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@github-actions github-actions released this 09 Feb 16:36
· 0 commits to 5e8795689632571d9c702e4cd99921a31f7bc534 since this release

[0.0.1] - 2021-02-09

Initial public preview release. Please visit our documentation page for information on usage.


You can install Rover by running

Linux and MacOS

curl -sSL | VERSION=v0.0.1-rc.7 sh


iwr '' | iex

Alternatively, you can download the binary for your operating system and manually adding its location to your PATH.


If you're updating from a 0.0.1-rc.7, here are the things that changed:


You can now run a rover config whoami to get more information about about the current Rover profile you are using:

✿ rover config whoami
  INFO Checking identity of your API key against the registry...
  INFO Key Info:
- Name: Nori
- ID: ChowderOfCats-m30w
- Key Type: GRAPH

check options

rover graph check and rover subgraph check now accept several validation options, including --query-count-threshold, --query-percentage-threshold, and --validation-period:

rover-graph-check 0.0.1
Check for breaking changes in a local graph schema against a graph schema in the Apollo graph registry

    rover graph check [OPTIONS] <GRAPH_REF> --schema <schema>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -l, --log <log-level>
             [default: debug]  [possible values: error, warn, info, debug,
        --profile <profile-name>
            Name of configuration profile to use [default: default]

        --query-count-threshold <query-count-threshold>
            The minimum number of times a query or mutation must have been executed in order to be considered in the
            check operation
        --query-percentage-threshold <query-percentage-threshold>
            Minimum percentage of times a query or mutation must have been executed in the time window, relative to
            total request count, for it to be considered in the check. Valid numbers are in the range 0 <= x <= 100
    -s, --schema <schema>
            The schema file to push Can pass `-` to use stdin instead of a file

        --validation-period <validation-period>
            Size of the time window with which to validate schema against (i.e "24h" or "1w 2d 5h")

    <GRAPH_REF>    <NAME>@<VARIANT> of graph in Apollo Studio to validate. @<VARIANT> may be left off, defaulting to


  • Add rover info command to print user OS information for debugging #235
  • Add configurability to check commands #225
  • Add human readable time to --validation-period args for check options #253
  • Add Code of Conduct,, Changelog #249, #248
  • Add rover config whoami command #252


  • Public documentation for initial public release #240
  • Updates to README #243


  • Hide API key from debug logs #244


  • Added issue templates #234
  • all Rover utils now live in utils dir #229
  • sputnik to redirect from instead of .com for telemetry #241

SHA256 of release binaries for validation:

  • Linux: f880c8a25dcb2a3902b3cc7d01a3af5a2fa6de62a1fbb9f0c88c1bceb3b0f365
  • Windows: 42937a793100c7c87a8256b199f8f6a87e4d33c715e6b886af7f2b76f31632ac
  • MacOS: db70c1f4a1334970e6b294faec9253b2ba5bca9947c9bf9dc1eeb4dc7924360c