  | CouponOther

-- ==============
--  Helper Types
-- ==============

newtype Image = Image { unImage :: Text }
newtype PercentInt = PercentInt { unPercentInt :: Int }

GET coupon detail

GET detail information of a coupon in server side rendered HTML format.

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI. I suggest the back-end Haskell program should read independent template file (e.g, /static/coupon.html) when compilation, which makes more maintainability for us.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/coupon/${coupon_id}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="coupon">
      <div class="card">
        <div class="card_header">
          <h2 class="card_header_text">七輪焼肉・安安</h2>
          <div class="card_header_icon"><span class="icon-like" data-coupon-id="3"></span></div>
        <div class="card_image">
          <img src="" alt="七輪焼き肉・安安">
        <div class="card_body">
          <div class="card_body_title">
            当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円
          <div class="card_body_summary">
            <span class="card_body_summary-sub">10% OFF</span>
            <span class="card_body_summary-main">3600円</span>
          <div class="card_body_expiration">
            <span class="card_body_expiration-title">有効期限</span>
            <span class="card_body_expiration-body">2016年4月15日から 2016年4月30日まで</span>
      <div class="annotation">※ この画面を店舗でご提示ください</div>
      <div class="location">
        <div class="location_map" data-latitude="41.40243" data-longitude="2.17551"></div>
      <div class="aboutStore">
        <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/store/52">七輪焼き肉・安安</a>
      <div class="moreContents">
        <p>2.5時間飲放題付きの料理4品です。1. 前菜 2. 焼き肉盛り合わせ 3. 冷麺 4. アイスクリーム"</p>
        <p>※ 1グループ1回のご利用時の利用枚数制限はありません。※ 21時以降のご予約のお客様が対象です。</p>

Request Parameter and its type

couponId :: CouponId

Response template

This code is for explanation of the API response, so this is NOT the same HTML as production code.

  • Model

coupon :: Coupon -- Data representing the coupon of given ID ```

  • Pseudo template file

<title>#{couponTitle coupon}</title>

#{storeName (couponStore coupon)}

#{storeName (couponStore coupon)}
#{couponTitle coupon}
      <div class="card_body_summary">
        #{{ if (couponType == CouponDiscount) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-sub">#{discountMinimumFee coupon}円以上のお買い上げで</span>
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{discountRate coupon}% OFF</span>

        #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponGift) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-sub">#{giftMinimumFee coupon}円以上のお買い上げで</span>
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{maybe "非売品" ((<> "円相当の品") . tshow) (giftReferencePrice coupon)} をプレゼント</span>

        #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponSet) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-sub">#{100 - (setPrice coupon * 100 `div` setReferencePrice coupon)}% OFF</span>
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{setPrice coupon}円</span>

        #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponOther) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{otherContent coupon}</span>

        #{{ endif }}

      <div class="card_body_expiration">
        <span class="card_body_expiration-title">有効期限</span>
        <span class="card_body_expiration-body">#{formatDateJa (couponValidFrom coupon)}から #{formatDateJa (couponExpire coupon)}まで</span>
  <div class="annotation">※ この画面を店舗でご提示ください</div>
  <div class="location">
    <div class="location_map" data-latitude="#{(latitude . storeArea . couponStore) coupon}" data-longitude="#{(longitude . storeArea . couponStore) coupon"></div>
  <div class="aboutStore">
    <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/store/#{storeId (couponStore coupon)}">#{storeName (couponStore coupon)}</a>
  <div class="moreContents">

    #{{ if (couponType == CouponDiscount) then }}
    <p>#{discountMinimumFee coupon}円以上のお買い上げのお客様が対象です。</p>
    <p>#{discountOtherConditions coupon}</p>

    #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponGift) then }}
    <p>#{giftMinimumFee coupon}円以上のお買い上げのお客様を対象に #{giftContent coupon} をプレゼントいたします。</p>
    <p>#{giftOtherConditions coupon}</p>

    #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponSet) then }}
    <p>クーポン限定セット #{setContent coupon} をお買い上げいただけます。</p>
    <p>#{setOtherConditions coupon}</p>

    #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponOther) then }}
    <p>#{otherContent coupon}</p>
    <p>#{otherConditions coupon}</p>
    #{{ endif }}


GET store detail

GET detail information of a store in server side rendered HTML format.

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/store/${store_id}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <header class="storeHeader">
      <div class="storeHeader_image_wrapper">
        <img src="" alt="七輪焼肉・安安">
        <span class="storeHeader_annotation">画像は一例です</span>
      <h2 class="storeHeader_title">七輪焼肉・安安</h2>
    <div class="storeBody">
      <div class="storeBody_description">
      <div class="storeBody_viewCoupon">
        <a class="btn defaultBtn" href="http://$domain/coupon/3">クーポンを見る</a>
      <div class="storeBody_info card">
        <div class="storeBody_info_title">店舗情報</div>
        <div class="storeBody_info_body card_body">
          <div class="card_row">
            <div class="card_row_header">
            <div class="card_row_body">
              渋谷区桜丘町2-12 渋谷亀八ビル4F
          <div class="card_row">
            <div class="card_row_header">
            <div class="card_row_body">
          <div class="card_row">
            <div class="card_row_header">
            <div class="card_row_body">
              月〜木 17:00〜翌4:30\n金土日祝・祝前 16:00〜翌4:30
          <div class="card_row">
            <div class="card_row_header">
            <div class="card_row_body">
          <div class="card_row">
            <a class="btn outerBtn" href="">オフィシャルサイト</a>

Request Parameter and its type

storeId :: StoreId

Response template

This code is for explanation of the API response, so this is NOT the same HTML as production code.

  • Model

store :: Store -- Data representing the store of given ID ```

  • Pseudo template file

<title>#{storeName store}</title>
#{storeName store} 画像は一例です

#{storeName store}

#{{ withParagraphTag (storeDescription store) }}
#{storeAddress store}
#{storePhoneNumber store}
#{storeHours store}
#{storeCloseOn store}

GET coupons of a store

GET detail information of a store in server side rendered HTML format.

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/store/${store_id}/coupon"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="coupon">
      <div class="card">
        <div class="card_header">
          <h2 class="card_header_text">七輪焼肉・安安</h2>
          <div class="card_header_icon"><span class="icon-like" data-coupon-id="3"></span></div>
        <div class="card_image">
          <img src="" alt="七輪焼き肉・安安">
        <div class="card_body">
          <div class="card_body_title">
            当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円
          <div class="card_body_summary">
            <span class="card_body_summary-sub">10% OFF</span>
            <span class="card_body_summary-main">3600円</span>
          <div class="card_body_expiration">
            <span class="card_body_expiration-title">有効期限</span>
            <span class="card_body_expiration-body">2016年4月15日から 2016年4月30日まで</span>
    <div class="coupon">
      <div class="card">
        <div class="card_header">
          <h2 class="card_header_text">七輪焼肉・安安</h2>
          <div class="card_header_icon"><span class="icon-like" data-coupon-id="3"></span></div>
        <div class="card_image">
          <img src="" alt="七輪焼き肉・安安">
        <div class="card_body">
          <div class="card_body_title">
            当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円
          <div class="card_body_summary">
            <span class="card_body_summary-sub">10% OFF</span>
            <span class="card_body_summary-main">3600円</span>
          <div class="card_body_expiration">
            <span class="card_body_expiration-title">有効期限</span>
            <span class="card_body_expiration-body">2016年4月15日から 2016年4月30日まで</span>
    <div class="coupon">
      <div class="card">
        <div class="card_header">
          <h2 class="card_header_text">七輪焼肉・安安</h2>
          <div class="card_header_icon"><span class="icon-like" data-coupon-id="3"></span></div>
        <div class="card_image">
          <img src="" alt="七輪焼き肉・安安">
        <div class="card_body">
          <div class="card_body_title">
            当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円
          <div class="card_body_summary">
            <span class="card_body_summary-sub">10% OFF</span>
            <span class="card_body_summary-main">3600円</span>
          <div class="card_body_expiration">
            <span class="card_body_expiration-title">有効期限</span>
            <span class="card_body_expiration-body">2016年4月15日から 2016年4月30日まで</span>

Request Parameter and its type

storeId :: StoreId

Response template

This code is for explanation of the API response, so this is NOT the same HTML as production code.

  • Model

store :: Store -- Data representing the store of given ID coupons :: [Coupon] -- Data representing coupons associated to the store of given ID ```

  • Pseudo template file

<title>#{storeName store}</title>
{{ for coupon in coupons }}
<div class="coupon">
  <div class="card">
    <div class="card_header">
      <h2 class="card_header_text">#{storeName (couponStore coupon)}</h2>
      <div class="card_header_icon"><span class="icon-like" data-coupon-id="#{couponId coupon}"></span></div>
    <div class="card_image">
      <img src="#{couponImage coupon}" alt="#{storeName (couponStore coupon)}">
    <div class="card_body">
      <div class="card_body_title">
        #{couponTitle coupon}

      <div class="card_body_summary">
        #{{ if (couponType == CouponDiscount) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-sub">#{discountMinimumFee coupon}円以上のお買い上げで</span>
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{discountRate coupon}% OFF</span>

        #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponGift) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-sub">#{giftMinimumFee coupon}円以上のお買い上げで</span>
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{maybe "非売品" ((<> "円相当の品") . tshow) (giftReferencePrice coupon)} をプレゼント</span>

        #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponSet) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-sub">#{100 - (setPrice coupon * 100 `div` setReferencePrice coupon)}% OFF</span>
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{setPrice coupon}円</span>

        #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponOther) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{otherContent coupon}</span>

        #{{ endif }}

      <div class="card_body_expiration">
        <span class="card_body_expiration-title">有効期限</span>
        <span class="card_body_expiration-body">#{formatDateJa (couponValidFrom coupon)}から #{formatDateJa (couponExpire coupon)}まで</span>
{{ endfor }}

Store user API

For the user who supply the coupon.

  • No password is required to log in
    • Always send special log in page URI to the registered email
  • No way to register store user by themselves
    • Only way to register is done by admin user
  • Authorization token is needed on any API request

GET user login page

Redirect here if user is not logged in.

Sample request and response

$ curl -X GET "http://$domain/store/login"

(Same as `./dist/storeUser_login.html`)

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

Same as ./dist/storeUser_login.html.

Request user verification

Sample request and response

Note that an email with verification URL will be sent to the email, too.

$ curl -X POST "http://$domain/store/login" \
  --data-urlencode '[email protected]'

(Redirects to http://$domain/store/login)

Request Parameter and its type

email : Email
newtype Email = Email { unEmail :: Text }

Response and its type

Sends an email to the store user with a login token they can use to login. Redirects to http://$domain/store/login.

User verification

Sample request and response

This URI is contained in email sent by the "Request user verification" API.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/store/login/${one_time_verification_key}"

(Redirect to the store home page)

Request Parameter and its type

oneTimeVerificationKey :: VerKey
newtype VerKey = VerKey { unVerKey :: Text }

Response and its type

Return nothing but some side effects are occured, if the verification code is valid. (Note that the verification code should live only one hour)

  • Redirect to the store home page
    • /store
  • Set token for authorization on HTTP header

GET my store information

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/store" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>kucipong ストア管理</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="storeMenu">
      <a class="btn defaultBtn" href="/store/edit">ストア情報編集</a>
      <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/store/coupon/create">クーポン一覧</a>
    <div class="storeBody card">
      <div class="storeBody_info_body card_body">
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
            <div class="simpleTag">焼き肉</div>
            <div class="simpleTag">広い店内</div>
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body tagsWrapper">
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
            渋谷区桜丘町2-12 渋谷亀八ビル4F
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
            <div class="location">
              <div class="location_map" data-latitude="41.40243" data-longitude="2.17551"></div>
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
            月〜木 17:00〜翌4:30\n金土日祝・祝前 16:00〜翌4:30
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
        <div class="card_row">
          <a class="btn outerBtn" href="">オフィシャルサイト</a>
        <div class="card_row">
          <img src="" alt="七輪焼き肉・安安">

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

This code is for explanation of the API response, so this is NOT the same HTML as production code.

  • Model

store :: Store -- Data representing the store logging in ```

  • Pseudo template file

<title>kucipong ストア管理</title>
#{storeName store}
#{showStoreCategoryJa (storeAddress store)}
#{{ for tag in storeTags store }}
#{showStoreTagJa tag}
#{{ endfor }}
#{storeDescription store}
#{storeAddress store}
#{storePhoneNumber store}
#{storeHours store}
#{storeCloseOn store}

GET my store edit page

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/store/edit" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>kucipong ストア管理</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="storeBody card">
      <form class="storeBody_info_body card_body" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="storeName" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeName" name="storeName" type="text" class="card_input"
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="storeCategory" class="card_row_header">
          <select id="storeCategory" name="storeCategory" class="card_input" value="0">
            <option value="0">グルメ</option>
            <option value="1">ファッション</option>
            <option value="2">ガジェット</option>
            <option value="3">旅行</option>
            <option value="4">美容</option>
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
            <div class="checkboxWrapper">
              <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="storeTags0" id="storeTags0" checked>
              <label for="storeTags0" class="checkboxLabel">
            <div class="checkboxWrapper">
              <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="storeTags1" id="storeTags1" checked>
              <label for="storeTags1" class="checkboxLabel">
            <div class="checkboxWrapper">
              <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="storeTags2" id="storeTags2" checked>
              <label for="storeTags2" class="checkboxLabel">
            <div class="checkboxWrapper">
              <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="storeTags3" id="storeTags3">
              <label for="storeTags3" class="checkboxLabel">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="storeDescription" class="card_row_header">
          <textarea id="storeDescription" name="storeDescription" type="text" class="card_input">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="storeAddress" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeAddress" name="storeAddress" type="text" class="card_input"
            value="渋谷区桜丘町2-12 渋谷亀八ビル4F">
        <div class="card_row">
          <div class="card_row_header">
          <div class="card_row_body">
            <div class="location">
              <div class="location_map" data-latitude="41.40243" data-longitude="2.17551">
                <input type="hidden" name="latitude" value="41.40243">
                <input type="hidden" name="latitude" value="2.17551">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="storePhoneNumber" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storePhoneNumber" name="storePhoneNumber" type="text" class="card_input"
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="storeHours" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeHours" name="storeHours" type="text" class="card_input"
            value="月〜木 17:00〜翌4:30\n金土日祝・祝前 16:00〜翌4:30">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="storeCloseOn" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeCloseOn" name="storeCloseOn" type="text" class="card_input"
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="storeURL" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeURL" name="storeURL" type="text" class="card_input"
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="storeImage" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeImage" name="storeImage" type="file" class="card_input">
        <div class="card_row submit_row">
          <button type="submit" class="btn outerBtn">この内容で店舗情報を更新する</button>

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

This code is for explanation of the API response, so this is NOT the same HTML as production code.

  • Model

store :: Store -- Data representing the store logging in ```

  • Pseudo template file

<title>kucipong ストア管理</title>
カテゴリ #{{ for category in storeCategoryList }} #{showStoreCategoryJa category} #{{ endfor }}
#{{ for tag in storeTagList }}
#{showStoreTagJa tag}
#{{ endfor }}
店舗の説明 <textarea id="storeDescription" name="salesPoint" type="text" class="card_input"> #{storeDescription store} </textarea>

Edit my store information

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -X POST "http://$domain/store/edit" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}" \
  -F "name=七輪焼き肉・安安" \
  -F "businessCategory=0" \
  -F "latitude=41.40243" \
  -F "longitude=2.17551" \
  -F "tags0=on" \
  -F "tags1=on" \
  -F "tags3=on" \
  -F "salesPoint=七輪焼き肉・安安は、美味しい焼肉を..." \
  -F "image=" \
  -F "address=渋谷区桜丘町2-12 渋谷亀八ビル4F" \
  -F "phoneNumber=03-3464-0722" \
  -F "businessHours=月〜木 17:00〜翌4:30\n金土日祝・祝前 16:00〜翌4:30" \
  -F "regularHoliday=元旦のみ" \
  -F "url="

(Same response as "GET my store information")

Request Parameter and its type

Basically same as the Store type except following points.

  • storeArea is given by independent properties "storeLatitude" and "storeLongitude"
  • you can check whether a n-th tag is an element of the storeTags list by checking the property "storeTags#{n}" is "on" or null

Response and its type

Same as the response of "GET my shop information" API, except that the requested parameters are set as the store data.

GET my store coupons

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/store/coupon" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>kucipong クーポン管理</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="storeMenu">
      <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/store/coupon/create">クーポン追加</a>
      <a class="btn defaultBtn" href="/store">ストア情報</a>
    <div class="coupon">
      <div class="card">
        <div class="card_header">
          <h2 class="card_header_text">七輪焼肉・安安</h2>
          <div class="card_header_icon"><a class="icon-edit" href="/store/coupon/3/edit"></a></div>
        <div class="card_image">
          <img src="" alt="七輪焼き肉・安安">
        <div class="card_body">
          <div class="card_body_title">
            当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円
          <div class="card_body_summary">
            <span class="card_body_summary-sub">10% OFF</span>
            <span class="card_body_summary-main">3600円</span>
      <div class="card">
        <div class="card_header">
          <h2 class="card_header_text">七輪焼肉・安安</h2>
          <div class="card_header_icon"><a class="icon-edit" href="/store/coupon/3/edit"></a></div>
        <div class="card_image">
          <img src="" alt="七輪焼き肉・安安">
        <div class="card_body">
          <div class="card_body_title">
            当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円
          <div class="card_body_summary">
            <span class="card_body_summary-sub">10% OFF</span>
            <span class="card_body_summary-main">3600円</span>

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

This code is for explanation of the API response, so this is NOT the same HTML as production code.

  • Model

store :: Store -- Data representing the store logging in coupons :: [Coupon] -- All coupons that store has ```

  • Pseudo template file

<title>kucipong クーポン管理</title>
#{{ for coupon in coupons }}

#{storeName (couponStore coupon)}

#{storeName (couponStore coupon)}
#{couponTitle coupon}
      <div class="card_body_summary">
        #{{ if (couponType == CouponDiscount) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-sub">#{discountMinimumFee coupon}円以上のお買い上げで</span>
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{discountRate coupon}% OFF</span>

        #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponGift) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-sub">#{giftMinimumFee coupon}円以上のお買い上げで</span>
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{maybe "非売品" ((<> "円相当の品") . tshow) (giftReferencePrice coupon)} をプレゼント</span>

        #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponSet) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-sub">#{100 - (setPrice coupon * 100 `div` setReferencePrice coupon)}% OFF</span>
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{setPrice coupon}円</span>

        #{{ elseif (couponType == CouponOther) then }}
        <span class="card_body_summary-main">#{otherContent coupon}</span>

        #{{ endif }}
  #{{ endfor }}

GET my store coupon detail

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/store/coupon/${coupon_id}" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}"

# Same as coupon detail page for end-user except that this page has some links for store user.

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

Same as one for end-user.

GET my coupon create page

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/store/coupon/create" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>kucipong クーポン追加</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="storeMenu">
      <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/store/coupon">クーポン一覧</a>
      <a class="btn defaultBtn" href="/store">ストア情報</a>

    <div class="storeBody card">
      <form class="storeBody_info_body card_body" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponTitle" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="couponTitle" name="couponTitle" type="text" class="card_input"
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponImage" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="couponImage" name="couponImage" type="file" accept="image/*" class="card_input">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponValidFrom" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="couponValidFrom" name="couponValidFrom" type="date" class="card_input">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponExpire" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="couponExpire" name="couponExpire" type="date" class="card_input">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponType" class="card_row_header">
          <select id="couponType" name="couponType" class="card_input" value="0">
            <option value="0">購入額から割引</option>
            <option value="1">購入者プレゼント</option>
            <option value="2">特別セット</option>
            <option value="3">その他クーポン</option>
        <div class="js-couponDiscount">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="discountRate" class="card_row_header">
              割引率 (ご購入総額からxx% OFF)
            <input id="discountRate" name="discountRate" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="discountMinimumFee" class="card_row_header">
              最低購入額 (xx円以上お買い上げのお客様のみ割引)
            <input id="discountMinimumFee" name="discountMinimumFee" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="discountOtherConditions" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="discountOtherConditions" name="discountOtherConditions" type="text" class="card_input">
        <div class="js-couponGift">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="giftContent" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="giftContent" name="giftContent" type="text" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="giftReferencePrice" class="card_row_header">
              プレゼント参考価格 (非売品の場合は記入しないでください)
            <input id="giftReferencePrice" name="giftReferencePrice" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="giftMinimumFee" class="card_row_header">
              最低購入額 (xx円以上お買い上げのお客様にプレゼント)
            <input id="giftMinimumFee" name="giftMinimumFee" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="giftOtherConditions" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="giftOtherConditions" name="giftOtherConditions" type="text" class="card_input">
        <div class="js-couponSet">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="setContent" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="setContent" name="setContent" type="text" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="setPrice" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="setPrice" name="setPrice" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="setReferencePrice" class="card_row_header">
              セット参考価格 (非売品の場合は記入しないでください)
            <input id="setReferencePrice" name="setReferencePrice" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="setOtherConditions" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="setOtherConditions" name="setOtherConditions" type="text" class="card_input">
        <div class="js-couponOther">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="otherContent" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="otherContent" name="otherContent" type="text" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="otherConditions" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="otherConditions" name="otherConditions" type="text" class="card_input">
        <div class="card_row submit_row">
          <button type="submit" class="btn outerBtn">この内容でクーポンを作成</button>

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

See the sample response.

POST my new coupon

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -X POST "http://$domain/store/coupon" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}" \
  -F "title=当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円" \
  -F "couponType=set" \
  -F "validFrom=2016-04-15" \
  -F "validUntil=2016-04-30" \
  # -F "image=@/path/to/image" \  ## This will be sent as multipart file \
  -F "discountPercent=null" \
  -F "discountMinimumPrice=null" \
  -F "discountOtherConditions=null" \
  -F "giftContent=null" \
  -F "giftReferencePrice=null" \
  -F "giftMinimumPrice=null" \
  -F "giftOtherConditions=null" \
  -F "setDescription=2.5時間飲放題付きの料理4品です。 1. 前菜 2. 焼き肉盛り合わせ 3. 冷麺 4. アイスクリーム" \
  -F "setPrice=3600" \
  -F "setReferencePrice=4000" \
  -F "setOtherConditions=※ 1グループ1回のご利用時の利用枚数制限はありません。※ 21時以降のご予約のお客様が対象です。" \
  -F "otherContent=null" \
  -F "otherConditions=null"

(Same response as "GET my store coupons")

Request Parameter and its type

Basically it's same as Coupon data type except that it doesn't have couponStore field.

Response and its type

Same as the response of "GET my store coupons".

GET my coupon edit page

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/store/coupon/${coupon_id}/edit" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>kucipong クーポン編集</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="storeMenu">
      <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/store/coupon">クーポン一覧</a>
      <a class="btn defaultBtn" href="/store">ストア情報</a>

    <div class="storeBody card">
      <form class="storeBody_info_body card_body" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponTitle" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="couponTitle" name="couponTitle" type="text" class="card_input"
            value="当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponImage" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="couponImage" name="couponImage" type="file" accept="image/*" class="card_input">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponValidFrom" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="couponValidFrom" name="couponValidFrom" type="date" class="card_input" value="2016-04-15">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponExpire" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="couponExpire" name="couponExpire" type="date" class="card_input" value="2016-04-30">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponType" class="card_row_header">
          <select id="couponType" name="couponType" class="card_input" value="2">
            <option value="0">購入額から割引</option>
            <option value="1">購入者プレゼント</option>
            <option value="2">特別セット</option>
            <option value="3">その他クーポン</option>
        <div class="js-couponDiscount">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="discountRate" class="card_row_header">
              割引率 (ご購入総額からxx% OFF)
            <input id="discountRate" name="discountRate" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="discountMinimumFee" class="card_row_header">
              最低購入額 (xx円以上お買い上げのお客様のみ割引)
            <input id="discountMinimumFee" name="discountMinimumFee" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="discountOtherConditions" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="discountOtherConditions" name="discountOtherConditions" type="text" class="card_input">
        <div class="js-couponGift">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="giftContent" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="giftContent" name="giftContent" type="text" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="giftReferencePrice" class="card_row_header">
              プレゼント参考価格 (非売品の場合は記入しないでください)
            <input id="giftReferencePrice" name="giftReferencePrice" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="giftMinimumFee" class="card_row_header">
              最低購入額 (xx円以上お買い上げのお客様にプレゼント)
            <input id="giftMinimumFee" name="giftMinimumFee" type="number" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="giftOtherConditions" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="giftOtherConditions" name="giftOtherConditions" type="text" class="card_input">
        <div class="js-couponSet">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="setContent" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="setContent" name="setContent" type="text" class="card_input" value="2.5時間飲放題付きの料理4品です。1. 前菜 2. 焼き肉盛り合わせ 3. 冷麺 4. アイスクリーム">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="setPrice" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="setPrice" name="setPrice" type="number" class="card_input" value="3600">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="setReferencePrice" class="card_row_header">
              セット参考価格 (非売品の場合は記入しないでください)
            <input id="setReferencePrice" name="setReferencePrice" type="number" class="card_input" value="4000">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="setOtherConditions" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="setOtherConditions" name="setOtherConditions" type="text" class="card_input" value="※ 1グループ1回のご利用時の利用枚数制限はありません。\n※ 21時以降のご予約のお客様が対象です。">
        <div class="js-couponOther">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="otherContent" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="otherContent" name="otherContent" type="text" class="card_input">
          <div class="card_row">
            <label for="otherConditions" class="card_row_header">
            <input id="otherConditions" name="otherConditions" type="text" class="card_input">
        <div class="card_row submit_row">
          <button type="submit" class="btn outerBtn">この内容でクーポンを更新</button>

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

This code is for explanation of the API response, so this is NOT the same HTML as production code.

  • Model

coupon :: Coupon -- The coupon to edit ```

  • Pseudo template file

<title>kucipong クーポン編集</title>
<div class="storeBody card">
  <form class="storeBody_info_body card_body" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
    <div class="card_row">
      <label for="couponTitle" class="card_row_header">
      <input id="couponTitle" name="couponTitle" type="text" class="card_input"
        value="#{couponTitle coupon}">
    <div class="card_row">
      <label for="couponImage" class="card_row_header">
      <input id="couponImage" name="couponImage" type="file" accept="image/*" class="card_input">
    <div class="card_row">
      <label for="couponValidFrom" class="card_row_header">
      <input id="couponValidFrom" name="couponValidFrom" type="date" class="card_input" value="#{couponValidFrom coupon}">
    <div class="card_row">
      <label for="couponExpire" class="card_row_header">
      <input id="couponExpire" name="couponExpire" type="date" class="card_input" value="#{couponExpire couponType}">
    <div class="card_row">
      <label for="couponType" class="card_row_header">
      <select id="couponType" name="couponType" class="card_input" value="#{couponType coupon}">
        {{ for ctype in couponTypeList }}
        <option value="#{ctype}">#{showCouponTypeJa ctype}</option>
        {{ endfor }}
    <div class="js-couponDiscount">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="discountRate" class="card_row_header">
          割引率 (ご購入総額からxx% OFF)
        <input id="discountRate" name="discountRate" type="number" class="card_input" value="{discountRate coupon}">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="discountMinimumFee" class="card_row_header">
          最低購入額 (xx円以上お買い上げのお客様のみ割引)
        <input id="discountMinimumFee" name="discountMinimumFee" type="number" class="card_input" value="#{discountMinimumFee coupon}">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="discountOtherConditions" class="card_row_header">
        <input id="discountOtherConditions" name="discountOtherConditions" type="text" class="card_input" value="#{discountOtherConditions coupon}">
    <div class="js-couponGift">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="giftContent" class="card_row_header">
        <input id="giftContent" name="giftContent" type="text" class="card_input" value="#{giftContent coupon}">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="giftReferencePrice" class="card_row_header">
          プレゼント参考価格 (非売品の場合は記入しないでください)
        <input id="giftReferencePrice" name="giftReferencePrice" type="number" class="card_input" value="#{giftReferencePrice coupon}">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="giftMinimumFee" class="card_row_header">
          最低購入額 (xx円以上お買い上げのお客様にプレゼント)
        <input id="giftMinimumFee" name="giftMinimumFee" type="number" class="card_input" value="#{giftMinimumFee coupon}">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="giftOtherConditions" class="card_row_header">
        <input id="giftOtherConditions" name="giftOtherConditions" type="text" class="card_input" value="#{giftOtherConditions coupon}">
    <div class="js-couponSet">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="setContent" class="card_row_header">
        <input id="setContent" name="setContent" type="text" class="card_input" value="#{setContent coupon}">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="setPrice" class="card_row_header">
        <input id="setPrice" name="setPrice" type="number" class="card_input" value="#{setPrice coupon}">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="setReferencePrice" class="card_row_header">
          セット参考価格 (非売品の場合は記入しないでください)
        <input id="setReferencePrice" name="setReferencePrice" type="number" class="card_input" value="#{setReferencePrice coupon}">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="setOtherConditions" class="card_row_header">
        <input id="setOtherConditions" name="setOtherConditions" type="text" class="card_input" value="#{setOtherConditions coupon}">
    <div class="js-couponOther">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="otherContent" class="card_row_header">
        <input id="otherContent" name="otherContent" type="text" class="card_input" value="#{otherContent coupon}">
      <div class="card_row">
        <label for="otherConditions" class="card_row_header">
        <input id="otherConditions" name="otherConditions" type="text" class="card_input" value="#{otherConditions coupon}">
    <div class="card_row submit_row">
      <button type="submit" class="btn outerBtn">この内容でクーポンを更新</button>

POST Edit my coupon

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI and search engine also crawl this page, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -X POST "http://$domain/store/coupon/${coupon_id}/edit" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}" \
  -F "title=当日OK! 21時以降のご予約で2.5H飲放題付き料理4品で3,600円" \
  -F "image=@/path/to/image" \
  -F "validFrom=2016-04-15" \
  -F "expire=2016-04-30" \
  -F "couponType=2" \
  -F "discountRate=null" \
  -F "discountMinimumFee=null" \
  -F "discountOtherConditions=null" \
  -F "giftContent=null" \
  -F "giftReferencePrice=null" \
  -F "giftMinimumFee=null" \
  -F "giftOtherConditions=null" \
  -F "setContent=2.5時間飲放題付きの料理4品です。 1. 前菜 2. 焼き肉盛り合わせ 3. 冷麺 4. アイスクリーム" \
  -F "setPrice=3600" \
  -F "setReferencePrice=4000" \
  -F "setOtherConditions=※ 1グループ1回のご利用時の利用枚数制限はありません。※ 21時以降のご予約のお客様が対象です。" \
  -F "otherContent=null" \
  -F "otherConditions=null"

(Same response as "GET my store coupons")

Request Parameter and its type

Basically it's same as Coupon data type except that it doesn't have couponStore field.

Response and its type

Same as the response of "GET my store coupons".

Admin user API

For kucipong staffs.

  • No password is required to log in
    • Always send special log in page URI to the registered email
  • Authorization token is needed on any API request

GET user login page

Redirect here if user is not logged in.

Sample request and response

$ curl -X GET "http://$domain/admin/login"

(Same as `./dist/adminUser_login.html`)

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

Same as ./dist/adminUser_login.html.

Request user verification / user verification

Same as store user.

GET store user create page

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/admin/store/create" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>kucipong 店舗ユーザ追加</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="adminMenu">
      <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/admin/store/delete">ストアユーザ削除</a>
      <a class="btn defaultBtn" href="/ddmin/store/login">ストアユーザとしてログインする</a>

    <div class="adminBody card">
      <form class="adminBody_info_body card_body" method="POST">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponTitle" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeEmail" name="storeEmail" type="text" class="card_input"
        <div class="card_row submit_row">
          <button type="submit" class="btn outerBtn">この内容で店舗ユーザを作成</button>

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

See the sample response.

Create store user

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -X POST "http://$domain/store/coupon/create" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}" \
  -d "[email protected]"

(Same response as "GET store user create page")

Request Parameter and its type

storeEmail :: Email

Response and its type

Same as the response of "GET store user create page"

GET store user delete page

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/admin/store/delete" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>kucipong 店舗ユーザ削除</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="adminMenu">
      <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/admin/store/create">ストアユーザ作成</a>
      <a class="btn defaultBtn" href="/ddmin/store/login">ストアユーザとしてログインする</a>

    <div class="adminBody card">
      <form class="adminBody_info_body card_body" method="POST" action="/admin/store/delete/confirm">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponTitle" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeEmail" name="storeEmail" type="text" class="card_input"
        <div class="card_row submit_row">
          <button type="submit" class="btn outerBtn">削除する店舗ユーザの確認</button>

Request Parameter and its type


Response and its type

See the sample response.

POST store user delete confirm page

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -G "http://$domain/admin/store/delete/confirm" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}" \
  --data-urlencode "[email protected]"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>kucipong 店舗ユーザ削除</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="adminMenu">
      <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/admin/store/create">ストアユーザ作成</a>
      <a class="btn defaultBtn" href="/ddmin/store/login">ストアユーザとしてログインする</a>

    <div class="adminBody card">
      <form class="adminBody_info_body card_body" method="POST" action="/admin/store/delete">
        <div class="card_row">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponTitle" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeName" name="storeName" type="text" class="card_input"
        <div class="card_row submit_row">
          <input type="hidden" name="storeId" value="3">
          <button type="submit" class="btn outerBtn">この店舗ユーザを削除</button>

Request Parameter and its type

storeEmail :: Email

Response and its type

This code is for explanation of the API response, so this is NOT the same HTML as production code.

  • Model

store :: Coupon -- The coupon to edit ```

  • Pseudo template file

<title>kucipong 店舗ユーザ削除</title>
<div class="adminBody card">
  <form class="adminBody_info_body card_body" method="POST" action="/admin/store/delete/confirm">
    <div class="card_row">
      「#{storeName store}」を削除しますか?
    <div class="card_row">
      <label for="couponTitle" class="card_row_header">
        確認のため「#{storeName store}」と入力してください
      <input id="storeName" name="storeName" type="text" class="card_input"
    <div class="card_row submit_row">
      <input type="hidden" name="storeId" value="#{storeId store}">
      <button type="submit" class="btn outerBtn">この店舗ユーザを削除</button>

Delete store user

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -X POST "http://$domain/admin/store/delete" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}" \
  --data-urlencode "storeName=七輪焼き肉・安安" \
  --data-urlencode "[email protected]"

(Same response as "GET store user create page")

Request Parameter and its type

storeName :: Text
storeEmail :: Email

Delete user only if the store name of the store id equals storeName.

Response and its type

Same as the response of "GET store user create page"

Get page to log in as a store user

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -X GET "http://$domain/admin/store/login" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <title>kucipong 店舗ユーザとしてログイン</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/main.css">
    <div class="adminMenu">
      <a class="btn outerBtn" href="/admin/store/create">店舗ユーザ作成</a>
      <a class="btn defaultBtn" href="/admin/store/delete">店舗ユーザ削除</a>

    <div class="adminBody card">
      <form class="adminBody_info_body card_body" method="POST">
        <div class="card_row">
          <label for="couponTitle" class="card_row_header">
          <input id="storeEmail" name="storeEmail" type="text" class="card_input"
        <div class="card_row submit_row">
          <button type="submit" class="btn outerBtn">この店舗ユーザとしてログイン</button>

Request Parameter and its type

Response and its type

Same as the sample response.

Log in as a store user

Sample request and response

This response is a sample simple HTML for convenience. Some user may bookmark or share this URI, so do not include version number in the URI.

$ curl -X POST "http://$domain/admin/store/login" \
  -H "AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}" \
  -d "[email protected]"

(Same response as "GET store user create page")
(It's better to show any message to tell the user was sent email to log in on the response html.)

Request Parameter and its type


Side effects

Send an email to log in as the store user specified with storeEmail parameter.

Response and its type

Same as the sample response.