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Carousel strange transition [bootstrap 3] #1350

djordje opened this issue Dec 4, 2013 · 42 comments

Carousel strange transition [bootstrap 3] #1350

djordje opened this issue Dec 4, 2013 · 42 comments


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djordje commented Dec 4, 2013

I've made video that show behaviour (angular 1.2.3).

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@djordje what is the version of this library that you are using? Please note that BS3 support is only available in the development branch (bootstrap3).

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djordje commented Dec 5, 2013

Latest bootstrap3 branch - d7c69d4

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sudhakar commented Dec 9, 2013

Yep. I can confirm this behaviour. It happens only when ngAnimate module is loaded. Tested with angular 1.2.3 & bootstrap3 d7c69d4.

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I can confirm that its about ngAnimate. (bs3, angular 1.2.0)

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djordje commented Dec 11, 2013

I found work around:

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@djordje ty very much it realy saves so much of my time.

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First to create a directive as following :

app.directive('disableAnimation', function($animate){
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function($scope, $element, $attrs){
            $attrs.$observe('disableAnimation', function(value){
                $animate.enabled(!value, $element);

Given that your app have already declared 'ngAnimate' as dependency. Then, create the following HTML code, and it should work

<carousel interval="5000" disable-animation="true">
  <slide ng-repeat="slide in slides">
    <img ng-src="{{slide.image}}" width="1000" height="300" style="margin:auto;">


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Hmm, seems like this is still a problem with the latest release of AngularJS:

@chrisirhc chrisirhc self-assigned this Feb 19, 2014
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@djordje - great workaround, thanks a lot.

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Workaround works, thanks.

But could you please fix this? It still exists in AngularJS 1.2.14.

I've modified your example code:

Thank you!

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@Aldentev That is going to be fixed on the next version.

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This still happens in 1.2.16

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leniel commented May 20, 2014

Yep... still happening in 1.2.16. 😟

Thanks @simonykq... your workaround is nice.

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duplicate issue #1273

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@simonykq 👍

I refactored simonykq's solution, because I just wanted to disable ng-animate (never explicitly enable it) to get <carousel> to work. I also made the code minification safe and "optimized" the link function by dropping the unused $attrs parameter.


app.directive 'disableNgAnimate', ['$animate', ($animate)->
  restrict: 'A'
  link: (scope, element)-> $animate.enabled false, element


app.directive('disableNgAnimate', ['$animate', function($animate) {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    link: function(scope, element) {
      $animate.enabled(false, element);


<carousel disable-ng-animate>

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I'm currently using Angular-Bootstrap v0.11.0 and Angular.js v1.2.19. I've tried disabling ngAnimate entirely and the workaround Directive that selectively disables ngAnimate, but I can't get the carousel to work. The slide classes don't update when they try to transition, so slide 1 has the following classes: item text-center ng-isolate-scope active left and slide 2 has item text-center ng-isolate-scope next left and it remains stuck there. Nothing changes. The prev() and next() buttons also do nothing.

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bang-dc commented Jul 17, 2014

@simonykq thank you!

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@whitehat101. Yes yours is better. Many thanks

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@simonykq @whitehat101 Thanks for the solution.

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@simonykq @whitehat101 Thanks your solution works simple and neat. I am a newbie and I don't understand what this is really doing inside the carousel and outside it. Could you give me a quick explanation? If this is not really the place to ask then please forgive me and ignore.

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Thanks for the solution. but is there any update on this? will be fixed soon?

@chrisirhc chrisirhc modified the milestones: 0.13, 0.12 Nov 16, 2014
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Thanks for the workaround! This is such an annoying bug feature, very hard to find.

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Hi, it doesn't work if I have a ng-show:

<carousel ng-show="promos.length > 1" disable-ng-animate>
        <slide ng-repeat="promo in promos">
            <img ng-if="!promo.containsUrl()" ng-src="{{promo.image}}" alt="{{promo.title}}" />
            <a ng-if="promo.containsUrl()" ng-href="{{promo.url}}" ng-click="bannerClick("><img ng-src="{{promo.image}}" alt="{{promo.title}}" /></a>

If I remove ng-show, the workaround works...
Any ideas to fix my scenario?

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Wrap it in an outer div. That has the ng-show on it.
On 23/12/2014 10:56 pm, "Joberto Diniz" [email protected] wrote:

Hi, it doesn't work if I have a `ng-show´:

{{promo.title}} {{promo.title}}

If I remove ng-show, the workaround works...
Any ideas to fix my scenario?

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#1350 (comment)

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Yeah.. this works. Thanks.

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I think the problem may come from the priority option in $compile service. ngShow use the default one which is 0.

Try set the priority option in disable-ng-animate directive to something which is either greater or below 0 and see if this would fix the problem

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fnagel commented Jan 9, 2015

Thanks @simonykq for the workaround!

This really needs to be fixed.

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Thank you @simonykq, that fixed the issue I was experiencing.

BTW, I'm using:

  • angularUI#0.12.0
  • angular#1.3.8
  • angular-animate#1.3.8

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Hi there,

I'm using Angular 1.3.2, Bootstrap 3.x.

On safari, the workaround doesn't fix the issue.

The carousel is loaded, I can only click once on next/prev, then nothing else happen. Something strange, the next/prev slide is shown, but the first is still on the page.

Here is my first slide, before I click next, on the left, 99 is the ID of this picture.


And here is the second slide, after I click next, on the left, you can see the ID of this picture, but still the ID of the previous one.


Here is the directive

.directive('disableNgAnimate', ['$animate',
    function ($animate) {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            link: function (scope, element) {
                $animate.enabled(false, element);

Any idea ?

Thanks a lot

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I think I'm suffering the same issue. In my case, when i press next or prev arrows sometimes I got the slide to change once, sometimes it doesn't event change. Same behavior in Chrome/Safari. It started to happen when I added ngAnimate to the project.

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bentleyo commented Mar 5, 2015

Can we add a note about this ngAnimate + ui.bootstrap incompatibility to the FAQ?
I just ran into this issue and it was a real pain to figure out. I ended up going with the fix @simonykq provided (thanks Simon!).

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@bentleyo Know that feeling. Just went through the same tough process :(

+1 for adding a line to the docs and mentioning the workaround (disabling ng-animate completely or only for the directive).

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altazar commented Mar 8, 2015

I have a similar, but different problem. When slides scroll top part of pictures disappears. This happens only in (latest) Firefox.

chrisirhc added a commit to chrisirhc/angular-ui-bootstrap that referenced this issue Mar 16, 2015
chrisirhc added a commit to chrisirhc/angular-ui-bootstrap that referenced this issue Mar 17, 2015
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@simonykq thanks!

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@simonykq thanks!!! I lost almost a day trying to resolve this!

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This can also be remedied by specifying a specific prefix when configuring your app.

angular.module('fooMod',['ngAnimate']).config(function($animateProvider) {

We had an issue with the carousel after adding another library that required ngAnimate. This library uses CSS classes that begin with anim- so we configured our animate provider with that:


This tells ngAnimate to only animate classes that begin with anim-.

See 'Preventing Collisions With Third Party Libraries' for more details.

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char0n commented May 21, 2015

The work around doesn't seem to work when you are displaying carousel in $modal.
My animate provider is configured like so:

// The modal inside the definition fixes #3647

When I remove the class name filter, arrws on carousel seems to work fine.

@simonykq solutions doesn't seem to work in this scenario. It seems absurd that ui-bootstrap which is pure angular implementation of bootstrap components, doesn't work with core angular modules.

I fall-backed using native bootstrap components that works out of the box.

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@simonykq Thanks man, save my day :)

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edrpls commented Jul 1, 2015

Hi, I've used the disableNgAnimate but in my case the carousel directive is only toggling the 'active' class, not adding/removing the others used for animation, this means the slides only toggle but do not animate.

I'm using "angular": "^1.3.0" with "angular-bootstrap": "~0.13.0".

Any ideas how to fix this?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found that I was using 1.4 and it's still not supported by angular-ui. Rolled back to 1.3.16 and everything is working again.

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thanks, it worked!

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Thanks a lot man... great job. it works.

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